----- Forwarded message from gijs <stoet@...654...> -----
Date: Mon, 9 May 2005 15:32:28 -0500 (CDT) From: gijs <stoet@...654...> To: inkscape-user-admin@lists.sourceforge.net Subject: inkscape to pdf
Sorry for not replying to the right thread, but this is in response to creating a nice pdf with inkscape.
First of all, it is not straightforward! Second, the other user that suggested using scribus was right that scribus imports inkscape, but in fact it the svg can look quite differently than what it looked like in inkscape.
So here is my solution:
1) Use the inkscape commandline commands to export to a png 2) Import the png in XFIG. 3) export the XFIG to PDF
For example:
inkscape $i --export-dpi=200 --export-png=all.png
Save the stuff betwen "----" as "picture.fig"
---- #FIG 3.2 Landscape Center Metric Letter 100.00 Single -2 1200 2 2 5 0 1 0 -1 50 -1 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 5 0 all.png -16 1 12567 1 12567 9701 -16 9701 -16 1 ----
Now do a:
fig2dev -Lpdf -c picture.fig > figures.pdf
Now, you can automatize the whole thing in scripts to make a pdf file of a whole slideshow.
Imagine, you have text file that contains a list of svg files, e.g.
picture1.svg picture2.svg
Now, you want to make a slideshow in pdf? Easy with a script. Make sure you have the xfig file ready, save the file as "inkscape2slideshow" or something like that and do a chmod 755 to make it executable, don't include the ----
---- #!/bin/bash
# inkscape cannot directly print gradients # a way around it is to export as png, import that # in xfig and then print
# here is a script to print all files (all) to one big ps file
A=`awk '{print $0}' list`
rm -f allfigures.ps
for i in ${A[*]} do rm -f all.png inkscape $i --export-dpi=200 --export-png=all.png #inkscape -w 1024 -h 768 $i --export-png=all.png fig2dev -Lps -c picture.fig >> allfigures.ps done
ps2pdf allfigures.ps rm -f allfigures.ps rm -f all.png ----
Save your list of svg files in 'myslides' and the do: inkscape2slideshow myslides
It will take a while, because a lot of stuff needs to be written to disk etc. You can decrease the dpi to decrease or increase quality.
Of course, your computer must have installed bash,xfig,ps2pdf. But it works quite well and this is what I use to make my lectures.
I can't wait for the day that it is simpler, and actually, I can't wait for the day inkscape has animation. Anyway, I think inkscape is a fantastic drawing program and I would like to use this opportunity to thank the developers for their hard work.
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