On 16/9/09 19:22, Gary Hawkins wrote:
I know 0.47 is only just creeping out but where can we make suggestions for future/upgrades inkscape releases?
Here, or InkscapeForum.com, or create a RFE or blueprint as detailed as possible (maybe with mockups) and add it to the bug tracker?
I'm asking as I have a digital die cut machine (a blackcut cougar) and we use Inkscape as our design software (we cut via signcut) and to fill a shape with vector paths that the blade will follow (we replace the blade with a engraving/embossing tool) at the press of a button would be great.
You can create your own (vector-based) patterns with Inkscape 0.46 already... ( ...and store them in your custom templates):
http://tavmjong.free.fr/INKSCAPE/MANUAL/html/Attributes-Fill-Stroke.html#Attributes-Patterns http://tavmjong.free.fr/INKSCAPE/MANUAL_v13/html/Customize-Files.html#Customize-Files-Templates http://ffaat.pointclark.net/blog/archives/143-Creating-and-Adding-Custom-Patterns-to-Inkscape.html http://screencasters.heathenx.org/episode-063/
or do you want Inkscape to press that button ;-) ?