On Fri, 2005-11-18 at 05:55 -0400, bulia byak wrote:
On 11/18/05, gri3f on <gri3fon@...12...> wrote:
we can control the next color we're going to use or insert, so we'll see a bar of our currrent gradient and we can adjust the property of the opacity, color and stop from the interface - doh sorry for my poor english.
All this is easy with Gradient tool in Inkscape. Totally easy and on-canvas for two-stop gradients, a bit more clumsy but still easy for multistop. Please be more specific in your description.
Hi Bulia & dreamteam,
Two things I'm missing in my workflow are very much related to each other. For multi-stop gradients, I'd like to be able to either DnD or use the dropper tool to pick colors for each step. And similarly being able to define offsets, preferably directly on the canvas, would be really rad. Of course this brings up my previous suggestion of dropping the on-canvas gradient controls for the node tool as things will get messy. It is really fast to change context/tools with shortcuts. Having gradient tool edit gradients and node tool paths is natural to me. Gradinets already get in my way editing shapes and with more gradient stop nodes, it sure would become hard.
And unrelated to this, I haven't managed to get accustomed to the context toolbar for the gradient tool. The fact that requires to set-up gradient properties _before_ making an action and giving little feedback may be the reason. Everything else seems to work on selections. Select an object, define its properties. Select an object, tweak shape with the node tool.
So if there's some plans on dropping the old way of dealing with gradients I'd rather not see that happen ;) Keep up the great work.