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[Webmaster] Rocket.Chat, 2 Users, 33 Messages, 3 Files, 678175 Minutes, in Direct Message Between: mrmcq2u & NPJ2000
by no-reply@chat.inkscape.org 29 Apr '21
by no-reply@chat.inkscape.org 29 Apr '21
29 Apr '21
2020-01-13 17-17-28 PST Nathan Johansen (but still give attribution to the typefaces that you're using to form the glyphs.) 2020-01-13 17-19-04 PST Nathan Johansen The SVG file otherwise has to depend on the display system to which you've provided the file to have the exact same font and family of that font installed to display it properly. 2020-01-13 17-10-40 PST Nathan Johansen a.png (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/g6RPHEQJ4RXJrEPBP/a.png) 2020-01-13 17-23-07 PST Nathan Johansen Yet it retained the glimpse of the layout. 2020-01-13 17-20-05 PST Nathan Johansen So once you've confidently executed the design, you must "break" it into paths, and then convert those if necessary into objects, then export the visual object as an SVG. 2020-01-13 17-22-50 PST Nathan Johansen (I don't have those fonts installed here, so it would look different than the example I posted previously.) 2020-01-13 17-15-25 PST Nathan Johansen This seems to be an issue of the font inclusion at first glance. 2020-01-13 17-13-38 PST Nathan Johansen What operating system are you using? 2020-01-13 17-22-22 PST Nathan Johansen Give that a try and post the result here if you'd like. 2020-01-13 17-12-58 PST Nathan Johansen When I save it as an SVG the font fails also. 2020-01-13 17-24-02 PST Nathan Johansen You're certainly welcome, let's join the ordinary channel again and share your output as evidence of success? =) 2020-01-13 17-25-21 PST Nathan Johansen So preface it with the steps you took, and show the result, when you're ready. ;) 2020-01-13 17-14-10 PST Nathan Johansen And do you have your fonts enabled to be accessible to Inkscape? 2020-01-13 17-16-55 PST Nathan Johansen A simple workaround is to follow the rules we use for the "About Screen" contest, and to break apart the fonts and objects into outlines in your interface and then export that data. 2020-01-13 17-24-51 PST Nathan Johansen It's helpful to inspire people, and whenever we can share out techniques it's inspiring. 2020-01-13 17-10-22 PST Nathan Johansen This is what I get: 2020-01-13 17-15-59 PST Nathan Johansen Yes, however certain font's may not render in all output without rendering them. 2020-01-13 17-14-45 PST Nathan Johansen (Nice logo, by the way!) =) 2020-01-13 17-18-04 PST Nathan Johansen Select the objects and convert them to paths. 2020-01-13 17-06-56 PST Nathan Johansen At the bottom of your screen is a plus sign ( + ) where you type. You can upload the item with that here, or do so in the #inkscape_user channel as you wish. 2020-01-13 17-23-49 PST mrmcq2u and had lots of variations which showed as black boxes in thumbnails which just put me off working on it 2020-01-13 17-05-48 PST mrmcq2u hey, can I send one of the files that im having issues with? 2020-01-13 17-13-19 PST mrmcq2u a.svg.png (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/HKdfRafE2aEN8sKyZ/a.svg.png) 2020-01-13 17-14-05 PST mrmcq2u clearlinux, but had the same issue with fedora when i started this particular project couple of months ago 2020-01-13 17-15-35 PST mrmcq2u so inskape has access to the fonts that are installed on the system 2020-01-13 17-13-32 PST mrmcq2u thats what it looks like in inkscape 2020-01-13 17-22-43 PST mrmcq2u ah, just tested and it works 2020-01-13 17-15-14 PST mrmcq2u yeah, i mean that .png is the same one exported from the inkscape svg 2020-01-13 17-11-20 PST mrmcq2u yeah, I am using a custom font as well that doesnt seem to get baked into the svg itself 2020-01-13 17-23-17 PST mrmcq2u thanks so much 2020-01-13 17-23-21 PST mrmcq2u hit a brick wall 2020-01-13 17-15-59 PST mrmcq2u [ ](https://chat.inkscape.org/direct/NPJ2000?msg=QPbS8D2h2g7qg73iR) thanks :) still working on it () 2020-01-13 17-07-26 PST mrmcq2u a.svg (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/EBmiPYTSDWcqzcuYF/a.svg)

[Webmaster] Rocket.Chat, 2 Users, 463 Messages, 12 Files, 1098748 Minutes, in Direct Message Between: RdH & NPJ2000
by no-reply@chat.inkscape.org 29 Apr '21
by no-reply@chat.inkscape.org 29 Apr '21
29 Apr '21
2019-05-15 14-39-24 PDT Nathan Johansen Just configuring a version for 10.13.6 now. 2019-03-27 16-44-54 PDT Nathan Johansen And worth being diligent to check for periodically. 2019-03-27 17-11-58 PDT Nathan Johansen Or, alternatively, poke them in as often as we can. 2019-05-14 14-54-08 PDT Nathan Johansen That's both build products. ~158MB 2019-03-27 16-58-00 PDT Nathan Johansen Well, my concern is that things like this may have been created as a consequence of the code, so it would be good to be mindful of these possibilities so they may be avoided. 2019-05-15 13-46-22 PDT Nathan Johansen I just deleted it. 2019-05-01 09-00-33 PDT Nathan Johansen Then I can start fresh with everything and use that list to start ... it should be small and optimized for each individual port. 2019-05-01 09-32-35 PDT Nathan Johansen THEN, I can use that list (depending on what I enable with the ``` -DWITH_DBUS=ON```switch, say) to further narrow down the range of possibilities. 2019-05-01 08-49-28 PDT Nathan Johansen Ah. Here it is: 2019-05-15 14-35-35 PDT Nathan Johansen Or old IBM PCs in Morocco. 2019-10-07 15-29-05 PDT Nathan Johansen Well, not sloppy, umm ... out of place when it should be in order? 2019-12-04 15-51-59 PST Nathan Johansen Can I paste a typical warning that I'm receiving from the DMG here? Seems to deal with how things are signed and offers guidance on how to resolve it, unless you've already seen them. 2019-06-16 16-23-23 PDT Nathan Johansen Oh, I guess you're correct. It is there! Thank you! 2019-10-07 15-07-59 PDT Nathan Johansen Send a request. 2019-05-15 14-34-52 PDT Nathan Johansen I was imagining the better route would be to make versions that WILL work for those older systems, but might not be the full package. 2019-09-05 14-22-50 PDT Nathan Johansen [ https://www.greatamericanink.com ] 2019-04-18 06-57-27 PDT Nathan Johansen They seem centered on the GLib and Gtk but may just be a parsing error on a few files. 2019-07-05 16-32-55 PDT Nathan Johansen Nice work! 2019-06-08 11-36-45 PDT Nathan Johansen I'll try that. Are there current instructions being kept somewhere that I can follow? 2019-05-15 13-50-28 PDT Nathan Johansen I appreciated the wisdom of the suggestion to "move" the /opt/local to something else, like /opt/xlocal/ then test. 2019-05-15 14-35-15 PDT Nathan Johansen Think about, oh, Siemens' textile machines in Asia? 2019-09-09 09-19-25 PDT Nathan Johansen Nope. Just gave me two numbers that we can call to have a further conversation.
(800) 633-2152 Apple Developer
(408) 974-4897 Developer Support 2019-06-13 09-31-26 PDT Nathan Johansen I feel like I'm doing something wrong every time I have to put back that silly whirlwind of links to get something pointed at the "correct" ` iconv.h ` and ... also, ` ranlib ` ... which one of those it looks for is always a mess, too. 2019-04-14 10-26-10 PDT Nathan Johansen Sounds like fun. I think I'm about to the point where I may have success with the extensions today. 2019-05-15 14-15-58 PDT Nathan Johansen ('Da 'toolz) 2019-03-27 16-32-34 PDT Nathan Johansen Good point. 2019-05-14 14-07-52 PDT Nathan Johansen I can start another. 10.13 perhaps? 2019-05-14 13-59-10 PDT Nathan Johansen I thought so. 2019-07-05 16-44-39 PDT Nathan Johansen Ebenso! 2019-05-01 09-29-39 PDT Nathan Johansen My strategy was to do one run at building then installing the needed dependency list with +quartz alone enabled, then do it again with +x11 alone enabled, then do it again with both enabled, then remove it entirely and do it with an empty default file. 2019-10-07 15-13-11 PDT Nathan Johansen You contributions to this project are appreciated by me, if they are not by the anti-Mac crowd. But I knew this would not be easy to achieve, and yet ... you've succeeded. 2019-07-05 16-57-46 PDT Nathan Johansen After this, I'm not certain what it does ... 2019-03-27 16-58-29 PDT Nathan Johansen https://csrc.nist.gov/projects/usable-cybersecurity 2019-05-14 14-15-11 PDT Nathan Johansen M src/3rdparty/autotrace/exception.h
M src/3rdparty/autotrace/pxl-outline.c 2019-04-18 06-55-59 PDT Nathan Johansen I have three critical failures and one message (from the latest of code). It compiles nicely, but when I run it, it throws errors and quits. 2019-05-15 13-47-53 PDT Nathan Johansen ;) 2019-05-15 12-47-18 PDT Nathan Johansen ? 2019-10-07 15-18-13 PDT Nathan Johansen Ahh, they had it once and got silly. 2019-05-14 13-55-52 PDT Nathan Johansen You're using OSX 10_13_6 ? 2019-05-01 09-22-59 PDT Nathan Johansen ``` $ pwd
``` 2019-11-23 07-13-17 PST Nathan Johansen How's your new build machine coming together? Seems like the updates today work well (in so far as I can tell) and are a good candidate for a "new" signed DMG soon? 2019-10-07 15-15-33 PDT Nathan Johansen Keep it up. Change takes time. =) 2019-07-02 13-20-04 PDT Nathan Johansen Sorry, I just noticed the clock. You probably want to have your evening. =) 2019-12-04 15-53-03 PST Nathan Johansen Let me see if I can produce it again. Hahaha. 2019-10-07 15-30-53 PDT Nathan Johansen Yes, but in whole, the work itself is really working well. 2019-10-07 15-17-49 PDT Nathan Johansen (I don't like doing that and will pretend to be stupid, but am happy to help.) 2019-05-15 13-47-05 PDT Nathan Johansen Let me try again. 2019-09-08 12-24-45 PDT Nathan Johansen Good. I still have the iPad(s) for the local library that I'd look to put Inkscape on. They have 3D printers and other tech to offer patrons, and I've been excited to include Inkscape. 2019-04-22 12-13-44 PDT Nathan Johansen So, that's good. =) 2019-05-01 08-52-34 PDT Nathan Johansen What do you get back from a ` port echo leaves ` 2019-07-05 16-35-12 PDT Nathan Johansen I'm also mid-way through trying to get MacPorts back in working condition, and that is running in the background, so perhaps I should stop that and give it a fresh try after a restart? 2019-07-02 13-13-53 PDT Nathan Johansen Clipboard - July 2, 2019 1:13 PM (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/ekdqtFPxr2MKNkudx/Clipboard%20-%20Jul…) 2019-05-01 09-45-51 PDT Nathan Johansen I cheat. I cut and and paste them to the command line from my notes. 2019-04-23 11-06-03 PDT Nathan Johansen The .inx files for Windows could be causing an issue for macOS. 2019-08-08 12-45-11 PDT Nathan Johansen René? I've been focused on work and not checking in here. 2019-10-07 15-14-35 PDT Nathan Johansen But know that you're the best. =) 2019-05-01 09-37-56 PDT Nathan Johansen Oh, whoops. That has duplicates. Anyway, I have different versions on different lines of my notes. 2019-10-07 15-40-56 PDT Nathan Johansen They did not let me have the A8 that weekend ... 2019-10-07 15-31-07 PDT Nathan Johansen So, no worries, we've got this. 2019-03-27 17-09-58 PDT Nathan Johansen Sounds good. Have a nice evening. Night nite! 2019-05-15 14-36-21 PDT Nathan Johansen I mean, the world is a big place and the stuff that is kind of like slow junk to us could be really useful to others. 2019-06-16 11-13-24 PDT Nathan Johansen When you have a moment, would you be kind enough to remind me of that hack for linking the iconv files (or whatever that non-standard trick was to get past the dylib deprecation issue I had documented then deleted over concern that it would encourage others to follow the same remedy). I haven't been able to build any of the branches since that last one a about three weeks ago now. Although, I've been bust at work and may not be up to date anymore with where everything is at and how to ensure I'm fetching the alpha2 build now. =). Danke! 2019-05-15 13-47-37 PDT Nathan Johansen Oh, yes. I'm using it. I read the documentation over the past few days. 2019-08-08 12-46-54 PDT Nathan Johansen I looked for the latest build artifact: which would you like me to try out? I still have (I think) the latest build at: [Inkscape 1.0alpha2 (2b5d32c80b, 2019-08-07)] 2019-10-07 15-11-51 PDT Nathan Johansen It (for you to know) EXTREMELY upsets me that they'll spend money on stickers, booths, postage, and trivial nonsense .. yet not pay for this. I know what you've done, and for that you have my confidence and support. Just ask and I'll do my best. :bow: 2019-05-01 09-13-03 PDT Nathan Johansen ```# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
PortSystem 1.0
PortGroup gobject_introspection 1.0
name gdk-pixbuf2
set my_name gdk-pixbuf
epoch 2
version 2.36.12
license LGPL
set branch [join [lrange [split ${version} .] 0 1] .]
