25 Jan
25 Jan
7:40 a.m.
davide|inkscapegallery wrote:
i have seen your new images on inkscape gallery, i will vote for the fedora certificated one :-)
Thanks for the vote... but as always, with more usage comes new feature requests... For the comments made on one of my uploads, I would expect two things (usually available on such a gallery): - the name of the commenter (the community thing, to identity your "friend" or "foe"); - an email notification about the comment, so I can go to the site and reply if needed.
nicu :: http://nicubunu.ro :: http://nicubunu.blogspot.com
Open Clip Art Library: http://www.openclipart.org
my cool Fedora wallpapers: http://fedora.nicubunu.ro/wallpapers/
my clipart collection: http://clipart.nicubunu.ro/