18 Feb
18 Feb
8:41 p.m.
In both Slackwaate 14 and Debian wheezy I am presented with a list of missing or outdated packages when compiling stable version Inkscape 0.48.4. Is there a precompiled version in e.g. tarball or RPM format that I can install? Or is there a single package of all the lib packages needed for 48.4? I grow tired of library chasing, especially on Debian where apt-get simply doesn't recognize the names of the missing libs. Here are the missing libs using Slackware 14.0:
No package 'gdkmm-2.4' found No package 'glibmm-2.4' found No package 'giomm-2.4' found No package 'gtkmm-2.4' found No package 'sigc++-2.0' found No package 'gsl' found
When I search out and download these I find that there are additional packages missing.
John Culleton
Wexford Press
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