2018-10-14 12-48-40 PDT Manuel Recena Perfect 2018-09-23 05-36-29 PDT Manuel Recena My English is not good ;( 2018-09-23 04-34-04 PDT Manuel Recena In any case, I don't have any problem with nobody. My apologies if you felt wrong due to my responses. 2018-09-23 04-17-22 PDT Manuel Recena Hello 2018-09-23 05-24-00 PDT Manuel Recena Don't hesitate it 2018-09-23 05-42-30 PDT Manuel Recena As I said, I will move forward the topic 2018-09-23 04-39-59 PDT Manuel Recena There are several levels of administration. 2018-09-23 04-27-10 PDT Manuel Recena I would not take care about this subject for now. Thanks for your advice. 2018-09-23 05-02-23 PDT Manuel Recena I totally agree with you 2018-09-23 05-03-40 PDT Manuel Recena Thanks for you time. I will help you with this proposal chnage into the configuration 2020-09-06 23-31-55 PDT Manuel Recena Really? 2018-09-23 04-46-11 PDT Manuel Recena Changing the configuration? 2018-09-23 04-38-35 PDT Manuel Recena I am not managing the service 2018-09-23 04-50-21 PDT Manuel Recena I prefer to do not interfere on his work around the global configuration 2018-09-23 04-44-04 PDT Manuel Recena The service configuration is leading by other teammates 2020-09-07 12-10-45 PDT Manuel Recena I'm seeing a lot of messages 2020-09-07 12-05-43 PDT Manuel Recena In summary: the service needs to be upgrade (asap) but we are waiting for Bryce Harrington 2020-09-07 12-25-27 PDT Manuel Recena I was working a lot two weekends ago 2020-09-07 11-56-29 PDT Manuel Recena I'm still waiting for a decision here https://gitlab.com/inkscape/infra/services/-/issues/43 2020-09-07 12-26-22 PDT Manuel Recena I'm waiting for upgrading the service and this should addressed in a coordinated way. 2020-09-07 12-25-44 PDT Manuel Recena But I don't have permissions to perform a full backup first. 2018-09-23 05-42-07 PDT Manuel Recena ;) 2018-09-23 05-23-42 PDT Manuel Recena @ede123 I have read all the conversation and I see the misunderstanding 2018-09-23 04-27-07 PDT Manuel Recena Is this the problem? 2018-09-23 04-27-21 PDT Manuel Recena This was my last comment 2020-09-07 12-11-37 PDT Manuel Recena https://gitlab.com/inkscape/infra/services/-/issues/43#note_400390936 2020-09-07 12-12-17 PDT Manuel Recena https://gitlab.com/inkscape/infra/services/-/issues/43#note_400410896 2020-09-07 12-13-48 PDT Manuel Recena ups, it seems there is an issue or something related with the permissions 2020-09-07 12-10-04 PDT Manuel Recena ups 2020-09-07 12-10-37 PDT Manuel Recena the link is correct 2020-09-07 12-09-16 PDT Manuel Recena Please read the comments 2020-09-07 12-04-03 PDT Manuel Recena No. Nobody performed any upgrade 2018-10-14 11-56-57 PDT Manuel Recena `ssh root@` 2020-09-06 23-32-15 PDT Manuel Recena We should report it on gitlab 2020-09-07 12-04-33 PDT Manuel Recena I never said that I was going to upgrade. 2018-09-23 04-34-12 PDT Manuel Recena But I don't understand it ;) 2018-09-23 04-51-19 PDT Manuel Recena I don't have strong opinion 2018-09-23 04-42-25 PDT Manuel Recena I recommended you to move the topic to the mailing list 2018-09-23 05-36-45 PDT Manuel Recena In fact, I collaborate with FOSS in order to improve my English 2018-09-23 04-48-54 PDT Manuel Recena Yes, he is one of the leader 2018-09-23 04-33-01 PDT Manuel Recena I don't know what you expected from my responses. They were very objective and technical. No subjective 2018-09-23 04-17-25 PDT Manuel Recena About what? 2018-09-23 05-23-55 PDT Manuel Recena I will move forward your request 2018-09-23 05-37-06 PDT Manuel Recena Yes, I meant "do not doubt". 2018-09-23 04-38-51 PDT Manuel Recena The service configuration is being leaded by other teammates 2018-09-23 04-45-54 PDT Manuel Recena What do you expect from me? 2018-10-14 11-56-45 PDT Manuel Recena Added 2018-09-23 04-35-18 PDT Patrick What's objective and technical about "I would not take care about this subject for now."