On 1/29/07, bulia byak <buliabyak@...155...> wrote:
On 1/29/07, jmak <jozmak@...155...> wrote:
That is efficiency. Because if you spend half of your time say dragging dialog boxes from side to side to be able to see the piece you are working on it is not only inefficient way of working but annoying as well.
Excellent point. And guess what, the layer widget in the statusbar is one of the ways to achieve exactly this - avoid dragging dialog boxes around and get better access to your drawing.
What I see and can assess is the final result, the UI of their products. And needless to say, I can identify many horrendously braindead interface choices in most of these "researched" products.
Interestingly, the level of clunkiness seems to be somehow directly proportional to the market share that the product holds (just compare Adobe Illustrator and Xara, or Windows and OSX).
I think you are wrong here.
Really? Can you honestly defend Illustrator's way of handling gradients, as compared to Xara/Inkscape's? And this is just one basic example, I can give tons more.
Illustrator didn't put that much emphasis on grads because it has the mesh tool which is a more sophisticated way of creating complex grad and 3d effects. I guess.