Alexander Roalter wrote:
In addition to such input/spinboxes, is there any chance these input boxes could learn some basic mathematics (like +,-,/ and * and parenthesis), which would be really great, as otherwise you always have to use a calculator to place e.g. objects equal distances left and right of say a vertical line.
You're asking to move whole objects, which is quite a bit different from moving single points. I think it will take some major UI creativity to put such a feature in a toolbar. Perhaps a textual notation like you suggest. How will you distinguish between negative movement and coordinates that are already negative? There are already a number of ways to move whole objects available. The align and distribute dialog and the transformation dialog may be used together to achieve what you want. You can use the align dialog to make sure the object is positioned exactly upon the line, and then use the transformation dialog to specify the relative movement for the offset of the object.
Aaron Spike