Inkscape 0.92 About Screen Contest

Hey all!
The Inkscape team and community is winding down development and preparing to release Inkscape 0.92. With the upcoming release, we need to have a new About Screen done. This brings us to the Inkscape 0.92 About Screen Contest!
This time we are hosting the contest on our website.
For contest rules, more info, and to submit your entry please visit
Deadline: November 13, 2016

Regarding one of the bullets, copied below:
- It *must not contain anything inappropriate* or otherwise offensive. We go by US decency standards, sorry.
There is no such thing. Quoting from the Wikipedia article and_definitions, which I urge you to link from the bullet if you decide to continue using the phrase "US decency standards":
In fact, federal obscenity law in the U.S. is highly unusual in that not only is there no uniform national standard, but rather, there is an *explicit* legal precedent (the "Miller test", below) that all but guarantees that something that is legally obscene in one jurisdiction may not be in another.
However, I recommend *not* continuing to use the phrase, but instead replacing it with something like "material considered inappropriate or offensive will be disqualified, at the judges' sole and final discretion".
That over with, I look forward to submitting my entries.

On Sun, Oct 23, 2016 at 4:29 PM, Arlo Barnes <arlo.barnes@...155...> wrote:
However, I recommend not continuing to use the phrase, but instead replacing it with something like "material considered inappropriate or offensive will be disqualified, at the judges' sole and final discretion".
Thank you for the feedback and input. I have modified the text and it now reads "It must not contain anything inappropriate or otherwise offensive. We recommend avoiding things such as nudity, violence, and political or religious imagery. Material considered inappropriate or offensive will be disqualified at the development team's sole and final discretion."
That over with, I look forward to submitting my entries.
Good luck!
Cheers, Josh
participants (2)
Arlo Barnes
Josh Andler