? What's the reason? Why not? 2020-09-07 11-58-35 PDT Patrick The issue was only to collect evidence why the update did not work I think (I guess Maren was confused because you mentioned you'd attempt the update, but apparently we're still at the same version) 2020-09-07 03-18-58 PDT Patrick If you find nothing suspicious let's hope nothing bad happened and maybe consider to update our RC instance if possible? (Not sure what happened last time you tried, I guess there were some roadblocks?) 2018-09-23 04-51-03 PDT Patrick I'm happy to ask him again, though. 2018-09-23 04-36-11 PDT Patrick Do we want to annoy them? 2018-09-23 04-59-47 PDT Patrick OK, let's leave it at that for the moment.
One more thing (just to explain why I felt some dislike from you side, maybe I interpreted it wrong): For other issues you told me "to check for issues upstream". I totally agree that's usually the correct way. But in this case *you* set up the service, so as we're a team (I hope we are) you were my go-to person. You know rocket chat much better than me, so even if there are issues filed upstream you're more likely to find them and/or find a solution (i.e. it's more efficient). I totally respect that we're all doing this in our spare time, so I understand if you didn't feel like looking into these yourself, but it helps if you say so. Otherwise (if you just say "check upstream") it feels like you're unwilling to help which is not particularly helpful to achieve a welcoming environment for everybody and make people feel like they're on the same team. 2018-10-14 12-04-06 PDT Patrick Thanks! I'll let you know how it goes... 2018-09-23 04-39-27 PDT Patrick By whom? I'll happily re-assign the bug then. (It says "Admin" behind your name, though, just saying... ;-) ) 2020-09-07 12-12-09 PDT Patrick Huh! That's interesting... Seems I'm hitting a GitLab bug! 2020-09-07 11-57-46 PDT Patrick Decision? 2020-09-07 03-16-58 PDT Patrick Well, I have no idea what happened, so I'm unsure what to report. In the best case it was some user error / bug on my end, but in the worst case somebody was trying to inject their code into our instance. 2018-09-23 05-20-14 PDT Patrick Thanks. I already pinged Ryan (I re-used the issue), so if you should flick the switch in the meantime maybe just let him know. 2018-09-23 04-44-50 PDT Patrick If I need to ask the mailing list because you're unable to tell me I'll do so, but your behavior right now is no acceptable in my opinion. It seems there are issues between us after all :-( 2018-09-23 04-42-47 PDT Patrick It's not a topic for the mailing list but for whoever has admin access.... 2020-09-07 12-14-27 PDT Patrick The messages appear with the new link you posted... GitLab never ceases to amaze :-D 2020-09-07 12-18-29 PDT Patrick OK, that clarifies a lot - I had already been wondering why there was no activity on that issue. :facepalm: 2018-09-23 05-40-28 PDT Patrick Cool!
Don't worry about your English - it's perfectly fine and I can always ask when I have difficulty understanding a sentence. I guess you and Jabier would really get along well. ;-) He's from Spain, too, and also constantly worries people would not understand him. 2020-09-07 03-17-52 PDT Patrick I have no proof either way, so maybe you can see some evidence in the logs or collect it in admin interface. 2020-09-07 12-13-20 PDT Patrick Clipboard - September 7, 2020 9:13 PM (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/W72ThxKQ9uDQx6SJy/Clipboard%20-%20Sept...) 2020-09-07 12-19-08 PDT Patrick Let's wait for Bryce's reply then... 2018-09-23 05-35-08 PDT Patrick OK, great! I'm looking forward to the weblate implementation. I really like your work so far! (I mean it and I think it's a good time to point it out as sometimes it feels like people are complaining an awful lot, which might be natural as one is usually discussing issues and not the tings that *do* work. So - for all the times I forget to say it - great job!)
