On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 7:38 PM, Donna Benjamin <donna@...2553...> wrote:
On Wed, 2009-03-18 at 18:15 -0300, Felipe Sanches wrote:
# ICC Color Management for cairo outputs - Would allow Inkscape to produce CMYK PDFs and PSs with Cairo. That is an exciting feature and also a much resquested one. I've played a bit with icc in inkscape sometime ago. The only issue here is that we will probably depend on further developments in cairo API, right?
Apologies in advance for jumping in without doing my homework but is the Cairo project participating in GSOC this year? If yes, perhaps this could be a cross project collaboration.
Probably also worth looking at the OpenICC stuff http://freedesktop.org/wiki/OpenIcc/GoogleSoC2009
CMYK, PDFs and ICC colour management is one of the BIG ISSUES not just for inkscape but for lots of open source projects, so this is an important area to focus on.
If summer of code students could work directly with the other projects with relevant dependencies this would be very very productive.
++ from me :)
cheers Donna
it would be great if we had one student and mentor in Inkscape + one student and mentor in Cairo working on the same feature. These 4 people could then put some effort in the development of ICC, each one working on its own project and giving feedback to the other project.
Last year I had to interact often with cairo and pango guys because my project did depend on a new feature of these libs (userfonts). But they didnt seem to have clear deadlines for this feature. Even nowadays we still dont have userfonts feature integrated into libpango.
Having "sister SoC projects" could be a way of addressing this kind of issue.