Andreas Borutta schrieb:
Maren Hachmann schrieb:
Especially I'm interested in code, which contains the basic shapes ( when you enter them via toolbar via the GUI.
- I'm sorry, I don't understand :/ Can you describe your goal with some
more detail? (If you prefer, we can also switch to the German forum)
I will create a document in Inkscape as a showcase to explain clearly what I mean. In a new thread.
I'm interested in high quality source code.
The SVG specification offers several basic shapes:
E.G. circle, line, polyline.
I created a testcase with Inkscape:
To create those three shapes I used the function "F5 (create circles, ellipsis and arcs)" and "Shift+F6 (Bezier curves and straight lines)".
Inkscape uses the element "ellipsis" and not "circle", and "path" and not "line" and "polyline".
How can create SVG code with circle, line and polyline please with using the GUI?
And what is the concept behind the actual behaviour of Inkscape not to use the basic shape elements please? I like to understand that.
Further the XML editor doesn't show the element ellipsis for the red object:
It shows the element path. But that is not correct as the source code shows:
style="fill:#ff0000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1" id="path3336" cx="305.57114" cy="186.66147" rx="60.104076" ry="60.609154" />
What is please the reason for that behaviour of the XML-Editor?
Thanks :)
Kind regards, Andreas