On Sun, 2009-09-27 at 01:43 -0500, Michael Wybrow wrote:
I have added a 0.47pre3 SourceForge release directory and uploaded your files from Launchpad.
Cool, thanks!
Here is the page that gives instructions for working with the new SourceForge File Release System via shell access, web interface, etc: https://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/sourceforge/wiki/Release%20files%20for%20d...
Yeah, really don't get that. My web browser has a menu of it's own on right click. It doesn't send that to the webpage at all... I think that's fairly standard -- if not it should be. Then again, I don't think websites should be able to respond to arrow keys either. Apparently I'm the only one in the world who uses them for scrolling. :(
I'll end my rant now.
Thanks again, Ted