Thanks Tyler for the insightful position on the new forum and the users of the old.
The Inkscape project itself (as a consensus) doesn't hold any particular views on the old forum users or any of the community run forums (there are many others). We have a desire to make sure that there is an Inkscape forum we can point users to and this has common cause with some risks to the old forum; we were brought fair evidence that the infrastructure under inkscapeforum is at a small risk of being turned off and a medium risk of under-maintenance leading to security and other issues.
The new forum project isn't a replacement, because we don't intend to change the DNS for the old forum even when the new one is up and running. We'd probably only do that in the event the old forum disappeared. Or if there was a reasonable amount of consensus from the users of the old forum.
My own bias is that I'm a python programmer and the only long active admin for the website. I made the new django forum. We get a couple of things from using this: a. some integration b. CDN for all uploaded media files c. Existing server infrastructure (search indexing, emails, etc). What we don't have for a phpbb solution, is anyone to set it up, anyone to run it and we have limited donated VPS services which this would take up. I've invited people to lead a phpbb forum project anyway, no one wanted to. So I spent time doing things that I could do to help solve the problem.
Let me know if you have any questions about the forum. There may come a day when users of the old forum need a new home and it'd be good if we got some of the big stuff fixed at this early stage.
Thanks for you help and context.
Best Regards, Martin Owens
On Fri, 2019-02-01 at 11:27 -0500, Tyler Durden wrote:
Don't brand us as resentful just because we are comfortable staying with a working platform. It's not resentment keeping active users at the old forum, it's functionality. When the new forum works as well or better than the current forum, active users like myself will be more open to moving.