On Monday 11 October 2010 11:51:37 Andreas Neustifter wrote:
On 11 October 2010 16:08, John Culleton <john@...1668...>
On Monday 11 October 2010 09:44:26 Tőkés Ábel wrote:
10/8/2010 3:46 PM keltezéssel, Christopher B. Wright írta:
I've had the same problem with Inkscape in windows. Some truetype fonts aren't detected. The explanation I was given at the time was that Inkscape is very picky about fonts and low quality fonts that don't completely conform to the font specification get ignored. That didn't explain why I could use the same fonts in Linux, though.
Christopher B. Wright
I think that this argument (low quality) can be true only for fonts that are raster-defined. I am not sure if a ttf can be raster-defined (I think it can't). But I am sure that these fonts are vectore-defined (I have checked), so they cannot be low quality.
Just a quick clarification (I hope): Christopher B. Wright wrote on Friday about poor quality fonts speaking (AFAIK) about poorly coded ttf-fonts and not about raster-fonts. Maybe thats why the discussion drifted in this direction.
I should have added that TTF fonts, particularly some (but not all) of the free fonts on various internet sites, can have poor kerning etc. and hence can be of low quality.