[Webmaster] Rocket.Chat, 2 Users, 146 Messages, 0 Files, 1158043 Minutes, in Direct Message Between: levent & doctormo
2019-05-12 14-31-25 PDT Martin Owens Also good, in turkish? 2019-05-15 14-39-06 PDT Martin Owens Upload to inkscape.org as special gallery file for download. Ask readers to use it for consistent translation. 2019-05-12 14-19-08 PDT Martin Owens How long have you been waiting? 2019-05-15 14-34-23 PDT Martin Owens How you make book for sell? 2019-05-15 16-40-36 PDT Martin Owens I am back. 2019-05-15 14-35-41 PDT Martin Owens So which operating system will you focus on? 2019-05-15 14-31-13 PDT Martin Owens Firstly, decide if the release is divergent (too much etc) if it is too much different, you can build special versions with your translations without any changes. 2019-05-15 14-37-23 PDT Martin Owens This is easy, you could ship just po file to readers 😅 they can install in Linux easy. 2019-03-25 04-35-26 PDT Martin Owens Hello 2019-02-17 10-42-54 PST Martin Owens Ah this is a good bug, can you report this to https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inbox/issues ? 2019-05-15 15-08-49 PDT Martin Owens OK. Riding my bike, will come back in two hours. 2019-05-15 14-15-51 PDT Martin Owens Has there been a problem? You are the only person who can delete a merge request for your own branch. 2019-02-17 11-21-22 PST Martin Owens No, you can handle that yourself, the fuzzy matching will likely handle your translations correclty when merged. 2019-05-15 14-17-11 PDT Martin Owens I'm not on my computer right now. 2019-02-14 11-55-57 PST Martin Owens We should talk more in the #team_translation channel so everyone can read. 2019-05-15 14-27-14 PDT Martin Owens No, so long as problem is technical and not personal. No problem to see chat. 2019-02-14 11-54-46 PST Martin Owens Welcome to the rocket chat for Inkscape 2019-02-17 10-44-20 PST Martin Owens Would you like some help? CR made a really cool video 2019-05-15 14-39-43 PDT Martin Owens I make assumption that consistent is the problem? 2019-05-15 14-23-40 PDT Martin Owens Maren did want or did not want? 2019-03-25 04-39-22 PDT Martin Owens :shaved_ice: 2019-03-25 04-37-47 PDT Martin Owens And getting into the Inkscape community, hope all is warm and welcoming. 2019-02-17 11-20-20 PST Martin Owens Thanks levent! 2019-05-12 14-17-20 PDT Martin Owens Did you talk with @Moini ? 2019-05-12 14-19-49 PDT Martin Owens Ok, so as long as the mention is blue like above, then you can wait 2 days to give her a chance to catch up. 2019-05-12 14-28-37 PDT Martin Owens yes 2019-05-12 14-17-05 PDT Martin Owens If you want to commit manually, you can add to inkscape codebase via gitlab. 2019-03-25 04-37-03 PDT Martin Owens NP, hope all is going well. 2019-05-15 14-38-01 PDT Martin Owens Which, the ship or the install? 2019-02-17 10-44-46 PST Martin Owens https://inkscape.org/news/2019/02/02/step-step-video-launched-how-report-iss... 2019-05-15 16-42-13 PDT Martin Owens So, the job of master of Turkish would be: 1. translate inkscape into turkish, 2. Update new strings 3. Review turkish strings from other people. No other jobs. 2019-02-17 11-31-14 PST Martin Owens Well done! it's a long job! 2019-05-15 14-25-41 PDT Martin Owens Has she offended you greatly? 2019-02-17 11-23-30 PST Martin Owens Yes, gettext software has tools for updating translations. 2019-03-25 04-35-48 PDT Martin Owens Please don't, it is a spammer 2019-05-12 14-33-31 PDT Martin Owens It will be gloriously unique! 2019-05-12 14-23-40 PDT Martin Owens Well done on the completion. 2019-05-12 14-18-03 PDT Martin Owens She is the translators manager, I think you can message her here on chat (in the translators chat room) 2019-03-25 04-35-54 PDT Martin Owens I have reported it to the manager 2019-05-12 14-25-46 PDT Martin Owens Love it! 2019-05-12 14-13-37 PDT Martin Owens Yes. hello! How are you? 2019-05-12 14-18-46 PDT Martin Owens If you're patient and note her directly, she'll get back to you. She's in Germany. 2019-02-14 11-55-43 PST Martin Owens A few days ago there was another Turkish person who was asking about translations. 2019-05-12 14-28-39 PDT Martin Owens Lots to do 2019-05-12 14-14-20 PDT Martin Owens Enjoying a relaxing weekend. 2019-02-17 10-39-36 PST Martin Owens hi 2019-02-14 11-54-39 PST Martin Owens Hello! 