25 May
25 May
3:35 p.m.
Autor: Bryce Harrington <bryce@...69...> [BH] MsgID: Pine.LNX.4.50.0405241457201.16840-100000@...70... Datum: Mon, 24 May 2004 14:58:04 -0700 (PDT)
The inkscape.pot file should be created when you do a make on the full codebase. For more info on PO files see:
Great. 10x. Only, in CVS 23-05-2004 in POTFILES.in included file src/libnrtype/nr-type-gnome.cpp that not exist. I delete it an I get inkscape.pot.
I'll finish Serbian localisation in couple days.
URKE MMI :: www.urosevic.net :: ICQ UIN 104794867
Registered Linux User #280650 [counter.li.org] :: SLACKWARE LINUX
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