Dear Erlönd Everaert,
I'm the Inkscape Website Administrator, I'm not a lawyer and you should certainly seek legal council to get to know Free Software more and how it can help you do what you want to do. I'm sending this to the greater inkscape user community for feedback.
Inkscape is Free Software licensed under the General Public License version 2. This comes with all the freedoms you need to present Inkscape to your customers, but it also stops you from removing Freedoms from your customers too. Everyone, you, your customers and anyone else MUST continue to have access to the software and it's code.
This doesn't mean however that you couldn't present the most useful template, even default template with logos and such to customers. You can do that. But customers would be free to take your template apart and extract their copyright/artwork from the template too.
My best advice, honestly, present your customers with the best experience. Make it the most convenient and easiest to use without making efforts to manipulate your customers into locking them in. Those locks will stop more customers from using your company than you'll get from stopping someone who goes with a competitor.
Of course as the company with the best Inkscape workflow all worked out, your company will always be the most convenient place to have the work done and our large community will always respect a manufacturer that respects their customers.
Kind Regards, Martin Owens One of many Inkscape contributors
On Mon, 2018-03-12 at 08:07 +0000, Anonymous User wrote:
We would like to use your software. We still have some questions.
We are looking for a software that our costumers can use to draw their patch panels and send them to us so we can make them. The only thing we want is a locked file where our logo will be visible so customers won't go to other companies. Is this possible and how?
Met vriendelijke groet / With kind regards,
Erlönd Everaert Employee at Livepower/AV-Maatwerk ______________________ E-mail: erlondeveraert@...9... Mobile: +32472197548