categories graphics
maintainers {devans @dbevans} openmaintainer
homepage http://www.gtk.org/
platforms darwin
distname ${my_name}-${version}
use_xz yes
description The gdk-pixbuf-2.0 library
long_description ${description}
master_sites gnome:sources/${my_name}/${branch}/
checksums rmd160 283963dfc2e04e7f51a3b195afb514379ecfda7b \
sha256 fff85cf48223ab60e3c3c8318e2087131b590fd6f1737e42cb3759a3b427a334 \
size 5675768
depends_build port:pkgconfig
depends_lib path:lib/pkgconfig/glib-2.0.pc:glib2 \
port:shared-mime-info \
port:libpng \
port:jasper \
port:jpeg \
gobject_introspection yes
license_noconflict gobject-introspection
configure.args --with-libjasper \
test.run yes
test.target check
post-activate {
system "${prefix}/bin/gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders --update-cache"
variant bundle description {Enable application bundle relocation support} {
configure.args-append --enable-relocations
variant x11 {
depends_lib-append port:xorg-libX11
configure.args-append --with-x11
if {![variant_isset quartz]} {
default_variants +x11
livecheck.type gnome
livecheck.name ${my_name}
``` 2019-05-14 23-08-48 PDT Nathan Johansen [ https:// www . npj . com / inkscape / RdH / ] 2019-05-01 08-56-05 PDT Nathan Johansen I had my settings with an insistence on forcing +quartz in ALL instances. 2019-05-18 11-19-39 PDT Nathan Johansen Anywho, trying to totally get rid of X11 is a bit more of a challenge than I like. 2019-05-14 13-57-19 PDT Nathan Johansen I did. 2019-09-08 12-22-20 PDT Nathan Johansen So we can skip the Apple signing headache crap for those? 2019-07-06 09-35-17 PDT Nathan Johansen I wonder if that is just a difference in the web browser? Mine is from Safari Technology Preview, Release 86 (Safari 13.0). And I think on mine, it may have performed the malware/sanity checks upon download but prior to launch? I'll have to look more carefully at this. But in all other respects (save one) it worked. 2019-07-02 12-59-15 PDT Nathan Johansen Hahaha, naa. ;) 2019-05-15 14-17-03 PDT Nathan Johansen I had someone bring me a MacBook once that was so horribly corrupted it took me almost ... well, six solid days of unbroken time ... to recover everything except for about five or six files. That was a test of patience. 2019-05-18 11-01-13 PDT Nathan Johansen So, 10.10.x through 10.13.x (with or without X11, GraphicsMagick, ImageMagick, in combinations) all work, but the GTK throws issues. I think that the 10.14.x so far seems the most "stable" and works well, but that is a tad higher in the target range than what you wanted. I've gone at it from both the "pure" Apple library side and the "pure" MacPorts side with varying results. Going to leave it alone for the rest of the weekend. ;) 2019-07-02 12-57-29 PDT Nathan Johansen And every time I change to a new directory in `Terminal` it seems to prompt me in a separate dialogue window to provide authorization. Just switching to ~/Documents required permission ... Hahaha. 2019-05-15 14-22-45 PDT Nathan Johansen But I think that's a little silly ... 2019-09-09 09-19-58 PDT Nathan Johansen At this point, I'd say whatever works, works ... =) 2019-04-18 07-05-56 PDT Nathan Johansen ```$ /usr/local/bin/inkscape ; exit;
Entity: line 1146: parser error : error parsing attribute name
# /opt/local/bin/python2.7
Entity: line 1146: parser error : attributes construct error
# /opt/local/bin/python2.7
Entity: line 1146: parser error : Couldn't find end of Start Tag group line 1143
# /opt/local/bin/python2.7
Pango version: 1.42.4
( :18832): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 06:51:12.092: gtk_combo_box_set_active: assertion 'index_ >= -1' failed
( :18832): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 06:51:12.159: gtk_combo_box_set_active: assertion 'index_ >= -1' failed
Warning: Font face with same CSS values already added: Avenir Oblique (Book Oblique, Oblique)
Warning: Font face with same CSS values already added: Avenir Normal (Book, Roman)
Gtk:ERROR:gtkiconhelper.c:494:ensure_surface_for_gicon: assertion failed (error == NULL): Icon 'image-missing' not present in theme Adwaita (gtk-icon-theme-error-quark, 0)
Emergency save activated!
( :18832): GLib-CRITICAL **: 06:51:12.420: g_path_get_dirname: assertion 'file_name != NULL' failed
Emergency save completed. Inkscape will close now.
If you can reproduce this crash, please file a bug at www.inkscape.org
with a detailed description of the steps leading to the crash, so we can fix it.
Gtk-Message: 06:51:12.442: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This is discouraged.
Entity: line 1146: parser error : error parsing attribute name
# /opt/local/bin/python2.7
Entity: line 1146: parser error : attributes construct error
# /opt/local/bin/python2.7
Entity: line 1146: parser error : Couldn't find end of Start Tag group line 1143
# /opt/local/bin/python2.7
Abort trap: 6
Saving session...
...copying shared history...
...saving history...truncating history files...
[Process completed]
``` 2019-08-08 12-51-44 PDT Nathan Johansen If I switch to actually ANY other open window, then back to the Inkscape GUI, then the menu bar works again. 2019-07-02 13-00-13 PDT Nathan Johansen Umm ... 2019-12-04 16-02-23 PST Nathan Johansen Does not even write junk to the terminal on exit or window resizing or opening files. 2019-10-07 15-29-37 PDT Nathan Johansen It does not go together with the rest of the appearance enough to be noticed. 2019-04-14 10-23-00 PDT Nathan Johansen How's your packaging pipeline working? I've been trying to get the extensions to compile properly again. =) 2019-05-15 14-23-01 PDT Nathan Johansen (And no, they don't.) 2019-03-27 16-40-17 PDT Nathan Johansen Because that `* -> *` is not owned by root in your example ... 2019-10-07 15-32-53 PDT Nathan Johansen I got a speeding blitz on the autobahn once ... still have the photograph. =) 2019-03-27 17-11-25 PDT Nathan Johansen Always wanting to poke our heads in where they do not belong ... =) 2019-04-14 10-27-00 PDT Nathan Johansen This would be fun to go rewrite from scratch ... as a learning to code experience. =) 2019-05-15 14-35-55 PDT Nathan Johansen (They must have some, given all of the ancient Mercedes that go there to die ...) 2019-05-01 10-07-33 PDT Nathan Johansen Having a file handy or some "correct" way of doing that "turn 'em all on!" strategy would be super-helpful for testing. 2019-05-01 08-49-32 PDT Nathan Johansen ```---> Computing dependencies for gdk-pixbuf2
Error: Failed to deactivate gdk-pixbuf2: Active version of gdk-pixbuf2 is not 2.36.12_0+x11 but 2.36.12_0.
Error: See /opt/local/var/macports/logs/_opt_local_var_macports_registry_portfiles_gdk-pixbuf2-2.36.12_0_9808bd846ca86e27720609b3f1fd06365e0550c7390b07d0a758a636f7c4fd09-1878/gdk-pixbuf2/main.log for details.
Warning: Failed to execute portfile from registry for gdk-pixbuf2 @2.36.12_0
---> Deactivating gdk-pixbuf2 @2.36.12_0
---> Activating gdk-pixbuf2 @2.36.12_0+x11``` 2019-09-09 09-20-50 PDT Nathan Johansen The iPad I see is going to become something like "iPadOS" ... 2019-10-07 15-15-45 PDT Nathan Johansen :joy: 2019-05-01 09-14-37 PDT Nathan Johansen Your paths may vary, but hopefully that helps? 2019-06-16 16-21-43 PDT Nathan Johansen Anyway, I came across it once. I 2019-10-07 15-07-55 PDT Nathan Johansen +001 (720) 273-2063 2019-05-14 23-14-49 PDT Nathan Johansen The lxml seems missing. I just tried to build it "AS IS" without modifications. It builds and runs, but there are extensions that fail. But see if it will work for your OSX version 10.13 - if you'd like. I'll explore how to package these up better over my free time in the next few days. =) 2019-07-02 13-09-40 PDT Nathan Johansen Or was it Mexico? It won't give me the German version over here today, but: [ https://www.dw.com/en/hail-storm-buries-parts-of-mexican-city-of-guadalajar… ] 2019-05-15 13-56-05 PDT Nathan Johansen Hmm. PacketLogger (one of the Xcode Tools) can also do that type of analysis, or? 2019-04-20 10-38-44 PDT Nathan Johansen What's your schedule like this weekend? 2019-10-07 15-10-22 PDT Nathan Johansen I'm not allowed to do much without getting screamed at, also, but yet I do. =) 2019-07-05 16-36-44 PDT Nathan Johansen I'll let you know if this version does work. 2019-05-01 09-36-41 PDT Nathan Johansen The full range to test is something like this list at the end of a `cmake ..`: ```-DWITH_GRAPHICS_MAGICK=ON -DWITH_OPENMP=ON -DWITH_PROFILING=ON -DWITH_JEMALLOC=ON -DWITH_GRAPHICS_MAGICK=ON -DWITH_DBUS=ON -DWITH_JEMALLOC=ON -L``` 2019-06-13 10-23-59 PDT Nathan Johansen Okay. I have those in a loose order already. I just tried replacing the "iconv.h" fix, and it's failing ... so perhaps it has moved on to some new secret hack. This machine is now on macOS 10.14.6 Beta, FYI. 2019-07-02 13-04-49 PDT Nathan Johansen The solar eclipse in Peru is about to happen, that should be pretty. I got to see one in Frankfurt once. Well, I was in Offenbach at the time, but it was right around mid-day. I remember how dark and cold it became for a duration; and the pattern of the shadow cast on the ground through the leaves of trees. 2019-09-08 12-26-40 PDT Nathan Johansen Since it was 10.11 (maybe 10.10 ?) as a version to support, I'd say you've got it! =) 2019-05-01 09-02-07 PDT Nathan Johansen That will spit out all manner of binaries for us in a jiffy, which would be helpful to increase the base of people able to offer their time for testing other features out. 2019-05-02 14-22-18 PDT Nathan Johansen Did he already try following this preliminary checklist for a fresh MacPorts? 2019-05-01 09-38-03 PDT Nathan Johansen I'll sort it out, eventually. =) 2019-04-22 11-53-21 PDT Nathan Johansen I only have piles of these (nothing else, incredibly): 2019-05-01 09-40-25 PDT Nathan Johansen And then be like, "WHaat!t?? No way. Really? There's a compiler flag to do that??" 2019-07-02 12-53-11 PDT Nathan Johansen I would like to see how that works - people have their favorites, but I think this interface is nice for keeping things organized when you're developing projects than scattering stuff everywhere. 2019-07-05 18-36-48 PDT Nathan Johansen Screen Shot 2019-07-05 at 6.35.41 PM.png (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/cz3rfFk4YW7WQhsmD/Screen%20Shot%20201…) 2019-03-27 17-06-41 PDT Nathan Johansen Does it also work with ``find . -type l -name '\*'` 2019-12-04 16-03-23 PST Nathan Johansen Well, at least for the first couple of times you open it anyway. 2019-06-16 16-28-40 PDT Nathan Johansen (Just needed to scroll back a bit further.) 2019-07-05 16-58-04 PDT Nathan Johansen isa10.png (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/kJHaNjqPxaxKWyEvv/isa10.png) 2019-04-27 07-59-23 PDT Nathan Johansen It's F*GH@ing FAST when you get it to do a full compile as a pure 64-bit application. About knocked me over with wind. 2019-04-22 12-13-15 PDT Nathan Johansen Hmm. I just rebuild everything with the latest from a `git pull` and now I only get one (and only one) message: 2019-10-07 15-19-38 PDT Nathan Johansen Sort of makes it difficult to wake up and participate some days, but I do. I care, and love what we're able to do together, although it may be kept hidden. 2019-05-02 14-22-52 PDT Nathan Johansen I'm trying to make that nonsense more streamlined, slowy. 2019-09-08 12-21-08 PDT Nathan Johansen Amazing! 2019-05-15 14-09-47 PDT Nathan Johansen and dtools 2019-03-27 17-08-09 PDT Nathan Johansen No worries. =) 2019-06-08 11-31-24 PDT Nathan Johansen Okay ... hmm *shrug* 2019-04-22 11-53-58 PDT Nathan Johansen So, that's about the only type of error I'm seeing. 2019-07-05 18-36-13 PDT Nathan Johansen It works: 2019-06-08 11-33-15 PDT Nathan Johansen (And if it's too late for you, just say so.) 2019-07-06 09-35-55 PDT Nathan Johansen The extensions still want Python3.6 ... so I need to put that back real quick and test those out. I only launched the application and looked at the About box once. 2019-05-01 08-46-34 PDT Nathan Johansen Afternoon, René! I'm slowly building up a proper dependency list. I already made one post of those so far which blend GTK and quartz/x11 in their builds. I've got a few more variants which have "requirements" that BOTH quartz AND x11 be available, and I notice others (older code perhaps needed for certain Extensions? Not certain on those, yet.) There were a couple of what I will only call "compiler traps" which allowed the thing to whirl away at high speed for ... port -ftpsqR install *xcode* ... nope ... ```port -ftpsqR install jbigkit``` that stopped it dead for 132m24.144s before I killed it off and restarted. 2019-05-15 14-09-40 PDT Nathan Johansen I love dtrace! 2019-04-22 11-53-45 PDT Nathan Johansen ```( :36398): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 11:50:29.201: gtk_box_gadget_distribute: assertion 'size >= 0' failed in GdlSwitcher``` 2019-06-08 11-57-44 PDT Nathan Johansen (And it does build / work - with the current master - from your last try?) 2019-09-09 09-25-23 PDT Nathan Johansen [ https://developer.apple.com/ipad/ ] 2019-04-18 06-59-26 PDT Nathan Johansen Let me try and you can correct me. =) 2019-04-22 11-53-26 PDT Nathan Johansen ```Pango version: 1.42.4
( :36398): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 10:44:47.950: gtk_combo_box_set_active: assertion 'index_ >= -1' failed