2019-03-25 04-39-14 PDT Martin Owens :-) 2019-05-15 14-28-49 PDT Martin Owens I see. Did you know, you could release Turkish version of inkscape with your book? 2019-05-15 14-47-18 PDT Martin Owens Be the master 2019-05-15 14-44-14 PDT Martin Owens I see. And you do not want to be in charge of Turkish translation because it is too much work for you? 2019-05-15 14-21-22 PDT Martin Owens We are worried about you. What has happened? 2019-05-15 14-16-25 PDT Martin Owens I don't know, I've never had to do it. 2019-05-15 15-04-52 PDT Martin Owens Master in inkscape, not diy. Is option of many option. 2019-05-15 14-51-01 PDT Martin Owens master of translation in Turkish only. 2019-05-12 14-14-27 PDT Martin Owens That's great! 2019-05-15 14-33-35 PDT Martin Owens No, that will always be consensus version. But you have freedom to have levent version if you need to sell special inkscape alongside your book. It is legal. 2019-05-12 14-20-49 PDT Martin Owens I think so yes. Although I don't know it. 2019-05-15 14-25-26 PDT Martin Owens Oh, before you do that. You can talk to me. There is no one person or one set way to contribute. 2019-03-25 04-37-28 PDT Levent about translatin? 2019-05-12 14-31-49 PDT Levent most probably i will release my book after Inkscape's 1.0 release 2019-03-25 04-38-01 PDT Levent now i am checking minor errors in my translates 2019-05-15 14-16-45 PDT Levent i am trying now. can you see my request? 2019-05-15 14-43-00 PDT Levent i don't know how to make it all those what you said to me. i don't know how to pack inkscape with my translation etc.. 2019-05-15 14-17-56 PDT Levent https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape/merge_requests/669 2019-03-25 04-35-43 PDT Levent do you know her 2019-05-15 14-28-10 PDT Levent here is the conversation 2019-05-15 14-23-17 PDT Levent Maren want to work with Turkish translation team and i haven't time for team work. i quitting 2019-03-25 04-36-27 PDT Levent thank you :) 2019-05-15 14-34-42 PDT Levent i thought 2019-02-17 11-22-15 PST Levent so, software will do that automatic, isn't it? i am keeping continue my translation 2019-05-12 14-32-15 PDT Levent there is no any book in Turkish about Inkscape 2019-05-12 14-15-30 PDT Levent how can i make it? 2019-05-12 14-35-12 PDT Levent hmmm... they done %65 but mine is %98 heheh 2019-05-12 14-17-26 PDT Levent how can i? i've never done that before 2019-05-12 14-17-37 PDT Levent no, i didn't talk with Moini 2019-05-15 14-16-56 PDT Levent on gitlab? 2019-05-12 14-31-13 PDT Levent and my book is on the way also 2019-05-15 15-06-10 PDT Levent my... i still didn't watch GoT's last episode 2019-05-15 14-29-54 PDT Levent how 2019-05-15 14-11-25 PDT Levent Hello Martin. are you there? 2019-02-17 11-24-58 PST Levent hmmm okay. i'm translating with looking Inkscape inside. i can report if i find something like that more 2019-02-17 10-40-18 PST Levent i think i found a minor error on inkscape during translation 2019-05-12 14-18-55 PDT Levent i see. okay, i already mentioned her name on transtlator's chat room 2019-05-12 14-47-22 PDT Levent i just opened a fork and requested merge. i will wait for Moini also 2019-05-12 14-31-56 PDT Levent yes, it's in Turkish 2019-05-15 14-37-20 PDT Levent Marc Jeanmougin just blocked my delete request. can you tell him to apply my delete request? 2019-05-15 14-24-31 PDT Levent Maren want to work with a group. i am not a group and i don't want to be group. i am going to delete my tutorial book also 2019-05-15 14-46-48 PDT Levent i don't understand. what kind of charge? 2019-05-12 14-26-38 PDT Levent me too. 1.0 version still under construction? 2019-05-12 14-17-47 PDT Levent and Moini isn't online now 2019-05-15 14-32-23 PDT Levent it will primary release of the inkscape.org? 2019-03-25 04-36-22 PDT Levent okay 2019-05-15 14-12-06 PDT Levent can you delete my Turkish translation on gitlab? thank you 2019-02-17 10-41-39 PST Levent open inkscape, press ctrl+shift+D and click "Grids" tab. Add a new Axonometric grid. there is three checking boxes: Enable, Visible and Snap to visible grids only. those three checking box's descriptions are displaced eachother when your mouse cursor on this three checkbox 2019-03-25 04-37-35 PDT Levent Moini helped me alot 2019-05-12 14-21-21 PDT Levent hmmm.. okay, i think i need to wait for her 2019-03-25 04-36-05 PDT Levent yes, i didn't send any email to it 2019-02-14 11-55-57 PST Levent bring* 2019-05-15 14-34-38 PDT Levent i will put it on googleplay 2019-02-17 10-39-43 PST Levent how are you? 2019-05-15 14-48-48 PDT Levent being master? could be alot of work. i only wanted to be translator, that's all. 2019-02-17 11-20-49 PST Levent My .po file has that same bug too? Should i report that if i going to finish the translation? 