On Sat, 2010-10-02 at 09:50 +0100, Jannetta Steyn wrote:
Is there a way of more than one layer so that I can export layer 000 (the background) and another layer so that I don't have to copy the background onto each layer.
You could manipulate the SVG file between rendering, toggling the visibility states of the layers (leaving the background layer visible).
The layer name, here "000" appears as inkscape:label="000" in the file, and will be followed by style="display:none"> if the layer is hidden.
Or you export each single layer and then use another tool for compositing. Easiest might be ImageMagick:
for f in layers/*.png; do composite layers/background.png $f composited/${f##*/}; done
Assuming you have single layer exports in a folder "layers" including a "background.png", want results in "composited" and use the script from within the parent folder.
Note that I don't know anymore how I arrived at the "${f##*/}".