21 Jul
21 Jul
2:47 p.m.
Hmmm. If I wanted to stick a CC A-SA-ND licensed logo on my webcomic, which uses a CC A-SA-NC license, would the licenses be incompatible? Initial gut reaction says "yes they would." Of course putting the logo on a site wouldn't be a problem unless the entirety of the site and all content within fell under a single license, in which case you'd need to add an exception and some clarifying text...
Christopher B. Wright (wrightc@...537...)
Ubersoft.net: Technology Is Not Your Friend
On Tue July 21 2009 9:31:53 am Shawn H. Corey wrote:
> Ted Gould wrote:
> > We don't have an official policy yet. We're working on that and I think
> > it's getting close. But, I can't imagine anything that we would do that
> > would limit any usage that would promote Inkscape as a project.
> >
> > --Ted
> I suggest that you license all text and images associated with Inkscape
> with Creative Commons Attributions-Share Alike-No Derivatives.
> Why No Derivatives? Three words: nude Minnie Mouse.
> There is no telling what strange things people will come up with if you
> allow them free play with your public image. It's best to limit them
> from the start.