Ok, here are comments for my 2nd look. And I'll include them in the "survey" too.
I would put the section title ("Research the Problem Before Asking", "Ask the Right People", etc.), down below in the darker purple background area. I think it's too easily passed over where it is, tucked under the main title. And since those section titles are as important as the bullet points, (because they preview the page using different words than the bullet points, which I think is helpful for understanding, esp for newbs), it's important they be read.
For the first page, make each bullet point a link to that particular resource (Link "Read the documentation" to the manual and online official tutorials; link "Search the website" to the FAQ; link "Look for tutorials" to the Tutorials page; link "Do an internet search".....well maybe there's not any reasonable place to link that to....)
And what about searching forums for a solution, before going to chat? I'm not sure if it would be appropriate for everyone, but they do contain a wealth of info ;-)
I wrote a short tutorial for my forum: "Tips to Try and Solve Your Inkscape Problems on Your Own -- Yes, Even for Beginners" It's probably a little too detailed for this chat tutorial. But just in case it might be helpful, here's the link: http://forum.inkscapecommunity.com/index.php?action=articles;sa=view;article...
For "Ask the Right People" page, the last point ("Issues must be reported to the bug tracker") needs a good deal of clarification, imo. If this tutorial is for people using chat for the first time, they're probably also new Inkscape users, and may not even have any concept of a bug tracker.
Since in reality, if a newbie happened to find a new bug, a more experienced user would likely write the bug report for them -- maybe it could be dropped??? Or at least somehow clarified so newbies aren't confused.
3rd page ("Ask Good Questions") As I said in the other message "Don't ask to ask" needs to be clarified. "Don't ask if it's ok to ask a question" ("....ask for help")
4th page ("Be Patient") Should there be something about "Say thanks" or giving some indication that the problem is solved or completed? I rarely use chat or IRC (can't type fast enough) so I don't know if it has the same problem as bb forums, where people ask a question, and then never respond, so you don't know if you answered their question or if they're just rude.
End of comments :-)
-------------------------------------------------- From: "Martin Owens" <doctormo@...155...> Sent: Sunday, February 21, 2016 2:04 PM To: "Brynn" <brynn@...3089...> Cc: "Inkscape User Community" inkscape-user@lists.sourceforge.net Subject: Re: [Inkscape-user] Web Chat Review
On Sun, 2016-02-21 at 13:40 -0700, Brynn wrote:
I'll warn the testers that they can only see it once, and I'll let them know which page is last, so if they want/need, they can go back, as long as they don't click "I Understand" on the last page.
I assume that would work?
Sorry for the imperfection :-) and thanks for continuing.
Best Regards, Martin Owens