Re: Keeping the Size and Changing the Border

Nathan, I will try these alternatives suggested by both you and Robert. Honestly, I expected simpler solutions, for a problem that "doesn't seem to be complicated". I imagine a configuration like this: a checkbox with an option "keep the external size of the object, regardless of the thickness of the border". I don't have much knowledge in inkscape, I never took a course, but I think this editor is amazing.
Thank you very much.
Em qua., 28 de jun. de 2023 17:35, Nathan Upchurch escreveu:
It looks like there are a couple of things going on here. First, it seems like you’re expecting the bounding box size of an object to reflect its geometry, rather than include its stroke and effects. To change this behavior, select Preferences > Tools > Geometric bounding box (per the attached BoundingBox_x.png images).
As Robert said, if you want to create a stroke inside of an object, it’s a little tricky. I find the offset tools difficult and not especially well documented, so I usually either use boolean operations to make the shape I want, or I will:
- Set stroke width to 2x what I need it to be
- Set stroke order so that the stroke is on top
- Duplicate the object (ctrl+d)
- Select both, Right Click > Set Clip
(See InnerStroke_x.png images)
Kind Regards,
*Out of office, on vacation, or on sick leave? I absolutely do not expect a response until you're back! Work is endless and human lives are finite; please take some time for yourself!*
On Wednesday, June 28, 2023 12:24:14 PM CDT Alexandre Guglielmi wrote:
Hi Nathan!
Of course, I will below...
See I increased the border thickness to 1.5mm and the outer size of the
object also increased, and I don't want that.
I want the object to remain the same external size.
[image: Captura de tela de 2023-06-28 14-14-03.png]
[image: Captura de tela de 2023-06-28 14-17-06.png]
Em qua., 28 de jun. de 2023 às 09:42, Nathan Upchurch
Can you show an example?
Kind Regards,
*Out of office, on vacation, or on sick leave? I absolutely do not
a response until you're back! Work is endless and human lives are
please take some time for yourself!*
On Tuesday, June 27, 2023 7:07:27 PM CDT Alexandre Guglielmi wrote:
Hi Folks!
How to maintain the external size of an object by changing its border
Every time I change the border thickness, the object size
changes as well.
This is really annoying, because I have to resize again...but in that
the border thickness changes too.
So I'm going to repeat this boring procedure until I get it.
Thanks in advance
Alexandre Guglielmi
Florianópolis - Santa Catarina - Brazil
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