On 31/12/10 03:46, Hendrik Boom wrote:
On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 07:38:51PM -0500, Shawn H Corey wrote:
Is there anyway to change the placement of the toolbars? I would like them all to be on the left.
You cannot arrange the toolbars freely (e.g. all on the left), but since Inkscape 0.48 you can choose between 3 different arrangements of the toolbars - at the bottom of the 'View' menu: Default | Custom | Wide.
See also: http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Release_notes/0.48#Adaptive_UI
Also, is there anyway to re-attach a toolbar?
Grab the detached (floating) toolbar at the left (or top) end and drag it to where is was attached previously (the sweet spot is small and only where the left end or the top of the toolbar attaches).
If that fails - just open a new Inkscape window ('File > New' or 'File > Open Recent…'): all toolbars will be attached again (unless your window manager interferes). The state (docked/floating) is not saved between sessions or windows.
While we're asking about toolbars ... Is there any way to get then to disppear when one is sketching, and reappear only when they're needed (to choose a new tool, or something like that? This would be *extremely* useful when there's not a lot of screen space.
'Shift+<F11>' hides all toolbars - the dock (if any dialogs are open and docked) will stay visible, and can be hidden with <F12>. Both shortcuts act as toggle.
Is there a way to define a specialised toolbar with carefully chosen tools instad of the whole shebang? Again, for limited screen space.
As far as I understand this could well be a scenario in the 'Adaptive UI' (see link above to the release notes).
hth, ~suv