( :36398): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:44:48.761: Drawing a gadget with negative dimensions. Did you forget to allocate a size? (node notebook owner GdlSwitcher)``` 2019-05-01 09-22-43 PDT Nathan Johansen I was trying to find that file .. okay. Here they are: 2019-10-07 15-26-59 PDT Nathan Johansen Me whining about the color of the menu bar is just Nathan being a wise ass. ;) 2019-03-27 16-44-20 PDT Nathan Johansen Hmm. I wonder - how would one go about looking for any other instances of these zombie files on a Mac/Unix system? 2019-09-08 12-21-20 PDT Nathan Johansen That's Ganz Tolle! (sp?). =) 2019-12-04 15-52-47 PST Nathan Johansen Baaah ! It won't let me copy the text ... 2019-03-27 17-04-33 PDT Nathan Johansen So, what has ``find . -type f -name '\*'`` turned up so far? Anything scary? 2019-07-05 16-32-53 PDT Nathan Johansen Having these finishing touches done properly really go a long way to make it a professional package. 2019-09-09 09-18-35 PDT Nathan Johansen *shrug* :shrug: 2019-06-08 11-55-40 PDT Nathan Johansen Thank you, René. 2019-05-14 14-23-57 PDT Nathan Johansen bbiab 2019-06-08 11-32-58 PDT Nathan Johansen I've been trying to tuck it inside a Workspace folder from my home directory. 2019-03-28 06-45-41 PDT Nathan Johansen We can chat about it here, instead. 2019-05-01 09-31-22 PDT Nathan Johansen And then I was going to proceed with the `cmake ...` in the build directory and see what it actually is picking up and using from using the `-L` flag to see them listed. 2019-04-18 07-05-58 PDT Nathan Johansen Ah. 2021-02-06 08-30-58 PST Nathan Johansen Does the Extensions > Extension Manager... work with your packaged builds lately? In particular for 1.1? I'm not certain what it should do, but I get an error: "The Inkscape profile directory isn't set!" 2021-02-12 11-17-24 PST Nathan Johansen How's your icon coming along? I see Doc already put up the yellow hat on #team_devel ... 2019-07-05 16-20-15 PDT Nathan Johansen Yep. It's downloaded. I'll follow your instructions. 2019-07-05 16-29-32 PDT Nathan Johansen So, after opening the DMG and double-clicking on the Inkscape logo icon, it started running ... but not doing much other than watching the Inkscape icon bounce up and down ... 2019-05-14 14-15-10 PDT Nathan Johansen These two recent updates just broke the build" 2019-05-14 14-05-07 PDT Nathan Johansen I'll leave that folder there. Just touched an empty index file there to hold. 2019-10-07 15-06-37 PDT Nathan Johansen Do you use Apple Cash? Or have the Apple Card? 2019-05-15 13-45-20 PDT Nathan Johansen Nope, still linking to the other libraries. 2019-05-15 14-08-16 PDT Nathan Johansen Maybe it's another one. I haven't played with them in ages. 2019-05-01 09-28-04 PDT Nathan Johansen Do you want to see their contents? 2019-05-01 09-45-22 PDT Nathan Johansen I wish. 2019-05-15 14-22-32 PDT Nathan Johansen What do you want as a minimum OS target? 2019-05-01 08-47-54 PDT Nathan Johansen But that seems to be due to something else it was trying to install that needed BOTH +quartz and +x11 to work. I kept notes of it some place, I think. Let me go look ... 2019-04-18 06-59-13 PDT Nathan Johansen What's the best way to paste these ~30 lines or so? Just place them inside back `tick` marks? 2019-05-01 08-58-00 PDT Nathan Johansen So, it seems that In these instances, I need three or four "versions" present and active - with or without: quartz x11 ... ( + + ) ( + - ) ( - + ) ( - - ) ... so to speak. 2019-05-14 13-46-49 PDT Nathan Johansen (omit the spaces to form a correct URI) 2019-07-02 13-05-38 PDT Nathan Johansen Hope you're all staying cooled off over there - I do not like how hot it is getting in India and elsewhere. 2019-09-08 12-19-03 PDT Nathan Johansen 10.9.5 ? ( ! ) :wink: 2019-06-16 16-21-06 PDT Nathan Johansen (I did that ... I don't think we ever typed it down there - I just had it on the Issue #84 page as part of another note that I edited.) 2019-05-14 13-45-49 PDT Nathan Johansen See if this works for you: 2019-05-02 14-33-02 PDT Nathan Johansen I've got a list, I should have it ready soon. There are over 800 ports and dependency packs to filter through to get all the right ones on the latest macOS ... 2019-06-08 11-37-22 PDT Nathan Johansen And do you use the LDFLAGS or LIBRARIES for the GTKSPELL3_FOUND block? 2019-03-27 17-10-51 PDT Nathan Johansen Well, you know how we `*` -holes are. 2019-05-15 13-57-17 PDT Nathan Johansen They got most of the *@&$ing trees taken out today, so that's been a chore. I could use a nap and a sandwich. 2019-04-27 07-55-32 PDT Nathan Johansen This branch has a lot to sort out. I have yet to get it to build properly yet. FYI. =) 2019-04-18 07-05-36 PDT Nathan Johansen Hm. The backticks did not seem to format the type in monospace. 2020-04-03 10-00-08 PDT Nathan Johansen Know that I give you credit for all aspects of the MacOS development and release. 2019-09-05 14-07-09 PDT Nathan Johansen What is this built with? Looks a little like RocketChat, but knowing them, it may be custom designed? [ https://www.theinnovators.community ] 2019-04-27 08-00-39 PDT Nathan Johansen And that's with all the buggy code and extensions clobbering it up, still. I have build multiple versions of code into MacPorts like Thomas suggested, so that makes it easier, bit it still takes time. 2019-05-01 09-39-33 PDT Nathan Johansen "Well, Nat-Han! You're a jackass ... the simplest way, with the `cmake` utility is to just use the ` . • * • . ` switch at the end of the command to get it to do them all!" 2019-10-07 15-24-51 PDT Nathan Johansen Du canst auf Deutsche scriben, wenn du willst ... 2019-05-01 09-41-00 PDT Nathan Johansen And then be like, "Hmm... Thanks, René!" I'll let you know which ones ultimately pan out. =) 2019-05-01 09-12-58 PDT Nathan Johansen Here's mine: Took a minute to find it. 2019-05-01 09-14-13 PDT Nathan Johansen Macintosh HD ▸ opt ▸ local ▸ var ▸ macports ▸ registry ▸ portfiles ▸ gdk-pixbuf2-2.36.12_0 ▸ 9808bd846ca86e27720609b3f1fd06365e0550c7390b07d0a758a636f7c4fd09-1878 2019-07-02 12-55-42 PDT Nathan Johansen Oh, yes. The first thing to go was Cisco's AnyConnect so the VPN to my corporate servers fails now. 2019-07-02 12-48-59 PDT Nathan Johansen I had once wanted to play around with RocketChat on my Mac - is this the spot to follow how to install/configure that along the lines of how it exists here for Inkscape? [ https://gitlab.com/inkscape/infra/services ] 2019-05-15 14-28-35 PDT Nathan Johansen (Ja, ja, toll, ... Punkt sechs.) 2019-07-02 13-11-56 PDT Nathan Johansen I saw some of that this last winter in the Pacific Northwest. This combination of hail, with soft rain, and freezing temperatures, and then more snow/hail/rain - it piles up FAST and is ... well, it's like everything is smoothly coated over with glass. 2019-05-01 09-52-32 PDT Nathan Johansen Hahaha. Whatever. I keep it all in my head and just type incredibly fast until someone wants to know what's going through all that so I go make a record of it and hand that over and go back to work and keep that target updated periodically to guess at where I'm at in all of this further. =) 2019-04-22 12-13-27 PDT Nathan Johansen ```$ inkscape
Pango version: 1.42.4
Gtk-Message: 12:06:18.266: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This is discouraged.
``` 2019-10-07 15-28-44 PDT Nathan Johansen It really is SO MINOR and TRIVIAL ... but .. appearance wise, when you have to LOOK at it for HOURS in the other "dark" theme, it becomes extremely distracting and ... sloppy. 2019-05-01 08-55-46 PDT Nathan Johansen Yep. but pixvuf2 is a gdk-* that needs x11 ... 2019-05-01 08-59-30 PDT Nathan Johansen Then with all of those ... I can try the build again. I can check to see which it actually uses to work right. Then I can "prune out" all of that unused code and variants and get rid of it further and further until we'll be left with a clean list of what is needed and in what "flavor" ... anyway, that's my hope! Hahahah ... =) ;) 2019-07-05 16-34-11 PDT Nathan Johansen But it just says: "Application Not Responding." 2019-09-05 14-22-45 PDT Nathan Johansen I'm not certain how to go about doing this, but what do you think about letting certain creative-types aware of the macOS release? 2019-06-13 10-24-39 PDT Nathan Johansen So it is more likely to be an issue with the development version of the OS that I'm using at the moment. 2019-10-07 15-14-58 PDT Nathan Johansen Okay, so do what you want. Blame Nathan. I'll be around. 2019-05-15 14-27-47 PDT Nathan Johansen Yep, yep, okay. .6 2020-04-03 09-58-49 PDT Nathan Johansen Whatever it takes to get this going forward is now in all of our best interests ... we've held them up long enough, now they can have the proper tools to do real work next. 2019-06-16 16-21-52 PDT Nathan Johansen can look for it once again. ;) 2019-05-01 09-15-08 PDT Nathan Johansen That's the Portfile, anyway. 2019-05-14 14-13-46 PDT Nathan Johansen Okay, I just started another one with 10.13 as the target. 2019-05-18 17-52-52 PDT Nathan Johansen Well, this is a new one: ```Scanning dependencies of target inkview
[ 87%] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/inkview.dir/inkview-main.cpp.o
[ 87%] Linking CXX executable ../bin/inkview
ld: warning: object file (/opt/local/lib/libpotrace.a(potracelib.o)) was built for newer OSX version (10.14) than being linked (10.13)
ld: warning: object file (/opt/local/lib/libpotrace.a(decompose.o)) was built for newer OSX version (10.14) than being linked (10.13)
ld: warning: object file (/opt/local/lib/libpotrace.a(curve.o)) was built for newer OSX version (10.14) than being linked (10.13)
ld: warning: object file (/opt/local/lib/libpotrace.a(trace.o)) was built for newer OSX version (10.14) than being linked (10.13)
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:``` 2019-05-02 14-32-26 PDT Nathan Johansen Since then, I've tried to simplify. Only place +quartz where it is needed, and likewise +x11 where it is needed, and +quartz and +x11 on some instances ... 2019-05-01 09-30-15 PDT Nathan Johansen Ah, so that's good, then? 2019-03-27 16-43-15 PDT Nathan Johansen So, if the file was owned by `root` and group `wheel` and has the bits `lrwxr-xr-x` set ... you can just do a `sudo rm -i '*'` and it'll work? 2019-05-01 09-23-08 PDT Nathan Johansen ```/opt/local/lib``` 2019-07-02 13-21-20 PDT Nathan Johansen Hahaha, what bliss! (There should be a special button you can press to "activate" that feature.) 2019-05-14 13-58-55 PDT Nathan Johansen I'll build another one later that uses 10.13 as a target. I forget, but I think I left that open. 2019-05-15 14-27-13 PDT Nathan Johansen 10.13 was it? 2019-05-18 17-53-15 PDT Nathan Johansen *sigh* Easy to fix. Shouldn't be much longer. ;) 2019-05-14 14-18-30 PDT Nathan Johansen So ... this is the last one I had working properly. 2019-08-11 07-25-37 PDT Nathan Johansen Naa? ;) 2019-03-27 17-08-02 PDT Nathan Johansen Oh, I was just curious to know since you had run it already. 2019-05-15 13-47-46 PDT Nathan Johansen Super simple once you get the hang of it. 2019-05-14 14-15-27 PDT Nathan Johansen Baah! 2019-05-02 14-34-53 PDT Nathan Johansen I get that. But if he's updated his Mac (which it looks like he has) then it will take a moment to put back all the quartz and x11 stuff ... 2019-09-05 14-09-54 PDT Nathan Johansen True. 2019-07-02 12-51-19 PDT Nathan Johansen MacPorts won't even install `wget` ... yet. ;) 2019-10-07 15-20-00 PDT Nathan Johansen As a learning experience, we're certainly pivotal. =) 2019-10-07 15-27-35 PDT Nathan Johansen English is a Germanic language. 2019-05-14 14-53-09 PDT Nathan Johansen https://www.npj.com/inkscape/inkscape-eakvzojnpykumzdwwthvllmxdvsv.zip 2019-07-05 16-36-25 PDT Nathan Johansen I'll keep fiddling with it, though. This last update ran for over 9 hours then failed, so I could use a change of pace for a minute. =) 2019-10-07 15-18-42 PDT Nathan Johansen The tension is nice. It shows me how stupid people are yet how easy this can be. 2019-05-14 13-53-05 PDT Nathan Johansen Yay! 2019-03-27 16-39-15 PDT Nathan Johansen And that is running it as root or with sudo - given that the file permissions were set the way they were? 2019-10-07 15-13-57 PDT Nathan Johansen :beers: :dark_sunglasses: :wink: 2019-10-07 15-15-14 PDT Nathan Johansen (And being good.) 2019-05-01 09-03-05 PDT Nathan Johansen BUT ... I also have my build scripts locally configured to spit out binaries customized for multiple specific architectures which are NOT macOS. I have yet to test them anywhere yet, though. It's just a compiler option that is easy to set and run. 2020-04-03 09-56-46 PDT Nathan Johansen Ready to sign a 1.0 release? Let me know how to help, I can throw away $200 toward a developer account in a relative jiffy, but I'd rather have your name emblazoned on this. 2019-04-22 11-33-28 PDT Nathan Johansen Screen Shot 2019-04-22 at 10.57.30 AM.png (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/tWH7f3RtqxJ6eobQu/Screen%20Shot%20201…) 2019-12-04 16-01-51 PST Nathan Johansen BTW: the [ 1.0beta2 (a805cf9dd5, 2019-12-04) ] seems to work without error so far. 2019-08-08 13-03-26 PDT Nathan Johansen Building: Revision is 62cc95fa7e, 2019-08-07. 2019-05-14 13-55-16 PDT Nathan Johansen Well,, I just started looking at that last night. =) 2019-10-07 15-17-53 PDT Nathan Johansen =) 2019-05-15 14-34-14 PDT Nathan Johansen If a useful tool like inkscape (and the fun stuff that can go along with it) can be made (even if reduced to a simpler set of "tools") to work on things that are 30 years old, then that will help to redeem the usefulness of computers that are still able to be useful rather than junked. 2019-06-08 11-19-45 PDT Nathan Johansen Okay, so I have yet to get any of this to build in more than a week after the macOS update on my computer (~10.14.6 Beta at the moment). I also removed the iconv.h symbolic link, and feel that needs to be put back in place, but I wanted to ask if you could remind me which to place where before I try it again. Here is where it fails in the build from this morning: 2019-10-07 15-15-19 PDT Nathan Johansen (and Having Fun!) 2019-07-02 14-34-49 PDT Nathan Johansen One thing from the notes on zsh : `It does not provide compatibility with POSIX or other shells in its default operating mode` ... is that a potential issue for compiling anything Inkscape relies upon? 2019-05-14 13-58-28 PDT Nathan Johansen (Let me know when I can delete that so it doesn't go out into the wild.) 2019-05-02 14-31-47 PDT Nathan Johansen Yes, but that's using x11 still, even if the port uses quartz, so that is where I was at a couple weeks ago. Sort of a frustrating mess. 2019-10-07 15-08-36 PDT Nathan Johansen (Or at least buy a beer, or two.) 2019-05-02 14-35-57 PDT Nathan Johansen "Now how do I make an icon? So I can just click it" 2019-04-23 11-03-38 PDT Nathan Johansen https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape/issues/84#note_163499602 2019-04-22 11-53-08 PDT Nathan Johansen Umm, haven't seen that one any further. 2019-04-23 11-05-26 PDT Nathan Johansen Did you read each one? 2019-03-27 16-44-37 PDT Nathan Johansen Those could be really malicious. 2019-05-15 13-50-47 PDT Nathan Johansen (nice to see that it breaks, which means that I did not build the whole thing as a single file.) 2019-05-15 14-24-32 PDT Nathan Johansen If there is some simple way to change the icon on the "zipped" Inkscape binary from the "terminal window" that would be neat. Just leave it like an old-school single application before linked libraries. 2019-07-02 13-14-54 PDT Nathan Johansen ```'Never-before-seen natural phenomena' in Guadalajara, Mexico due to a freak hail storm that has buried the city in ice.``` 2019-07-05 16-31-12 PDT Nathan Johansen Okay. Well, it's just bouncing up and down in the icon tray. So far so good. 2019-07-05 16-36-55 PDT Nathan Johansen (Seems like it should, to me, anyway.) 2019-07-02 13-00-43 PDT Nathan Johansen ```% python --version
Python 2.7.16
