11 Jul
11 Jul
4:25 p.m.
On 7/11/06, Ulf Erikson <ulferikson@...155...> wrote:
There is a patch available that does pdf export via cairo library. http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1519675&gro...
Err.. bug-fixes to the current PDF exporter are not picked-up?
I think the fair and straightforward thing to do is to let both codebases develop. If and when the cairo one overcomes the current one in terms of quality and features, replace it. But until then, please do not drop the ball with bugfixing and adding features to the current implementation as well. The more work you do on it, the better are its changes of eventually winning the race :)
bulia byak
Inkscape. Draw Freely.