Rob Antonishen wrote the following on 1/21/2008 2:35 PM:
SVG doesn't have a native way for doing this. I can't find the portion of the specification that talks about it right now, but I think is should be found somewhere at:
In the future it may be possible to achieve something like your work around with the live path effects that are new in 0.46.
Another way to do this is using clones (the same technique as the 3D rope example).
- created the object with unset fill and stroke
- make a clone and set the stroke as desired.
- select the original and make a clone and set the fill as desired.
Now you can edit the shape, nodes, etc and the filled and stroked clones will follow. Just remember to alway select the original (Shift-D) to make changes.
Again, not ideal, but it does what you are looking for.
-Rob A>
I was thinking more along the lines of a linked offset. For instance, draw the green square first, linked offset, node tool, drag node inward. Place green square to the lower most z-order. Change linked copy to yellow. Change the size of the green square and the yellow square automatically changes. Does that work?