``` 2019-07-02 13-06-37 PDT Nathan Johansen Did you see the DW photos of the hail storm in Peru yesterday or so? 2019-03-27 16-58-59 PDT Nathan Johansen https://csrc.nist.gov/CSRC/media/Projects/Usable-Cybersecurity/images-media… 2019-05-15 14-32-51 PDT Nathan Johansen The only reason I was interested in attempting to produce builds that reach into the past is for certain kinds of older equipment - like that you would find in industry or manufacturing or offices in distant foreign countries. 2019-10-07 15-14-29 PDT Nathan Johansen Sounds good. I'll support you (and periodically whine like a swine from time to time). 2019-10-07 15-26-04 PDT Nathan Johansen Exciting times. Nothing to feel other than good about. 2019-06-08 11-32-32 PDT Nathan Johansen Is that /work/opt in the top level of the build machine? Like, seriously in the / root ? 2019-04-22 11-39-00 PDT Nathan Johansen I'm still getting piles of these errors in my Terminal window: ```( :36398): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 11:29:20.608: gtk_box_gadget_distribute: assertion 'size >= 0' failed in GdlSwitcher``` 2019-10-02 04-51-33 PDT Nathan Johansen Got this in my email today: a new series of publications and discussions that you may also like reading. [ https://www.nist.gov/blogs/cybersecurity-insights/introducing-cybersecurity… ] 2019-05-15 14-28-48 PDT Nathan Johansen Genau. 2019-05-14 13-46-22 PDT Nathan Johansen [ https:// www.npj.com / inkscape / ] 2019-05-01 09-01-21 PDT Nathan Johansen Ought to make placing a port of inkscape back on MacPorts easier to update using their new internal build system. 2019-07-05 16-20-28 PDT Nathan Johansen Want me to do a screen-shot/video thingy as I go? 2019-10-07 15-41-31 PDT Nathan Johansen Gerhard was just getting his in the armored version, I believe. 2019-05-14 14-23-09 PDT Nathan Johansen For 10.13 2019-03-27 16-58-09 PDT Nathan Johansen Like the guidance that NIST offers us: 2019-07-02 12-50-50 PDT Nathan Johansen The latest macOS update to Catalina (10.15 Beta) knocks me out of the game for awhile here. =) 2019-05-14 14-23-02 PDT Nathan Johansen It's building. 2020-04-03 10-03-48 PDT Nathan Johansen People have tablets and cellular telephone and laptops - and are mostly stupid when it comes to design - but Inkscape can fill a huge gap for them to be successful - in the background, when their deliverables are well composed and deterministic. 2019-05-14 13-57-17 PDT Nathan Johansen When you open it, can't you run it in place? 2019-07-05 16-31-30 PDT Nathan Johansen I like your icon theme with the logo, though. =) 2019-09-05 14-24-29 PDT Nathan Johansen I also have public/community libraries in mind. 2019-05-01 08-56-38 PDT Nathan Johansen That left a place that had no way to proceed as it needed both. I expect the sane dependency may exist for other platforms? 2019-10-07 15-17-28 PDT Nathan Johansen Want me to suck up the open clip art thingy and place it some where private for a moment? Just send me something that will work as a script and I can run out out of two facilities to ensure that it is preserved. 2019-07-05 16-37-08 PDT Nathan Johansen Tschuss! Schön nacht. 2019-05-01 09-54-02 PDT Nathan Johansen And I think there is a way to turn them all on at once. I read it once in the documentation that there were certain things that could be more globally applicable, so perhaps that is one of them provided as a switch. 2019-10-07 15-37-31 PDT Nathan Johansen Clipboard - October 7, 2019 3:37 PM (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/iJr5wrs5jCAS3wB6o/Clipboard%20-%20Oct…) 2019-10-07 15-32-21 PDT Nathan Johansen I love to drive fast! =) 2019-07-02 12-55-03 PDT Nathan Johansen I have a couple of old laptops (Windoze) and wanted to place some Unix variant on it (no idea which, you recommended Ubuntu once, I believe?) and another part of me wants to test running a MacOS like you have done for your virtual development environment, but I haven't done that in several years ... 2019-05-14 14-07-45 PDT Nathan Johansen Yep, that one was set for 10.14 - how low do you want me to go? 10.10 ? 2020-04-03 10-01-38 PDT Nathan Johansen Not simply due to my decades living in Frankfurt and being "German", but moreover to your dedication to keeping the project accessible to all - no matter what they have as a computing device to work with - but let's let that go and continue with a fresh breath. 2019-07-02 12-56-23 PDT Nathan Johansen The handful of other software wasn't too bad - only about eight or nine things which mostly deal with printing and document creation that I seldom have need to keep around anymore. 2019-10-07 15-07-43 PDT Nathan Johansen If so, let me know your number and I'll send you $100. Not that I have that to send, but I don't want you being left alone in all that you've done ... I love what you've achieved. =) 2019-05-15 14-27-26 PDT Nathan Johansen Or down to 10.10 ... ? 2019-09-09 09-17-10 PDT Nathan Johansen Just got off the telephone with Apple. 2019-05-14 14-08-02 PDT Nathan Johansen One step down. 2019-09-05 14-35-02 PDT Nathan Johansen Makes sense. 2019-06-08 11-19-48 PDT Nathan Johansen ```[ 88%] Generating inkscape-version.cpp
revision is 3ee898118e, 2019-06-08
[ 88%] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/inkscape_base.dir/inkscape-version.cpp.o
[ 89%] Linking CXX shared library ../lib/libinkscape_base.dylib
ld: framework not found -lCocoa
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
make[2]: *** [lib/libinkscape_base.dylib] Error 1
make[1]: *** [src/CMakeFiles/inkscape_base.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2
``` 2019-10-07 15-25-36 PDT Nathan Johansen Oder auch auf English 2019-05-01 09-29-52 PDT Nathan Johansen After that, my Portfiles list will be a hairy mess. 2019-08-08 12-49-39 PDT Nathan Johansen It continues to exhibit the strange GUI focus-shifting behavior upon launch that seems to not enable the menu bar (File, Edit, View, etc.) to be touched and activated with the pointer or keyboard-combinations. But if I switch focus to the launching "Terminal" window, then back to the GUI window, it resets somehow and those pull-downs and menus work once further. 2019-05-14 14-18-33 PDT Nathan Johansen ```commit 74287e0f0f2ed09c57e969c396fa59b1986ad3f4
Author: Tavmjong Bah
Date: Tue May 14 13:59:03 2019 +0200``` 2019-04-18 07-05-50 PDT Nathan Johansen Hm. 2019-05-01 09-23-36 PDT Nathan Johansen ```$ ls -la libgdk_pixbuf*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root admin 128072 May 1 05:41 libgdk_pixbuf-2.0.0.dylib
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root admin 25 May 1 05:41 libgdk_pixbuf-2.0.dylib -> libgdk_pixbuf-2.0.0.dylib
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root admin 73604 May 1 05:41 libgdk_pixbuf_xlib-2.0.0.dylib
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root admin 30 May 1 05:41 libgdk_pixbuf_xlib-2.0.dylib -> libgdk_pixbuf_xlib-2.0.0.dylib``` 2019-03-27 16-33-44 PDT Nathan Johansen But it was an instructive point that could have benefit for others. I think that the Inkscape development was looking for a file iconv.h that was in that directory which contained the orphaned `*` thing from an older version of MySQL. So it does have applicability. 2019-05-14 13-56-35 PDT Nathan Johansen I believe that one may have been made for 10.14 ... I don't recall. It was HOURS ago ... Hahaha. 2019-07-02 12-58-56 PDT Nathan Johansen It is pretty, and wonderfully fast. The `Terminal` now uses `zsh` as the default shell, so that has some neat new features. 2019-07-02 12-51-55 PDT Nathan Johansen And if there's anything useful I can do for you, just let me know. I'm just reading standards documentation this week. 2019-06-08 11-19-54 PDT Nathan Johansen ;) 2019-07-05 16-33-31 PDT Nathan Johansen It quit bouncing up and down ... 2019-09-05 14-08-06 PDT Nathan Johansen Just got back. I have a few hours before my next appointment. 2019-10-07 15-15-06 PDT Nathan Johansen (You're doing good.) 2019-05-15 14-22-39 PDT Nathan Johansen I had it at 10.8 and it works. 2019-10-07 15-31-33 PDT Nathan Johansen It is not like they are paying us a fortune to do what is best. 2019-05-01 09-39-56 PDT Nathan Johansen And I'll be here like, "Oh? Well, that's useful to know. Where is that documented?" 2019-05-15 13-47-50 PDT Nathan Johansen (mostly.) 2019-04-18 07-05-48 PDT Nathan Johansen Three?! 2019-05-15 12-47-02 PDT Nathan Johansen [ https://npj.com/inkscape/x8/ ] 2019-05-14 14-15-21 PDT Nathan Johansen How do I roll it back one version? 2019-05-18 11-02-21 PDT Nathan Johansen Going to watch the drama with Kurz resigning - little prick. 2019-05-02 14-22-34 PDT Nathan Johansen https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape/issues/84#note_165963901 2019-06-13 10-28-36 PDT René de Hesselle (My build machine is 10.13.6 and will stay that way.) 2019-10-07 15-26-08 PDT René de Hesselle I need to keep flexing the English-muscle ;-) 2019-05-01 09-15-52 PDT René de Hesselle I'm interested in the linked-in libraries. Can you do `otool -L` on the `libgdk_pixbuf-2.0.0.dylib` file? 2019-03-27 16-34-08 PDT René de Hesselle Once we have the result, we post it back there. 2019-05-14 13-54-43 PDT René de Hesselle I see it did not create an app yet, but it's a start! And all the "fun" with relocating libs and stuff... I understand the cpack thing is a module/extension to cmake? 2019-09-08 12-23-57 PDT René de Hesselle Let's hope there's at least one guy out there who uses 10.9 so all the work isn't for nothing ;-) 2019-05-01 08-54-12 PDT René de Hesselle Oh... I'm sensing a big misunderstanding... I am not using MacPorts to build Inkscape. 2019-05-01 08-56-01 PDT René de Hesselle I'm checking my `config.log` right now 2019-05-01 08-56-26 PDT René de Hesselle I find things like this confusing:
``` 2019-03-27 17-07-52 PDT René de Hesselle Result of the scan: No files named `*` in the filesystem. 2019-07-02 12-52-41 PDT René de Hesselle I think I followed RocketChat's documentation, but the website looks a bit different than I remember: https://rocket.chat/docs/installation/manual-installation/centos/ 2019-03-27 16-47-28 PDT René de Hesselle 6.png (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/SzP6GBTywoc4TEfYk/6.png) 2019-03-27 16-34-43 PDT René de Hesselle I just did this. 2019-05-14 13-49-27 PDT René de Hesselle Downloading... 2019-07-05 16-19-54 PDT René de Hesselle (I'm posting this here to not have it "in the wild" since it looks official) 2019-10-07 15-25-24 PDT René de Hesselle So many things going through my mind right now... hard to put it all into words. Probably time to slowly bring this day to an end 2019-04-14 10-29-58 PDT René de Hesselle I'll keep my fingers crossed, success is a good reward and motivator 2019-07-02 12-54-40 PDT René de Hesselle You're running Catalina? How is Gatekeeper doing? Are there scary warnings for non-notarized apps yet? 2019-09-08 12-22-03 PDT René de Hesselle Ganz Toll! :-) 2019-09-05 14-09-32 PDT René de Hesselle I don't know that site. But RocketChat, Mattermost, Slack, Discord, ... there are a lot of tools out there built on top of the same stack, so they look alike. 2019-05-15 13-59-39 PDT René de Hesselle I haven't dwelled into all the available tools yet, so "maybe". But "PacketLogger" sounds a lot like network-only stuff. 2019-07-05 16-32-31 PDT René de Hesselle And I do have an app that puts a logo onto a "disk image"-looking template. 2019-05-14 14-14-39 PDT René de Hesselle I wished Apple/Microsoft/... would stop doing major releases so often. 2019-03-27 16-50-34 PDT René de Hesselle And if you're still scared, download the trial version of [SuperDuper!](https://shirt-pocket.com/SuperDuper/SuperDuperDescription.html), clone your disk to another one and try it with clone first. 2019-05-01 08-58-38 PDT René de Hesselle Can you do a `otool -L` on your `libgdk_pixbuf-2.0.0.dylib` to check if there is a really a X11 lib in there? 2019-05-14 13-59-34 PDT René de Hesselle But that's just a step along the way. 2019-04-18 06-58-41 PDT René de Hesselle Feel free to post them into #team_devel_mac , I'll try to reproduce and create issues for them. 2019-09-05 14-29-45 PDT René de Hesselle I think you should discuss that with the Vectors team, because that is exactly what they do concern themselves with: community outreach etc. 2019-03-28 06-46-44 PDT René de Hesselle You'll have to excuse me, I'm not _really here_. I'm still at work, between meetings, I cannot engage in longer conversations just yet. 2019-03-27 16-42-26 PDT René de Hesselle 4.png (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/xNBys2tpxA8hc949m/4.png) 2019-05-02 14-41-09 PDT René de Hesselle I thought he had that covered since he answered your question about `port selfupdate` that it's all up to date... maybe next time ;-) 2019-07-02 13-09-26 PDT René de Hesselle No, what is DW? 2019-10-07 15-35-00 PDT René de Hesselle Keep it! Usually priceless because of the facial expression or the bad quality of the photo or both :D 2019-04-23 11-06-06 PDT René de Hesselle I noticed some of them were win32 specific, the rest of them either depend on some package or library 2019-07-05 16-25-12 PDT René de Hesselle (If it doesn't work, I won't be doing anything about it today anyway, it's time to go to sleep. Maybe with a smile. ;-)) 2019-05-15 13-47-15 PDT René de Hesselle If you keep at it, the interesting thing to find out is if cmake/cpack/... can take of this for you (I think you mentioned an option name like "movable ... something") or if you have to do it on your own. 2019-09-08 12-21-55 PDT René de Hesselle So all the hours I tried going for 10.9 are not in vain... although I didn't do it right the first time 2019-09-08 12-23-23 PDT René de Hesselle Technically we could, but then we would need to make different releases for different OS versions, and we don't want that. Luckily signing doesn't hurt on older OSes. 2019-05-14 13-58-37 PDT René de Hesselle You can delete it. 2019-06-16 13-58-33 PDT René de Hesselle That's easy to do: go to #team_devel_mac channel, open search and type `iconv` there. It'll show you all the messages. (I just did it, but you'll know best the one that you're looking for.) There are messages with symlinking something, with using `iconv.h` from MacPorts but the `.dylib` from macOS ... I'm pretty sure you'll find what you're looking for. 2019-04-18 07-00-05 PDT René de Hesselle If it's a lot of text, maybe use something like pastebin. But, yes, use the block tick marks (three backticks). 2019-07-06 01-49-07 PDT René de Hesselle This is what I get on Mojave. Notice the difference in the icon, also the last message says "Apple scanned this for malware and didn't find any". 2019-07-02 12-58-57 PDT René de Hesselle Maybe once allow it full disc access and than it's not supposed to bother you anymore. 2019-05-02 14-31-11 PDT René de Hesselle His last screenshot showed that MacPorts installation was successfull and `/opt/local/bin/inkscape` is there, so I'm working with that for now. 2019-05-01 09-50-06 PDT René de Hesselle You are ~~cheating~~ working efficiently.
