Op Do, 3 april, 2008 08:46, schreef Rottgardt, Jens (K-SIB-2/3):
Hi Jens,
That would indeed be possible, but we haven't implemented it like that (yet) for circles. Storing a separate transformation, like we do now, is needed for example when stretching or skewing the circle. How does your application store such a transformation?
Storing a separate transformation, like Inkscape does, allows for any affine transformation (see wikipedia) to be applied to an object. Modifying the center position and radius, like your application does, only allows for translations and symmetrical scaling. That's why we prefer the former, although we could also have both methods (if only someone would take the time to write the code for that).
Just out of curiosity: what application are you using?
I don't know if I understood your answer to my 2nd question right. But when moving an object in Inkscape this move is nothing I want to store into the objects properties at least I want to place the circle to a special position. The problem is if I use the SVG graphic in my application I want to move the circle from left to right from the position where I have placed the circle in Inkscape. But what happens is that the circle first is moved to the very first position where I have placed the circle in Inkscape and then moved from that position.
In Inkscape
place the circle to position 50,50
move the circle to position 100, 100 (this move is stored in the
transform translate (why???) )
- save
In my application
The circle is placed to position 100,100
my appliction is moving the circle from left to right and the following
steps happens a) the circle is placed back to position 50,50 b) the circle is moved from left to right
To avoid this I have manually to remove the transform translate attribute in Inkscape and set the cx, cy attributes to the position I want to place the circle.
To keep it short and simple. I want to have the same behaivor for placing a circle like for rectangles !
Jens Rottgardt Buildmanagement ITP Fahrzeugherstellung, K-SIB 2
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-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: inkscape-user-bounces@lists.sourceforge.net [mailto:inkscape-user-bounces@lists.sourceforge.net] Im Auftrag von bulia byak Gesendet: Mittwoch, 2. April 2008 20:33 An: Inkscape User Community Betreff: Re: [Inkscape-user] translate Attribute stored in SVG Graphic
On Wed, Apr 2, 2008 at 7:39 AM, Rottgardt, Jens (K-SIB-2/3) <jens.rottgardt@...2472...> wrote:
- Why does Inkscape uses the path tag for circles instead of the
existing circle tag?
Because otherwise you wouldn't be able to put markers on it, or use text on path with it, or use live path effects.
- When painting a circle in Inkscape and moving it the move is stored
in the transform translate tag. Can anyone tell me why ?
Because you cannot, in general, embed an arbitrary transform into the circle's parameters (center and radii). Actually a move only could be embedded into cx/cy, but since other transforms cannot, we didn't special-case translation (although this is possible, and is done e.g. for rectangles - so if you desperately need that, you can submit a patch).
-- bulia byak Inkscape. Draw Freely. http://www.inkscape.org
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