On 5/19/05, Lars Behrens <LarsBehrens@...26...> wrote:
Hmm, naw. I don't want to. It's like binding a certain action to ctrl+alt+backspace and telling the user to change the xserver's bindings :-)
No it's not, actually. Ctrl+Alt+Backspace is just one of about 800 possible key combinations (100 keys multiplied by 8 modifier combinations with three modifiers - Ctrl, Alt, Shift), so stealing it by the window manager reduces the pool of keys available to applications by 1/800. With mouse, however, there are only 8 ways to click with 3 modifiers, so stealing one of them leaves me with 1/8 less mouse combinations, which is much worse (plus the stolen combination is a top-level one, using only one modifier, so it can even be argued to be closer to 1/4, not 1/8). So I feel quite justified in taking it back.
It's up to you what to use, of course, but I don't think we must make our editing interface less rich or less convenient in order to accommodate a convetion used on only one of the three platforms that we support. All we can do is use Alt+mouse for as non-essential actions as possible, and this we are trying to do.
By the way, in the original mail it was you who referred to Corel using Alt+click. How did you imagine us implementing it without disabling it in the window manager? This is simply not possible.