There you go ;-) 2019-06-08 11-59-10 PDT René de Hesselle It last ran an hour ago, see https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape/pipelines/65327907 2019-07-05 16-30-59 PDT René de Hesselle My guess was "won't be that slow when moved to the app folder". Because the dmg uses strong compression. (I've only glanced over this, I might be wrong.) 2019-09-09 09-18-52 PDT René de Hesselle Any mind-blowing news? ;-) 2019-05-01 09-00-26 PDT René de Hesselle Don't mind the weird paths, I used the one from the bundle 2019-05-01 09-26-51 PDT René de Hesselle Ok, that's what the variants look like. I'm guessing `libgdk_pixbuf_xlib-2.0.0.dylib` is the one with linked-in dependency to X11, the other one is clean of X11. 2019-03-27 16-35-34 PDT René de Hesselle Which results in this 2019-11-23 09-50-21 PST René de Hesselle I'm working on the Catalina permission issue (removal of launch script). As soon as that is done - I'm targeting this evening to create a MR - I'll make a new release. 2019-03-27 17-10-33 PDT René de Hesselle Thanks! Go take care of that `*` ;-) 2019-05-14 14-17-38 PDT René de Hesselle do a `git log`, pick a hash from a commit you like and then `git checkout COMMITHASH` 2019-03-27 16-37-57 PDT René de Hesselle You could try the `rm -i '*'` and answer `n` so you can check that it identifies the file and to make it less scary for you. 2019-07-02 12-57-56 PDT René de Hesselle Linux: I have run Debian for many years and at some point switched to Arch. - Depending on your existing knowledge, Ubuntu is a good choice and no advanced knowledge required. 2019-10-07 15-17-58 PDT René de Hesselle Believe me, I know... When I started working on this, I knew it would take more time than I was imagining. I probably misjudged it by one or two years or so :laughing: 2019-04-18 07-06-01 PDT René de Hesselle Yes, exactly :-) 2019-03-27 16-45-50 PDT René de Hesselle Yeah once I finished typing it, I saw the mistake... give me a second 2019-04-27 07-58-38 PDT René de Hesselle A lot to sort out - that goes for me as well. The fight is not over, we're not done yet. ;-) 2019-03-27 17-09-00 PDT René de Hesselle FYI I'll be off in a few minutes. 2019-07-02 13-06-14 PDT René de Hesselle This week is better, around 20-25 ° C max. Last week was pretty much > 30. 2019-10-07 15-13-04 PDT René de Hesselle To be fair, I haven't asked for a refund for the dev account and don't intend to do so. It was intended as a gift. 2019-05-15 13-52-37 PDT René de Hesselle If you run `sudo opensnoop` (it's likely you have to allow this first by booting into Recovery Mode to enable/exclude it from SIP), every file access happening in the system will be printed to the terminal. Also very useful! 2019-10-07 15-30-15 PDT René de Hesselle Although, in all honesty, I have to admit that I don't like side effects (as in: they piss me off a little) like that. We have quite a few of them and they are all signs of the many things in between that we don't have under control yet. 2019-07-06 01-48-05 PDT René de Hesselle Clipboard - July 6, 2019 10:48 AM (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/Zjk9LwsdK6QjR3n6M/Clipboard%20-%20Jul…) 2019-05-01 09-30-51 PDT René de Hesselle "Good" is if you want an X11-free Inkscape and you do not find the `xlib`-pixbuf linked in somewhere. 2019-05-14 13-56-42 PDT René de Hesselle No worries, I would have been shocked if cpack would automagically do everything that we need it to do. 2019-07-05 16-18-47 PDT René de Hesselle https://www.dropbox.com/s/mguj5wl4q8r7c3m/Inkscape.dmg?dl=0 2019-03-27 16-40-44 PDT René de Hesselle I can do it with `sudo` as well if it makes you feel better. 2019-03-27 16-34-37 PDT René de Hesselle 1.png (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/Lw6hPsnFToRGdh9e3/1.png) 2019-03-27 16-32-19 PDT René de Hesselle Let's use a direct channel so we don't pollute the official one 2019-07-06 01-23-07 PDT René de Hesselle Interesting. I would have expected a message like this: 2019-03-27 16-48-00 PDT René de Hesselle My first attempt was missing the "escape". So it's `find . -type f -name '\*'` 2019-12-04 15-52-37 PST René de Hesselle Let's have a look then. 2019-05-15 13-51-16 PDT René de Hesselle Let me give you the other 50% to that strategy. 2019-04-23 11-04-41 PDT René de Hesselle I'm actually aware of those since Moini told me about that error log. Haven't done anything about them (yet). 2019-04-22 11-40-11 PDT René de Hesselle Also: do you reproducibly get the error when maximizing the Inkscape window? 2019-05-15 14-28-36 PDT René de Hesselle I'm saying .6 only because of the tooling-support for notarization. It will surely run with <10.13.6, but why would someone run not the latest patch of his/her OS? 2019-07-02 12-58-30 PDT René de Hesselle That Terminal: lol! That has to be a bug. (I hope!) 2019-07-05 16-35-53 PDT René de Hesselle Don't stop what you're doing because of me, I'll be off in a few minutes. 2019-05-14 13-58-53 PDT René de Hesselle No, it does not run. All binaries have hard-coded paths to libraries that are not there. 2019-06-13 10-21-15 PDT René de Hesselle In order to really help you, I need to repeat the steps and build process that you are using. If you haven't already, focus on putting all your build commands into a shellscript that can take you from zero to your current state. "From zero" is a clean macOS installation with only Xcode CLI and e.g. MacPorts, but nothing else. Start using that shellscript yourself for everything you do (that'll also take care of the testing) and if it runs fine, give it to me. (GitHub or GitLab would be a good place if we end up working on it.) 2019-10-07 15-14-09 PDT René de Hesselle Thank you for your kind words. 2019-05-02 14-32-53 PDT René de Hesselle Hm since he didn't ask for a specific way (with/without X11) my first try is to do it the easiest. And that is sticking with the instructions. 2019-05-14 14-11-53 PDT René de Hesselle My thinking was: we'll be very close to 10.15 when Inkscape 1.0 will be released. Although there will always be people who cannot run newer OSes, I'm not going to support anything below 10.13 - that still covers 3 releases. (Also: I'm not going to support an OS that Apple themselves doesn't support. Like Windows: I wouldn't build anything for XP anymore.) The reasons are that I don't have older OS releases available to test and I need at least 10.13 to build and have the tools for signing an notarization. So 10.13 will be my baseline. 2019-07-02 13-20-52 PDT René de Hesselle It's rather quiet when the IRC-RocketChat bridge is not working ;-) 2021-02-12 11-26-41 PST René de Hesselle I've messed around a little, but to no avail. It will take me a lot of time which I don't have right now. 2019-03-27 16-40-30 PDT René de Hesselle Even better. If the file is owned by `root`, you can safely try to delete it with the command above and it will fail because your user does not have permission. 2019-10-07 15-27-41 PDT René de Hesselle We (I) need to know about things like that. 2019-05-01 08-59-17 PDT René de Hesselle Having multiple "versions" or "flavours" of the same thing around is definitely something we want to avoid. 2019-10-07 15-10-28 PDT René de Hesselle Thank you for offering, that is very generous. But I cannot accept it in good conscience. When my dev account runs out next year, I'll apply for one that the Inkscape project pays for. 2019-06-08 11-45-49 PDT René de Hesselle I'm not setting flags or variables myself. Running `cmake` and telling it the path like mentioned above is sufficient. 2019-04-20 10-41-13 PDT René de Hesselle I'm trying to finish up to get a testable release ready that will fix the crash and localization issue. And I'll probably have Python and extensions ready as well. Today I still got 4-5 hours left, tomorrow is family day. 2019-05-15 14-27-33 PDT René de Hesselle I want to start with 10.13.6 being the baseline. Mainly because that's what I use and am comfortable supporting. (As explained yesterday, it's the first release to bring everything we need to support the newest ones.) I want to keep using that as long as possible. 2019-03-27 16-37-12 PDT René de Hesselle A symbolic link is like an ordinary file in regards to this situation. 2019-05-15 14-20-50 PDT René de Hesselle That makes me remember my times of fixing other people's computers. Often not that fun. And they don't really grasp how much love and effort and time one has to put into fixing things. 2019-10-07 15-31-42 PDT René de Hesselle Yes, we have progress after all. And still some road ahead. 2019-05-14 13-58-14 PDT René de Hesselle My build machine is 10.13.6, right. I will keep it at this version for as long as possible, hoping to provide at least a bit of support for older operating systems. 2019-07-02 13-20-39 PDT René de Hesselle No worries, I'm chilling. 2019-07-05 16-30-04 PDT René de Hesselle Running from the dmg on my test machine, it took quite some time until it launched. 2019-03-27 16-36-27 PDT René de Hesselle And remove like this 2019-07-05 16-35-10 PDT René de Hesselle Ok. Thank you for trying though. I'll set up Catalina on an external HDD sometime soon to check things out. 2019-05-15 14-38-39 PDT René de Hesselle For me, it comes down to a matter of time and resources. Since I've started weeks ago, I've been putting 100% of my spare time into Inkscape. If it wasn't fun, it would be more like a second job than a hobby. - So I have to prioritize. And yes, I do want to (have the power) decide a few things as well. I'm trying to use it wisely by not ruling out everything I don't like or can't do right form the start, but it has to wait. 2019-09-08 12-20-52 PDT René de Hesselle I got in contact with GIMP's mac guy and got some valuable tips ;-). 2019-05-15 13-46-08 PDT René de Hesselle Sorry, haven't checked yet 2019-07-02 12-59-54 PDT René de Hesselle What does `python -version` give you? I know they're sticking with Python 2 (now marked as deprecated), but have they updated it to 2.7.16 or something? 2019-10-07 15-14-01 PDT René de Hesselle If there comes a time that I can't or don't want to invest time and/or money any more, I will be upfront about it. 2019-05-01 09-42-05 PDT René de Hesselle You lost me there. You mean you can switch on all the `DWITH` settings at once? 2019-04-14 10-24-50 PDT René de Hesselle I'm currently investigating which files are missing from the bundle that cause Inkscape to crash when opening/closing files (also: missing localization). It's stuff that usually resides in `/var/share`. I haven't looked into extensions (and the Python they require) yet. 2019-05-15 13-58-37 PDT René de Hesselle Hm... napping... :-) 2019-07-05 16-32-13 PDT René de Hesselle Yeah I've seen similar things with other apps, so I wanted that as well. 2019-03-27 16-44-55 PDT René de Hesselle Oh wait, let me try that first... 2019-07-05 16-41-11 PDT René de Hesselle Thank you! Gute Nacht! :crescent_moon: 2019-06-08 11-46-40 PDT René de Hesselle The exception being `MAKEFLAGS`, I'm setting that to use all available cores to compile. But not `CFLAGS`, `LDFLAGS` or the likes. 2019-05-01 09-29-41 PDT René de Hesselle No longer necessary. When we were talking earlier about which version is used, I thought it came down to looking inside the library. But MacPorts builds different libraries, so if your Inkscape uses the `xlib`-pixbuf, that's the way to tell. 2019-05-15 14-09-30 PDT René de Hesselle Things like `strace` or `dtrace` (well, where available) are on the todo-list as well... We won't run out of todos for the foreseeable future. 2019-06-08 11-28-06 PDT René de Hesselle I have not encountered that error. When my build environment is set up (in `/work/opt`), I specify it as `CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH` and that's it. 2019-06-08 11-35-49 PDT René de Hesselle Yes, it is - by choice (it is configurable). I need a fixed path that is not user-dependent so the build toolset can be zipped and extracted. 2019-10-07 15-15-03 PDT René de Hesselle And yelling. Don't forget the yelling :D (I do... computers are so mean...) 2019-06-08 11-28-40 PDT René de Hesselle Also, did you play around or something? I don't believe Inkscape builds against Cocoa at all. 2019-03-27 17-13-10 PDT René de Hesselle ...yeah that's how it works. ;-) 2019-06-08 11-44-41 PDT René de Hesselle You can read the readme here: https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape/tree/master/packaging/macos
If you want to try it, do it step by step (despite the readme saying to use `build_all.sh`) by running the scripts with a prefix > 100 in order, one after another.
I haven't written a more user-friendly documentation yet. 2019-10-07 15-27-31 PDT René de Hesselle Don't be hard on yourself, that's not whining. 2019-04-22 11-39-53 PDT René de Hesselle I'm getting various warnings/errors as well. I'll check if they are the same as the ones you're getting. 2019-03-27 17-07-01 PDT René de Hesselle Yes, it does. 2019-03-27 16-36-35 PDT René de Hesselle 3.png (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/ASMfcEZrD2aJssfPv/3.png) 2019-03-27 16-35-29 PDT René de Hesselle 2.png (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/jWtNit4iCPaTke34Y/2.png) 2019-03-27 17-08-45 PDT René de Hesselle No symlinks either. 2019-07-02 12-51-37 PDT René de Hesselle You want to run your own RocketChat server? - I have done this once at work, but on Linux. I haven't read Inkscape's documentation 2019-05-01 09-16-12 PDT René de Hesselle That (always) tells you the truth 2019-03-27 17-06-41 PDT René de Hesselle Sorry I did not get that you wanted me to run that across the whole filesystem. Running now. I expect zero results. 2019-03-27 16-44-18 PDT René de Hesselle Quotes are the (most important!) key here. 2019-06-17 10-28-42 PDT René de Hesselle Glad you found it. 2019-10-07 15-30-23 PDT René de Hesselle It'll be a slow uphill battle to get it all sorted. 2019-05-15 14-31-50 PDT René de Hesselle Maybe we can start supporting even older releases like 10.12 ... at a later point, I won't rule that out just yet. But I definitely don't want to look / invest time in that now. Because that is - I'm sorry to say - catering to a ~~very~~ small group of people and they do not come first on the priority list. 2019-07-05 16-23-47 PDT René de Hesselle Maybe later if you encounter issues. For now, just have fun, I don't want to cause you too much trouble 2019-05-01 09-00-15 PDT René de Hesselle Mine is
@executable_path/../Resources//lib/libgdk_pixbuf-2.0.0.dylib (compatibility version 3613.0.0, current version 3613.0.0)
@executable_path/../Resources/lib/libgmodule-2.0.0.dylib (compatibility version 5801.0.0, current version 5801.3.0)
@executable_path/../Resources/lib/libgio-2.0.0.dylib (compatibility version 5801.0.0, current version 5801.3.0)
@executable_path/../Resources/lib/libgobject-2.0.0.dylib (compatibility version 5801.0.0, current version 5801.3.0)
@executable_path/../Resources/lib/libglib-2.0.0.dylib (compatibility version 5801.0.0, current version 5801.3.0)
@executable_path/../Resources/lib/libintl.9.dylib (compatibility version 11.0.0, current version 11.4.0)
@executable_path/../Resources/lib/libpng16.16.dylib (compatibility version 51.0.0, current version 51.0.0)
@executable_path/../Resources/lib/libz.1.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.2.11)
/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation (compatibility version 150.0.0, current version 1560.12.0)
/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1252.200.5)
``` 2019-04-18 07-06-16 PDT René de Hesselle multi-line code block 2019-03-27 17-07-17 PDT René de Hesselle Finding those files or links is not a harmful operation, try it yourself. 2019-05-15 13-48-15 PDT René de Hesselle Yeah I see it coming that at some point I'll have to learn (at least a bit of) cmake :smile: 2019-05-01 08-57-16 PDT René de Hesselle I have no x11 libs in the build system. 2019-03-27 16-44-02 PDT René de Hesselle Since root is allowed to do anything, yes that works exactly like that. 2019-05-01 08-50-07 PDT René de Hesselle Interesting. Let me check my gdk-pixbuf 2019-03-27 16-43-12 PDT René de Hesselle 5.png (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/Z7zDxJ6vBAPtHSEyB/5.png) 2019-12-04 15-52-48 PST René de Hesselle If it's a bug, we put it into an issue 2019-05-15 14-34-06 PDT René de Hesselle You are not wrong doing so. If it is easily doable, keeping legacy support (without hindering new developments) is a good thing. 2019-07-02 13-10-36 PDT René de Hesselle WOW - I'm reading news everyday, how did that *not* make it to the headlines? 2019-07-03 05-10-41 PDT René de Hesselle Not for compiling since I won't be using 10.15 to build - but I need to check the gtk launch script.
