Hello! I'm interested in using Inkscape with a stylus on a touch screen and I'm heavily influenced and inspired by articles I've read about Máirín Duffy's use of a Thinkpad x61 to create illustrations for Red Hat:
http://blog.linuxgrrl.com/2009/11/08/fedora-12-rocks-on-tablets/ http://mairin.duffy.usesthis.com/
I'm not sure what I would do with Inkscape exactly, maybe make a webcomic as I hinted about here: http://www.webcomicalliance.com/helpful-hints/mac-vs-pc-the-webcomics-editio... . For now, I just want to doodle a bit.
Anyway, following Máirín's lead, I guess I'm thinking about buying a Thinkpad X Series Convertible Tablet. As of this writing the model that's available is the X220, but I'm not sure how well it works with Linux and Inkscape. Lenovo doesn't ship the device with Linux pre-installed: http://www.lenovo.com/products/us/laptop/thinkpad/xtablet-series/index.html
I'm open to other hardware suggestions. On the market right now there's an HP EliteBook 2760p Tablet PC and a Dell Latitude XT3 Tablet PC as well.
Basicially, I'm looking for something that will run Linux and Inkscape and let me draw on the screen itself rather than using a Cintiq. Is this a common hardware setup for Inkscape users? Can anyone recommend what device I should buy? I've been using Linux on the desktop for five years (usually something Red Hat-based) but never on a laptop.