Don't hesitate it
Did you mean "don't doubt it"? Seems the Spanish word for "hesitate" (dudar) is the same as for "doubt" whereas the meaning is quite different. 2018-09-23 04-28-09 PDT Patrick Don't understand me wrong, it's certainly not a huge issue, but it's an issue nonetheless 2020-09-07 12-09-04 PDT Patrick What specifically do you need from Bryce (he's rather busy lately, but if we ask him for a specific task he might find the time to look into it or maybe we even can find someone else)? 2018-09-23 04-41-31 PDT Patrick Come on... we're constantly understaffed in the Inkscape project, so everybody with access to a service usually is "the one in charge". If you don't feel that way you should communicate that openly (e.g. on the mailing list) and make sure people know whom to ask for support. Otherwise it's becoming frustrating for everybody. 2020-09-06 14-41-21 PDT Patrick This is an alert - We might have malware on our instance. I just wrote a message when the word " @ worm959" was inserted somewhere in the middle. (There's a chance I did saomething stupid on my end, but I'm not aware of anything, so we should triple-check) 2020-09-07 12-13-35 PDT Patrick Seems an issue in loading related branches makes it fail to load the page altogether! 2018-09-23 04-17-57 PDT Patrick Hi Manuel,
I'm not sure if I'm misinterpreting the situation which is why I think we should talk before this becomes something more:
- First of all it seems there's a certain unexplained tension between us. For every issue I mentioned to you so far you met me with varying levels of rejection. Why is that? Did I do anything to warrant such behavior? - Secondly closing https://gitlab.com/inkscape/infra/services/issues/13 off like that without giving any reason came across as incredibly rude. In the Inkscape community we don't close issues without reason. If it's a personal reason (e.g. you don't have the time or you don't think its relevant), then say so and unassign yourself from the bug (remember you specifically asked people to add you as an assignee if they had any issues with the new service, though!). However seeing as this is only flicking a switch I don't understand why there could be any difficulty with this (as I understand it I could do it myself in the web UI if I had the permissions). I feel that you owe me at least an explanation (possibly also an apology). 2018-09-23 04-36-05 PDT Patrick For me it was annoying on the test instance during the hackfest as I did not have created an account yet. Users of this service will feel the same. 2018-10-14 09-02-13 PDT Patrick Hi Manuel, here's the public SSH key: ssh-rsa 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 2020-09-07 12-18-50 PDT Patrick Thanks for figuring that out with me! 2020-09-07 12-13-07 PDT Patrick That's what I'm seeing when visiting the issue without anchor in the link: 2018-09-23 04-37-19 PDT Patrick If not (which I assume goes without saying) we should address this "bug" and the resolution seems trivial unless I'm missing something. However you seem to be blocking it. Why? 2020-09-07 12-09-40 PDT Patrick Did you link the wrong issue? There are no comments... 2018-09-23 04-50-37 PDT Patrick Just to be sure: Are you feeling uneasy setting configurations because you think it needs the "blessing" of the "leadership"? If so: Inkscape is lead by the community. There is no single "leader" for any service. 2020-09-07 12-08-00 PDT Patrick OK, can you add that info to the issue? I don't think people are aware of that... 2018-09-23 04-48-13 PDT Patrick I thought that was the obvious solution... If you don't want to be in charge of configuration (although I don't see how that can be clearly distinguished from setting up the service) then I need to know whom to aks to do just that. Is Ryan the person to ask? 2018-09-23 04-16-44 PDT Patrick @recena Can we talk? 2018-09-23 04-27-48 PDT Patrick That's the second part, yes.