Can you check: `bash` is still available on Catalina, but no longer the default shell - or have they completely removed it? (Is `/bin/sh` still there?)

[Webmaster] Rocket.Chat, 2 Users, 3 Messages, 0 Files, 815494 Minutes, in Direct Message Between: daddy & NPJ2000
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29 Apr '21
2019-10-10 21-34-55 PDT Nathan Johansen With? 2019-10-14 05-54-33 PDT daddy never mind 2019-10-10 09-32-16 PDT daddy can you help me

[Webmaster] Rocket.Chat, 2 Users, 67 Messages, 0 Files, 762157 Minutes, in Direct Message Between: NPJ2000 & brynn
by no-reply@chat.inkscape.org 29 Apr '21
by no-reply@chat.inkscape.org 29 Apr '21
29 Apr '21
2019-11-21 08-26-12 PST Nathan Johansen Be playful. Be you. Excel at what you revel in. It's okay. You're welcome to be safe here. 2019-11-16 10-40-30 PST Nathan Johansen One of my philanthropic meetings yesterday was about reminding people on the short but messy history of computing and the recent Internet, with emphasis on arcane notions like RFC 5545 and RFC 7986 as still unrealized design principles which, if anyone ever succeeded at fully implementing them with compliance with UTF8 and ISO standards for character sets, could pretty much shut down (or shut up) huge swaths of "Internet Innovators" that have sprung up over the past few decades. 2019-11-21 08-17-32 PST Nathan Johansen Don't feel maligned by differences. Just be confident in your own courageous acts. =) 2019-11-21 09-34-48 PST Nathan Johansen (Just for clarity so as to allay guessing from the outset.) 2019-11-21 08-18-34 PST Nathan Johansen More eyes and attitudes and abilities bring greater resources than trivial uniformity. 2019-11-16 10-32-00 PST Nathan Johansen Hmm. Now I'm curious ... what WAS that first spreadsheet program .... I can't remember. 2019-11-21 08-25-38 PST Nathan Johansen With vigor. And skill. =) 2019-11-16 10-25-19 PST Nathan Johansen =) 2019-11-16 10-29-45 PST Nathan Johansen Sshhh. 2019-11-21 06-24-03 PST Nathan Johansen +001 (720) 273 2063 2019-11-21 06-58-05 PST Nathan Johansen Up here in Idaho, we're playing with the native Indians and to a limited extent, the Canadians ... the people from Mexico and southern American countries already being represented in the four-corners regions previously ... 2019-11-21 08-32-44 PST Nathan Johansen Kind of like being given the duty of keeping the kids busy before luncheon is served. 2019-11-21 09-34-22 PST Nathan Johansen Could you provide URLs or links to the interface where these points are to be found? 2019-11-16 10-28-19 PST Nathan Johansen Besides, it's helpful to keep certain things close at hand as reference when you may or may not have access to the digital ~nemesis~ memesis (for whatever reason) but DO have paper. 2019-11-21 08-31-34 PST Nathan Johansen Where should I be loading up pages in my web browser and what should I be looking at to "moderate" in accordance with being a good member of the community with a badge? 2019-11-21 06-51-19 PST Nathan Johansen (but I'm adverse to travel back and forth much at the moment.) 2019-11-21 06-56-28 PST Nathan Johansen For what it's worth, I've served in roles appointed by the state governor down to county commissioners and real land use from people on property granted from the late 1800's. 2019-11-21 08-19-09 PST Nathan Johansen The people who run this place understand this implicitly, even if they do not express it explicitly with tact or skill. 2019-11-21 08-19-24 PST Nathan Johansen (We know it when we see it and that's all good!) 2019-11-16 10-37-32 PST Nathan Johansen Although I don't tend to read books anymore. They just sit on shelves or are in storage. 2019-11-16 09-30-23 PST Nathan Johansen Here? 2019-11-16 10-35-24 PST Nathan Johansen I still have friends at NASA that use Fortran. We grew up with LISP and FORTH. 2019-11-16 10-31-26 PST Nathan Johansen But yea, been at this a minute. =) 2019-11-21 06-54-07 PST Nathan Johansen The danger in being good at something is forgetting what it took to get there and how to train/tell/express that to those who haven't followed along in class like you may have. 2019-11-21 08-32-13 PST Nathan Johansen And how often or with what frequency do I usually need to devote my attention there? 2019-11-16 10-29-39 PST Nathan Johansen (Also, it's a good reason to test other networking issues I've been fiddling with today ...) 2019-11-21 06-50-12 PST Nathan Johansen I have property there and was born in the state, but am presently in the Pacific time zone. 2019-11-21 08-33-06 PST Nathan Johansen And we're out of crayons or paper while the electricity is out but we have rain ... ;) 2019-11-21 09-36-26 PST Nathan Johansen (There seem to be "levels" and "zones" and areas spread all over the place where these interactions can and do take place with regularity.) 2019-11-16 10-28-29 PST Nathan Johansen memesis 2019-11-16 10-33-23 PST Nathan Johansen I left for college to study Aerospace Engineering in 1993. Grew up in a small town with a good education system. 2019-11-21 06-52-59 PST Nathan Johansen If you would like, I can make introductions at a future point. You might enjoy being a champion of the open source "Here's how we do this effectively ..." education that is sorely needed over there at the moment from those who scratch their heads too often. 2019-11-21 08-25-04 PST Nathan Johansen Removing uncertainty, so to speak. 2019-11-16 11-06-20 PST Nathan Johansen That's still a lot to keep in your mind. I'm really happy with how HTML and CSS have grown. 2019-11-16 10-31-18 PST Nathan Johansen I used to setup 8086 IBM AT / XT computers at the library in the early 80's for college students to learn WordPerfect and Basic and DOS and ... goodnesses, I forgot what we called spreadsheets before Microsoft decided to hijack that code ... 2019-11-21 06-56-46 PST Nathan Johansen Gives me a headache. =) 2019-11-21 08-16-50 PST Nathan Johansen First off, I see that you care. That tells me a lot. It takes heart to invest yourself in what you are passionate about or have an attraction to because ... like all such notions .. it is nurturing to your being and you want to not only promote that but preserve and share. 2019-11-16 10-37-02 PST Nathan Johansen Hahaha. Yes, I still have some of those that I use as bookmarks. 2019-11-16 10-25-15 PST Nathan Johansen Got it. Looking at the Moderators Area and reading the full version of the Rules and Guidelines. (I should have waited to print all these and put ONE staple in the whole set.) 2019-11-21 09-40-36 PST Nathan Johansen Thank you. 2019-11-16 10-27-29 PST Nathan Johansen I like paper and reading things in a way that I can take an inky pen to them along with throwing a date and my initials on certain sheets is just an old habit of diligence. =) 2019-11-16 10-34-40 PST Nathan Johansen I use the 2000 because I bought myself a platinum ring on my 25th birthday and had it engraved with my initials and the year. So that's been a simple "token" of identity ever since 2019-11-16 10-32-45 PST Nathan Johansen I still preferred a typewriter, because those were ... well, you could be precise with where the letters were placed on the paper if you WANTED ... 2019-11-21 09-35-40 PST Nathan Johansen I thought I had them but maybe I'm missing something? 2019-11-16 10-06-06 PST Nathan Johansen Yep, that knocked me off a while back, also. 2019-11-21 08-24-44 PST Nathan Johansen Beyond compromise there is constitution and fitness and sturdy reliability. 2019-11-16 10-43-18 PST Nathan Johansen Whenever I need to remind myself of just how much work there still is to do, I read that. 2019-11-21 06-51-01 PST Nathan Johansen That said, you might be an ideal resource for my colleagues who WANT me to be in Colorado so they can get more out of my activities ... 2019-11-21 06-40-00 PST brynn I live in CO. 2019-11-16 10-44-59 PST brynn Aah, well you kind of lost me there. PL1 was my one an only contact to programming. I've taught myself some simple html, and can run a simple website. I thought I might dip into javascript and higher levels of html/css. But it's starting to get harder to learn new things anymore. My poor old brain, I say a lot lately. 2019-11-16 10-22-38 PST brynn @NPJ2000 Ok, I have you approved as a moderator. Now you need to look in the menu under your name, in the upper right corner, and click on Moderation.
At the top of that page is a link to Moderation Page Instructions. It tells you how to use that page. And there is a good deal of reading to do to learn how to moderate in the forum as well. This message gives a link to the full version of the Rules and Guidelines https://inkscape.org/forums/forum-news/forum-rules/ And then find the Moderation board, and there are 2 sticky topics there with instructions for using the forum moderation tools.
Just let me know if you have any questions. 2019-11-16 10-01-38 PST brynn Sorry, I was locked out by Bad Gateway. Back now. 2019-11-21 06-39-05 PST brynn You live in CO, or you just have a phone number here? Are you asking me to call? Or just sharing? 2019-11-16 10-26-28 PST brynn Why do you print things out? Not a problem, just curious. 2019-11-21 08-21-00 PST brynn Thanks. Yes, I know they understand about differences. That's fine. 2019-11-16 10-34-25 PST brynn For my degree, I was required to take one computer programming class, because "computers are the future". It was PL1. 2019-11-21 09-26-15 PST brynn Hhmm... Maybe you can help me to write better instructions? It seems like they might not be clear enough.
Typically, to start moderating, I visit the gallery, using the Last Uploaded viewing order (in the right column). That way, you see the newest images, as they are uploaded. One drawback is that whenever someone edits an image or resource (especially extensions are edited quite often) it shows back up as a new image. But it's a minor distraction.
I hope someday we will switch to a system where images must be approved before they "go live". But for now, sometimes spam goes live for a while, before someone sees it.
I look at each new image, since the last time I visited. If it needs to be flagged or curated, I do that. (I'm skipping over WHY images might be flagged or curated because I think it might be easier for you to just watch on the Moderation Page, to see why we flag images. It's on-the-job training!) That's partly why leaving notes about why you flag an image is so important. But I could go into detail, if you like.
Then I move on to the Moderation Page, and check to make sure nothing has been wrongly handled by other moderators. (We currently have a problematic moderator, which is a long story, and I can explain all about that, if you decide to take on the leader role.) If a member needs to be contacted about something, I do that (photos, and images with unviewable formats). I keep a sort of form letter, that I just copy/paste into the website PM system, and change the details. (Some moderators prefer to use the image Comment system for moderating. But I think members are generally embarrassed when they are moderated, so I almost always do it privately.) And then I vote as needed.
You can visit as often as you like. We appreciate however much time you can spare. Right now, I think Maren and I are the only ones who watch the gallery. 2 of the other moderators only work in the forum. And the other one mostly votes on the moderation page, but sometimes flags images too. I think he visits the forum too, but I don't think he understands everything.
This is something that I would change, if I could dictate the policy. I would require that all moderators participate in all parts of moderation. Obviously there's a lot I would change. But this is the system we have to work with.
Then I go to the forum and read all the new messages. I answer those I can answer, and handle various moderation issues as I go.
Personally, I guess I'm online 3 to 5 days per week. I keep strange hours though.
The chatrooms are not integrated into the rest of website moderation. So if you want to moderate in the chatroom, contact jabiertxof. I'm not totally confortable moderating in the chat, since I don't use it very often. It seems like I was in the wrong place at the wrong time, one day, haha. But if I happen to be around when needed, I'm glad to help. 2019-11-16 10-32-41 PST brynn Sounds like you might be about my same age. I graduated with BS in Forestry in 1980. 2019-11-21 09-41-31 PST brynn Anytime! 2019-11-21 08-28-40 PST brynn Thanks. I'm not sure exactly what info you asked about (in the other channel). So just ask whatever you want to know. 2019-11-16 10-31-26 PST brynn Well, I should say that all that stuff I wrote is not really very professional, or professionally written. Very ordinary, very factual. 2019-11-16 10-33-32 PST brynn omg, I hear that!! I still can't stop typing the double space at the end of sentences! 2019-11-16 10-36-41 PST brynn And it was the punch cards and the computer lab. No PCs y et. 2019-11-21 07-47-09 PST brynn @NPJ2000 I'm probably not a good representative for open source. Inkscape is my first experience in any kind of development community, and I'm still very much a student. Plus, Martin and I are more at odds over pushing the website to be 100% open source, to the exclusion of any proprieatary product. I might be more of a head-scratcher, like your collegues.
From your comments, I can't quite infer what you or your collegues do. Something about land use or inheritance?
I'll tell you a little about myself. I'm not entirely healthy. I first found Inkscape when I got my first PC....probably in the late 90's because it was Windows 95, shortly after my medical disability claim was awarded. I find creativity is a healing kind of energy. I'm not even much of an artist. I just enjoy playing with Inkscape. I got involved with the first forum to learn how to use Inkscape. And I stuck around as a way of giving back. That forum owner looked like was about to disappear, a couple of years later. I always thought it might be interesting to run a forum, so I started another forum, just in case that one failed. Also, there were things I wanted for the Inkscape community, which were non-existant at the time (a gallery, tutorials, and centralized resources). A year later, Martin started to develop the Inkscape website, and invited me to help. He started to develop most of the things that I thought were missing.
I volunteered to moderate on the website, and later the new forum, because I assumed it would be like moderating on any other website. But it has turned out to be a system which I dislike and can't work with. Also, this community asks more than twice as much time as most websites ask of moderators. I'll be resigning from moderation at the end of this year. I think it will take Martin seeing firsthand what all he's asking of moderators, before he realizes how much work it is. He has virtually ignored every comment I've made on the amount of work being too much. I suspect he's never had any expereince with moderation before, based on what I see as naive ideas.
