Maren Hachmann wrote:
Am 27.02.2016 um 13:56 schrieb Andreas Borutta:
To create those three shapes I used the function "F5 (create circles, ellipsis and arcs)" and "Shift+F6 (Bezier curves and straight lines)".
Inkscape uses the element "ellipsis" and not "circle", and "path" and not "line" and "polyline".
- Inkscape 0.91 does create circle elements if you hold down Ctrl while
creating one.
Oh, a hidden feature, thanks.
My suggestion/wish for a future version: an extra toolbar button only for circles.
For the rest, yes, no lines, no polylines.
Uff. That is a really sad message.
I have no idea why the developers has decided that the most basic shapes at all - lines and polylines - are not supported.
Further the XML editor doesn't show the element ellipsis for the red object: http://borumat.de/+screenshots/hc-2016.02.27-13_47_29.png
It shows the element path. But that is not correct as the source code shows
What is please the reason for that behaviour of the XML-Editor?
- I can't confirm that with Inkscape 0.91:
I use the 0.91 for windows. Do you use another OS?
Can anyone reproduce that for the windows version?
Kind regards, Andreas