Actually I have 4 cutters, and yes it does work with the Robomaster beautifully. I actually sell Sure Cuts Alot which allows you to cut to the Cricut machines, the ones that have the Cartridges, by purchasing that software you can cut an SVG file fomat, however, it is crude as opposed to the Robomaster, in that there are no line colors, also there is not any way in that software to do dashed lines. What I am looking for is a path, where the it is actually sliced, into real dashes, so that I can create files for that sofware, where it can score.
When I use stroke to path, and change what I see on my screen to a dashed line, However the Cricut machine still reads what SHOWS in inkscape as dashed, a continuous path, and cuts instead of scores.
When I checked the help guide, there was so mention about Slicing, which is how I will have to get around this problem. I guess I need to know how to slice a path. Can anyone help me there? I got to the point where you add nodes and then it shows a little scissors, but I do not know where that tool is, or how to use it.