Oh, I just saw your message in the Website channel. We can continue to chat, or PM or email. The project will need a new team leader for moderators. So if you're interested, I haven't heard of anyone else who is interested.@ 2019-11-16 10-29-42 PST brynn You must have a background with higher education? It's hard to image the social media crowd using the old sort of analog methods. 2019-11-21 08-24-21 PST brynn I know that the goal is compromise. But the moderation system is too far for me to compromise. I would do all the the work, and not complain, if I it was a system I could work with. 2019-11-21 09-39-42 PST brynn Oh sorry. For the gallery, I click on Community menu > Gallery, then switch to Last Updated (https://inkscape.org/gallery/?order=-edited)
Then if you go to the little black tab in the top-right corner, with your name, and choose Moderation, that's the Moderation page (https://inkscape.org/moderation/)
The forum is https://inkscape.org/forums/

[Webmaster] Rocket.Chat, 2 Users, 73 Messages, 0 Files, 73340 Minutes, in Direct Message Between: c.rogers & Lazur
by no-reply@chat.inkscape.org 29 Apr '21
by no-reply@chat.inkscape.org 29 Apr '21
29 Apr '21
2021-03-08 17-40-42 PST Lazur ah that one 2021-03-08 17-40-50 PST Lazur which got into the thumbnail 2021-03-08 17-41-29 PST Lazur could've illustrated a camel instead 2021-03-08 17-42-07 PST Lazur so should ve just label a new folder as riskey? 2021-03-08 17-43-28 PST Lazur that could be either the quality or the object so it'd be derogatory if someone's work appeared in such a folder 2021-03-08 17-46-20 PST Lazur one line was the fan art so that we can have the content with unmanageable copyright claims separated 2021-03-08 17-46-36 PST Lazur the other is quality wise 2021-03-08 17-46-48 PST Lazur third one is being it safe for work or not 2021-03-08 17-46-54 PST Lazur and these three are crossing 2021-03-08 17-48-36 PST Lazur not sure if that would work by connecting the artists 2021-03-08 17-48-52 PST Lazur some of those images are close to a decade old 2021-03-08 17-49-19 PST Lazur artists may not care or may not access their profiles anymore 2021-03-08 17-51-11 PST Lazur I'm not sure if that's a good idea changing the artwork/artist of the content 2021-03-08 17-51-31 PST Lazur imho it's better not to accept such images then entirely 2021-03-08 17-51-48 PST Lazur if we accept we shouldn't complain how they are not welcomed 2021-03-08 17-52-19 PST Lazur just keep the other folders safe from skipping through the fancy stuff 2021-03-08 17-53-02 PST Lazur I agree, we can emphasize on which folder to usse for such content 2021-03-08 17-54-19 PST Lazur one can argue if guns should also be handled separately 2021-03-08 17-55-15 PST Lazur one shooting through the head of a Teddy-bear? 2021-03-08 17-55-19 PST Lazur https://www.deviantart.com/jankycc/art/art-and-murder-330076243?q=Inkscaper… 2021-03-08 17-56-28 PST Lazur or a knife with dripping blood 2021-03-08 17-56-43 PST Lazur ok 2021-03-08 17-56-30 PST Lazur https://www.deviantart.com/pdictusmagister/art/Hunting-knife-530782280 2021-03-08 17-56-50 PST Lazur then it's decided 2021-03-08 18-00-56 PST Lazur Does mom want her kids crossing this? https://www.deviantart.com/microugly/art/Emerald-Eyes-44982459?q=Inkscapers… 2021-03-08 18-22-16 PST Lazur ok 2021-03-08 18-22-37 PST Lazur can mom check this folder again if the filter is all right? 2021-03-08 18-23-27 PST Lazur personally I'd hide all of the furry stuff and maybe the mlp doesn't help kids growing up either 2021-03-08 18-22-39 PST Lazur https://www.deviantart.com/inkscapers/gallery/77521754/mature 2021-03-08 18-38-01 PST Lazur ok, now the fan art is filtered too 2021-03-08 18-38-18 PST Lazur only cartoon characters remain 2021-03-08 18-38-45 PST Lazur after that, sorting the "other" category is a big one 2021-03-08 18-39-58 PST Lazur interesting family 2021-03-08 18-40-12 PST Lazur just make sure mom doesn't cross uncle Jim 2021-03-08 18-42-05 PST Lazur I was fortunate enough internet was rising 2021-03-08 17-40-55 PST C.Rogers From my perspective, if the garment is so snug it caves inwards, it's mature. lol 2021-03-08 17-41-25 PST C.Rogers If I can see a bellend on a guy, It's also mature. 2021-03-08 17-41-34 PST C.Rogers Haha 2021-03-08 17-42-27 PST C.Rogers "Questionable" maybe. lol 2021-03-08 17-43-26 PST C.Rogers Seems like a nitpick though. If the primary purpose of the picture is to titillate, it should be mature. 2021-03-08 17-54-03 PST C.Rogers Just a few. 2021-03-08 17-40-19 PST C.Rogers https://www.deviantart.com/dillerkind/art/Sitting-pretty-4-VECTOR-245881476 2021-03-08 17-44-32 PST C.Rogers Well so is "riskey" maybe that would be seen as one worse than mature. Lord knows what people would take that as an invitation to create with Inkscape. 2021-03-08 17-45-00 PST C.Rogers I'd say we just draw a line somewhere. 2021-03-08 17-45-17 PST C.Rogers Though I guess the extra line is the problem here. ;P 2021-03-08 17-46-44 PST C.Rogers Heh, bin them all at the first sign of trouble? lol 2021-03-08 17-47-39 PST C.Rogers Yea. Do we have the ability to mark deviations as mature ourselves? 2021-03-08 17-47-54 PST C.Rogers Or do we need to ask the artists? 2021-03-08 17-49-10 PST C.Rogers Well, old porn is still porn. :) 2021-03-08 17-49-30 PST C.Rogers Sven is pretty active. 2021-03-08 17-49-43 PST C.Rogers posts all the time on facebook. 2021-03-08 17-49-57 PST C.Rogers So that's one of three I could probably influence. 2021-03-08 17-51-06 PST C.Rogers I guess my question is: is it worth it when no one's complained? 2021-03-08 17-52-15 PST C.Rogers Well, I think we can require that potentially mature stuff is tagged correctly. 2021-03-08 17-53-59 PST C.Rogers Most of it seems to be tagged okay. 2021-03-08 17-54-12 PST C.Rogers camels. lol 2021-03-08 17-54-36 PST C.Rogers Depends on the kind of gun. 2021-03-08 17-55-03 PST C.Rogers Well, and if not guns, why swords, or arrows. 2021-03-08 17-55-09 PST C.Rogers Nah. 2021-03-08 17-55-23 PST C.Rogers Too much moderation is bad moderation. :) 2021-03-08 17-55-30 PST C.Rogers Mature content. 2021-03-08 17-56-25 PST C.Rogers Violence, blood, sex, or implied sex, nudity, all mature content. 2021-03-08 17-56-34 PST C.Rogers mature. 2021-03-08 17-57-08 PST C.Rogers Anything mom's not gonna want her kids happening across. 2021-03-08 18-06-13 PST C.Rogers Mom's not worried about that. 2021-03-08 18-07-31 PST C.Rogers Regular clothing = okay. Lingerie, or presenting females (clothed or unclothed) should be considered mature. 2021-03-08 18-32-48 PST C.Rogers Hahaha 2021-03-08 18-38-01 PST C.Rogers Yea, I agree with most of these. 2021-03-08 18-39-27 PST C.Rogers It's looking like uncle Jim's random porno box, which I think is a good sign. 2021-03-08 18-40-36 PST C.Rogers Haha. Or the dumpster out behind an adult magazine shop. 2021-03-08 18-41-12 PST C.Rogers That was my favourite place to acquire forbidden material when I was 12 lol 2021-03-08 18-41-27 PST C.Rogers Before all this internet stuff came around. 2021-03-08 18-44-17 PST C.Rogers Back when a BAUD rate was how fast you could see her bod?

[Webmaster] Rocket.Chat, 2 Users, 160 Messages, 0 Files, 105306 Minutes, in Direct Message Between: aleksandar & doctormo
by no-reply@chat.inkscape.org 29 Apr '21
by no-reply@chat.inkscape.org 29 Apr '21
29 Apr '21
2021-02-14 13-36-58 PST Martin Owens Yes 2021-02-14 13-07-01 PST Martin Owens :laughing: 2021-02-14 12-54-07 PST Martin Owens I can talk here about my work with some other small companies who have made the switch. 2021-02-14 12-54-45 PST Martin Owens I'm a contractor, and I modify Inkscape for businesses that want to use Inkscape in their workplaces. Different industries, different features or fixes needed. 2021-02-14 13-00-50 PST Martin Owens It depends what you need. Developers like myself have patreons for generic help like mine here https://patreon.com/doctormo but if you want someonthing specific, then working with me could help you get tools that work for your business. 2021-02-14 13-04-33 PST Martin Owens I see, do you have the Illustrator keyboard shortcuts? 2021-02-14 13-04-45 PST Martin Owens For the 1.1 release. 2021-02-14 13-06-31 PST Martin Owens You can support my work via paypal if you have that, doctormo(a)geek-2.com if that's what you want to do. 2021-02-14 13-08-03 PST Martin Owens Ah! you are a wise investor in open source. :-) 2021-02-14 13-09-44 PST Martin Owens In English "what comes around, goes around" 2021-02-14 13-10-22 PST Martin Owens That's true, I wish we had a better organised developer pool to be honest. 2021-02-14 13-11-22 PST Martin Owens Not supporting your suppliers is not wise. This is called "The tragedy of the commons" 2021-02-14 13-12-49 PST Martin Owens It is also culture. 2021-02-14 13-18-08 PST Martin Owens Sure, you can send me a file, please explain how you'd like me to help you. 2021-02-14 13-22-15 PST Martin Owens I believe you can do this with the spacebar in Inkscape. 2021-02-14 13-22-47 PST Martin Owens Do you need training for Inkscape to see if it will work for you? 2021-02-14 13-28-20 PST Martin Owens These tutorials are good https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEQXp_fcqwPcqrzNtWJ1w9w 2021-02-14 13-37-08 PST Martin Owens I'm programming Inkscape, sorry for the delay getting back to you. 2021-02-14 13-37-58 PST Martin Owens The welcome screen has the keyboard shortcuts selection, and you can also set modifier keys to be more like Illustrator too. Although this work isn't completed yet, it should make it easier for a transition. 2021-02-14 13-40-09 PST Martin Owens So you want a duplicate instead of a stamper, Ctrl+D will duplicate. 2021-02-14 13-41-17 PST Martin Owens Duplicate is a copy, it's just a different workflow. 2021-02-14 13-43-27 PST Martin Owens There's no automatic tool for that yet, you can align the objects after they've been created, but it's less quick. 2021-02-14 13-46-31 PST Martin Owens Small screen, if you have 1.1 you can try the compact theme I included called "Minwaita" 2021-02-14 13-49-18 PST Martin Owens Edit > Preferences > Interface > Themeing > Change GTK Theme 2021-02-14 13-52-37 PST Martin Owens Ah, then it looks like you have an older version without the theme, perhaps the alpha0 2021-02-14 13-54-11 PST Martin Owens Yes, you are going to the releases website page right, this is older version 2021-02-14 13-54-22 PST Martin Owens what operating system? 2021-02-14 13-55-12 PST Martin Owens Does this one work? https://inkscape.org/release/inkscape-master/mac-os-x/dmg/dl/ 2021-02-14 13-56-15 PST Martin Owens Overright I think, although macOS isn't my os 2021-02-14 14-07-54 PST Martin Owens OK, so that's an older release, not up to date. 2021-02-14 14-09-16 PST Martin Owens Try this one https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape/-/jobs/1028304779/artifacts/browse/art… 2021-02-14 14-49-15 PST Martin Owens OK, thanks for letting me know, this feature is very new. 2021-02-16 04-03-21 PST Martin Owens Have you joined the macOs developer channel or the testing channels? 2021-02-16 04-03-32 PST Martin Owens I think those are the two best places for test results on macOS 2021-02-14 12-59-02 PST aleksandar :) 2021-02-14 13-36-25 PST aleksandar _ 2021-02-14 13-48-37 PST aleksandar btw 2021-02-14 13-30-32 PST aleksandar ago 2021-02-14 13-56-14 PST aleksandar let's try 2021-02-16 03-00-33 PST aleksandar hi 2021-02-14 13-29-46 PST aleksandar thanks 2021-02-14 13-40-40 PST aleksandar no no 2021-02-14 13-04-48 PST aleksandar no 2021-02-14 14-00-43 PST aleksandar file 2021-02-14 13-54-27 PST aleksandar bigSur 2021-02-14 13-39-05 PST aleksandar for example 2021-02-14 13-26-04 PST aleksandar anything 2021-02-14 12-59-16 PST aleksandar thanks 2021-02-14 14-11-50 PST aleksandar installing 2021-02-14 14-08-06 PST aleksandar never mind 2021-02-14 13-44-19 PST aleksandar mastering 2021-02-14 13-46-54 PST aleksandar i have 2021-02-14 13-03-25 PST aleksandar of course 2021-02-14 13-39-19 PST aleksandar using space 2021-02-14 13-51-42 PST aleksandar and win32 2021-02-14 13-42-06 PST aleksandar but 2021-02-14 13-43-44 PST aleksandar i see 2021-02-14 13-48-40 PST aleksandar :) 2021-02-14 13-36-32 PST aleksandar ? 