26 Jul
26 Jul
7:32 a.m.
On Saturday, 25 July 2009 23:16:15 Elwin Estle wrote:
I am just curious: When you delete an object from your .svg file, does it actually get rid of the associated XML, or just not display it any more?
There is a button to open the XML editor/viewer. Edit->XML Editor (A little window icon with <> in it) It's worth watching what happens there as you select and edit (and delete) in the design window. You can also edit the SVG from that window.
...and I am just wondering where these objects come from...
You can 'vacuum' the defs File->Vacuum Defs, this cleans a lot of gumpf (a technical term that I cannot explain without killing you first ;) ) out of the XML file.
hth, \d
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