bulia byak wrote:
On 9/21/05, spiff <spiff@...1091...> wrote:
In a proprietary drawing package i used in a previous life, removing a single node from a path would do a "simplify" in a small sense: it would automagically change the control points of the surrounding (one or two) nodes so that the path maintained as close a fit to the original path as possible.
Exactly this idea came to me recently. Aaron, do you think you can figure out the math for this? It would be cool to have it (either as the default action on node delete, or at least as an option).
This is actually something that bothers me. If you add a node between two segments and then delete the node the path changes drasticly. I don't know if the node adding calculation can be reversed directly. Could we choose for instance 5 points along the path and feed them to a function bezier-utils.cpp?
Aaron Spike