2021-02-14 12-59-36 PST aleksandar so what you have in mind 2021-02-14 12-59-48 PST aleksandar see i tried to draw something 2021-02-14 13-00-08 PST aleksandar in latest develepment version of ink 2021-02-14 13-00-16 PST aleksandar and it is damned good 2021-02-14 13-01-03 PST aleksandar the fact that i cannot use it is problem of my brain wired to different 15 years practice 2021-02-14 13-02-39 PST aleksandar i actually do have a illustrator 2021-02-14 13-02-47 PST aleksandar but i want to change it 2021-02-14 13-02-55 PST aleksandar i shall support your work 2021-02-14 13-03-13 PST aleksandar i cannot wire my CC to monthly support 2021-02-14 13-03-22 PST aleksandar but you'll get some support 2021-02-14 13-04-54 PST aleksandar just a question 2021-02-14 13-05-01 PST aleksandar on your web site 2021-02-14 13-05-13 PST aleksandar you have support fee 2021-02-14 13-05-24 PST aleksandar i'd like to help now with 50$ 2021-02-14 13-05-29 PST aleksandar but just once 2021-02-14 13-06-05 PST aleksandar i do not buy on credit :) 2021-02-14 13-06-46 PST aleksandar (this will be silliest spent money in my life) 2021-02-14 13-26-59 PST aleksandar but macBook Pro's superb touchpad and sophisticated 2021-02-14 13-07-42 PST aleksandar but i supported firefox in 2008 and Ubuntu in 2011 2021-02-14 13-08-03 PST aleksandar and i did not regret 2021-02-14 13-08-43 PST aleksandar no i just admired them in their understand of the life 2021-02-14 13-09-28 PST aleksandar do good and uncertain future will reward gooness 2021-02-14 13-09-50 PST aleksandar you might be fraud .. but who cares 2021-02-14 13-10-18 PST aleksandar i know more than 50 owners of the software companies 2021-02-14 13-10-29 PST aleksandar bigger than me 2021-02-14 13-10-49 PST aleksandar but no of them ever suported any community 2021-02-14 13-11-37 PST aleksandar but usage is important 2021-02-14 13-11-57 PST aleksandar my brother is superb programmer in dassault 2021-02-14 13-12-31 PST aleksandar and he needed 3 yeas to be convinced to use thunderbird instead of outlook 2021-02-14 13-13-15 PST aleksandar no - he wants to pay 2021-02-14 13-13-46 PST aleksandar and it is good, but as soon as i explained the essence of office 365 2021-02-14 13-14-00 PST aleksandar he had switched 2021-02-14 13-14-07 PST aleksandar this is what i want to try 2021-02-14 13-14-11 PST aleksandar the problem is 2021-02-14 13-14-22 PST aleksandar my money is cheap 2021-02-14 13-14-31 PST aleksandar but my time is expensive 2021-02-14 13-15-02 PST aleksandar can i send here a file 2021-02-14 13-15-23 PST aleksandar to explain what should be done in 60 minutes 2021-02-14 13-16-25 PST aleksandar not this 60 minutes 2021-02-14 13-16-37 PST aleksandar but from start to end 2021-02-14 13-20-16 PST aleksandar this is for example scenario that had to be completed in an hour 2021-02-14 13-19-38 PST aleksandar https://daikin-hce.com/cms_upload/uploads/dsapp_scenario.pdf 2021-02-14 13-20-35 PST aleksandar (of course far right illustration is 3d model) 2021-02-14 13-21-46 PST aleksandar very important is option(alt) + drag duplicate 2021-02-14 13-22-05 PST aleksandar and control of the radius 2021-02-14 13-22-49 PST aleksandar so i did this real-time on the meeting 2021-02-14 13-23-09 PST aleksandar in 50 minutes with all details 2021-02-14 13-23-22 PST aleksandar so my question 2021-02-14 13-24-01 PST aleksandar is how to practice line control, object control 2021-02-14 13-24-16 PST aleksandar do you have some refenence guides 2021-02-14 13-26-00 PST aleksandar i need a book, a reference guide, a tutorial 2021-02-14 13-26-17 PST aleksandar i do not use a mouse 2021-02-14 13-27-19 PST aleksandar touch controls 2021-02-14 13-28-00 PST aleksandar for example corel's magnificent right click while drag to copy cannot work 2021-02-14 13-28-22 PST aleksandar but illustrators option+drag works perfectly 2021-02-14 13-30-08 PST aleksandar i shall do my best to learn this 2021-02-14 13-30-29 PST aleksandar i'm 45 so it is not so fast as it was 25 years age 2021-02-14 13-30-58 PST aleksandar but my next work will be i inkscape 2021-02-14 13-34-10 PST aleksandar how can i load illustrators shortcuts (i have an option on startup) 2021-02-14 13-36-24 PST aleksandar аре зоу хере 2021-02-14 13-36-38 PST aleksandar are you here 2021-02-14 13-38-58 PST aleksandar i can provide you feedback 2021-02-14 13-39-15 PST aleksandar i tried right now to copy object 2021-02-14 13-39-44 PST aleksandar but it is not clear how to keep original in place 2021-02-14 13-40-50 PST aleksandar i want to copy object 2021-02-14 13-42-00 PST aleksandar i understand 2021-02-14 13-42-42 PST aleksandar if i need quickly 5 equidistant copies inline 2021-02-14 13-43-57 PST aleksandar this reuires matering of the distribute command 2021-02-14 13-44-15 PST aleksandar this requires ... 2021-02-14 13-44-45 PST aleksandar i have swithced to another computer with different keyboard 2021-02-14 13-45-28 PST aleksandar and ... how to get interface as on the tutorial? 2021-02-14 13-46-02 PST aleksandar i have some default very hard to fit in screen 2021-02-14 13-47-18 PST aleksandar 1.1-dev (9017afb, 2021-01-01) 2021-02-14 13-48-07 PST aleksandar where to find Minwaita 2021-02-14 13-48-18 PST aleksandar of course i shall use it 2021-02-14 13-48-33 PST aleksandar i started to like the ink 2021-02-14 13-49-50 PST aleksandar i dont have it 2021-02-14 13-50-08 PST aleksandar i have an option but not yours 2021-02-14 13-51-19 PST aleksandar There is default Adwalta 2021-02-14 13-51-28 PST aleksandar HighContrast 2021-02-14 13-51-37 PST aleksandar HighContrast something 2021-02-14 13-52-58 PST aleksandar i'll install newer 2021-02-14 13-53-04 PST aleksandar this ws available today 2021-02-14 13-53-14 PST aleksandar see version upthere 2021-02-14 13-54-34 PST aleksandar from yesterday :) 2021-02-14 13-54-58 PST aleksandar 11.2 (20D64) 2021-02-14 13-55-45 PST aleksandar do i need to uninstal 2021-02-14 13-55-55 PST aleksandar or just overwrite 2021-02-14 13-56-47 PST aleksandar i am installing 2021-02-14 13-56-53 PST aleksandar but it appears as the same file 2021-02-14 14-00-38 PST aleksandar here it is .. 2021-02-14 14-00-41 PST aleksandar it is the same 2021-02-14 14-01-23 PST aleksandar 1.1-dev (9017afb, 2021-01-01) 2021-02-14 14-08-18 PST aleksandar so at he end of the day 2021-02-14 14-08-33 PST aleksandar 1. i shall try to use ink 2021-02-14 14-08-48 PST aleksandar 2. i shall contribute sybolical 50$ 2021-02-14 14-09-15 PST aleksandar 3. i'll try not to use illustrator 1 month 2021-02-14 14-12-06 PST aleksandar why the files replication is so slow 2021-02-14 14-13-37 PST aleksandar btw ... you are cool guy 2021-02-14 14-18-05 PST aleksandar the same themes inside 2021-02-16 03-01-16 PST aleksandar does somebody of developers need feedback from macOS 10.15.7

[Webmaster] Rocket.Chat, 1 Users, 1 Messages, 0 Files, 79791 Minutes, in #uCPpSfueSSx8Ee5r2
by no-reply@chat.inkscape.org 29 Apr '21
by no-reply@chat.inkscape.org 29 Apr '21
29 Apr '21
2021-03-04 06-08-42 PST Anja Andres i am done

[Webmaster] Rocket.Chat, 1 Users, 1 Messages, 0 Files, 1066001 Minutes, in Direct Message Between: NPJ2000 & rharps
by no-reply@chat.inkscape.org 29 Apr '21
by no-reply@chat.inkscape.org 29 Apr '21
29 Apr '21
2019-04-19 10-21-50 PDT Nathan Johansen Here are a couple of links to YouTube tutorials that will give you an introduction to Inkscape. Each channel has further videos worth exploring, also: https://youtu.be/VdPTYMuR_r4 and https://youtu.be/hmaYeZ5iDPo

[Webmaster] Rocket.Chat, 2 Users, 5 Messages, 0 Files, 45211 Minutes, in Direct Message Between: sejalkore & slayeransh
by no-reply@chat.inkscape.org 29 Apr '21
by no-reply@chat.inkscape.org 29 Apr '21
29 Apr '21
2021-03-28 07-29-09 PDT sejalkore Hey, I guess you arent working on the dpi changes in export naa? 2021-03-28 07-29-24 PDT sejalkore I was thinking if I could take that up 2021-03-28 07-29-41 PDT sejalkore https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape/-/issues/1274 2021-03-28 09-46-53 PDT sejalkore Alright👐 2021-03-28 07-35-06 PDT SlayerAnsh Yeah sure. I am working on refactoring adding new features in export dialog

[Webmaster] Rocket.Chat, 2 Users, 44 Messages, 0 Files, 633304 Minutes, in Direct Message Between: nodnarb1129 & NPJ2000
by no-reply@chat.inkscape.org 29 Apr '21
by no-reply@chat.inkscape.org 29 Apr '21
29 Apr '21
2020-02-15 14-28-25 PST Nathan Johansen That whole issue is an exercise in how to "follow along" for anyone who notices. =) 2020-02-15 14-25-23 PST Nathan Johansen Sounds like a better use of energy than pressing buttons! ;) 2020-02-13 20-57-24 PST Nathan Johansen To some extent, sure. You're bringing up an important topic, though, so it might be fun to do it in the open for others to see and follow along with when you're ready. 2020-02-15 14-16-31 PST Nathan Johansen Usually it's a few days to a couple weeks behind, given that it needs to be signed. 2020-02-15 14-29-04 PST Nathan Johansen No worries, enjoy your weekend. 2020-02-15 14-20-15 PST Nathan Johansen That's what I just built, anyway ... hahaha. 2020-02-15 14-10-07 PST Nathan Johansen But sure! Let me know where you're at and how to get you where you'd like to be. 2020-02-15 14-28-46 PST Nathan Johansen But it's about nine months old. Mostly still the same notion, though. 2020-02-15 14-27-02 PST Nathan Johansen https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape/issues/84#note_162773683 2020-02-15 15-48-36 PST Nathan Johansen Hmm. Maybe this part of that discussion is closer to having steps you can follow:
[ https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape/issues/84#note_165963901 ] 2020-02-15 14-21-17 PST Nathan Johansen Periodically when the master branch is mostly "stable" we'll produce a signed copy for testing so people who aren't building it from scratch can give it a go - been a rough few weeks for major bugs, though. 2020-02-15 14-18-59 PST Nathan Johansen Yep, that one is also: [ 1.1-dev (ddb55ca, 2020-02-02) ] 2020-02-15 14-11-52 PST Nathan Johansen If it's the former, then you'll need to open up "Terminal" and we'll create a "Workspace" folder to grab a copy of the repository, then work on setting up MacPorts with the required dependencies. 2020-02-15 14-20-08 PST Nathan Johansen The one from the git repository today is at: [ revision is c6194022f4, 2020-02-15 ] 2020-02-15 14-15-14 PST Nathan Johansen Umm ... no, that looks like the one. To view that directory listing (from before) just remove the trailing filename and look at the folder, like so: [ https://alpha.inkscape.org/prereleases/ ] 2020-02-15 14-16-44 PST Nathan Johansen I'm download it now to look for you ... 2020-02-13 20-58-26 PST Nathan Johansen Night nite! 2020-02-15 14-25-53 PST Nathan Johansen I think I had instructions on the issue 84 posting I shared earlier, if you read through it. 2020-02-15 14-13-16 PST Nathan Johansen You could also try this one, maybe it has a more recent snapshot:
[ https://inkscape.org/release/inkscape-master/mac-os-x/dmg/dl/ ] 2020-02-15 14-15-37 PST Nathan Johansen I don't know what the other link gives you, maybe it is newer. 2020-02-15 14-09-37 PST Nathan Johansen If you want to setup a build environment using MacPorts, that will take time (hours, perhaps), but if you'd like to try a recent (maybe a week or so old) snapshot of the latest development version, you can try this: [ https://alpha.inkscape.org/prereleases/Inkscape-latest.dmg ] 2020-02-15 14-22-44 PST Nathan Johansen I've been doing this for decades, and I like Inkscape, so it's a fun way to keep pace with the cool kids. ;) 2020-02-13 20-57-32 PST Nathan Johansen The learning experience is best when it is shared. 2020-02-15 14-27-15 PST Nathan Johansen That might put you in about the right position of that monster issue. 2020-02-15 14-21-56 PST Nathan Johansen That means building it, sending it off to Apple, having them code sign it, and getting it back, then placing it on the web site. So it takes extra steps to do "properly" ... 2020-02-15 14-25-28 PST Brandon Sandall Haha true! 2020-02-15 14-25-23 PST Brandon Sandall When we get do the MacPorts thing, should we do it in the inkscape_user channel so that others can follow along? 2020-02-15 14-24-59 PST Brandon Sandall That's awesome. I wish I knew more about coding and all that so I could jump in on a project, too. I want to be one of the cool kids, too! haha. Well, one of these days I may want to do the MacPorts thing and get the nightly build on my Mac. My wife just got home, so we are going to go out and have some fun.. maybe play some racquetball. 2020-02-15 14-06-56 PST Brandon Sandall You wouldn't happen to be up for helping me get the latest of the late on my computer, would ya? 2020-02-15 14-26-42 PST Brandon Sandall Oh, gotcha. I hadn't read it in depth. I will try that before bugging you more :smiley: 2020-02-13 20-58-09 PST Brandon Sandall True true. I will keep it over there tomorrow, then. Thanks! G'night! 2020-02-15 14-25-43 PST Brandon Sandall Though, I am a slight nerd.. so I enjoy pressing buttons hehe 2020-02-15 14-11-59 PST Brandon Sandall Let me try that dmg you just shared and see how it is. 2020-02-15 14-20-23 PST Brandon Sandall So, I have the latest without going in and creating a workspace like you were talking about? 2020-02-15 14-13-12 PST Brandon Sandall Is that dmg that you just shared more recent than this - 1.1-dev (ddb55ca, 2020-02-02)? 2020-02-15 14-30-05 PST Brandon Sandall Oh cool. I enjoy doing these kinds of things as I feel I learn some things through it. If I get stuck anywhere, or have questions, I may chat at ya again. Thanks for being so willing to help! 2020-02-15 14-20-39 PST Brandon Sandall Oh goodness... you're making me want to just do it today... haha 2020-02-15 14-18-02 PST Brandon Sandall Maybe a nightly build would be better...? Or maybe I should just be patient and wait for the next signed one haha. I just struggle in the patience arena haha 2020-02-15 14-21-51 PST Brandon Sandall Gotcha. So, who are you and how do you have so much time to help out with this project? The open source world is amazing to me. 2020-02-15 14-30-09 PST Brandon Sandall You too! 2020-02-15 14-16-56 PST Brandon Sandall Oh yeah.. I have been to that site. That's where I got the one that I have now, I believe. 2020-02-15 14-11-46 PST Brandon Sandall Gotcha. Don't know if I have time to setup a build environment today, though that sounds pretty fun. Let me try this latest build here. I am mainly just trying to get Inkscape to function like my Windows 7 PC at work that I put Inkscape on. It is buttery smooth there. I have a Mac and it struggles on here. 2020-02-13 20-56-35 PST Brandon Sandall Would it be better to have a conversation here? That way we aren't bugging others? haha 2020-02-15 14-27-44 PST Brandon Sandall You're awesome! Thanks!