2019-05-12 14-33-43 PDT Levent yes in Turkey! 2019-02-17 10-43-48 PST Levent ummm... i dunno how to use gitlab 2019-02-17 11-33-15 PST Levent thanks. it's okay, i'm doing my best. 2019-05-15 14-24-34 PDT Levent she knows 2019-02-14 11-41-34 PST Levent by the way; Inkscape software translated last time in 2003 and i can translate software's new version 2019-05-12 14-31-02 PDT Levent love it. updates will keep Inscape modern always. 2019-05-12 14-14-30 PDT Levent sounds awesome :smile: 2019-05-15 14-38-18 PDT Levent what is the ship? 2019-05-15 14-35-55 PDT Levent linux 2019-05-15 14-18-49 PDT Levent it was good to know you Martin. take care. see you. 2019-05-12 14-14-17 PDT Levent i just done with .po file. and it's almost flawless job. 2019-05-15 15-05-44 PDT Levent can you show me an example? 2019-02-14 11-55-50 PST Levent well, what my project ring in your mind? 2019-03-25 04-35-14 PDT Levent Hello Martin, how are you? 2019-05-15 14-17-55 PDT Levent okay, i will be happy when you accept to delete and reput this guy's translation back 2019-02-14 11-20-26 PST Levent Hello Martin. I am the guy who want to create a Turkish tutorial book. I get your email. We haven't any Turkish tutorial book of Inkscape. That's reason very few people knows Inkscape software in Turkey. How can i get some help from you. Ps: i want to sell that book internet wide. 2019-05-12 14-25-04 PDT Levent i've worked on it for a nice job and i will keep to watch my translation if there is any change or addition. i will support always about it 2019-05-15 14-26-27 PDT Levent no, she didn't offended me. would you see our conversation? 2019-05-15 14-27-04 PDT Levent levent 11:51 PM so, here, in Turkey, we're dealing with a kind of tiran. maybe you've heard of his name before or meybe you don't. but our president's minority to us alot. he has alot of partisan to grab all works and leave us (dissident peopple) nothing. you know; i graduated from university as an art teacher on 2014 and i still searching for job (especially out of Turkey). now i'm trying to do something myself. about trying to create y own job, write a book for earn money etc.. and i want to do that jobs almost flawless for don't get reject by anyone. i don't know that group who are they. maybe they are partisan of our tiran or maybe they are opposit of him. but if you make me work with them, they will ruin my translation and it will meaning ruining my book.
Moini 11:52 PM Mmh, that's a difficult situation that you are describing.
levent 11:53 PM i am unemployed art teacher. so, i want to know my place for your eyes. give a decide. would you work with me? or would you work with that group?
Moini 11:53 PM How would saying hi and inviting a Ubuntu user group to the translators chat to coordinate translations better ruin your book?
levent 11:54 PM sayin hi to 38 people and manage all of them? have you ever read their names how much are they?
Moini 11:55 PM I wouldn't expect everyone to actually join. If it's one or two, that would be a large number already.
levent 11:55 PM and managing them is meaning extra time losing for me. what about for my book?
Moini 11:56 PM Why do you think you'd have to manage them?
levent 11:56 PM i don't want to waste my time for manage them.
Moini 11:56 PM Will the book be finished before a release?
levent 11:57 PM yes i am on 4th stage of my book
Moini 11:57 PM Ah, so you are afraid that strings change after you wrote the book.
levent 11:57 PM yeah
Moini 11:57 PM This is difficult for me to write, but it is normal for this to happen. The original strings will probably also change still.
levent 11:58 PM i am afraid that also i am translate something in it and put that screen in my book and someone going to change it
Moini 11:58 PM We have not called for translators yet. Which we do when the strings are stable. And will not change anymore. You cannot rely on them staying the same yet It's too early.
levent 12:00 AM i don't want to waste my time Maren. my time already wasted with that tiran. so, now you have two selection. chose mei or chose them. i can't work with them
Moini 12:00 AM I'm not going to choose. I would like to have a healthy team. This is an open source project, and as such, everyone can contribute. I don't speak Turkish. I understand that this is causing work for your book, but this is something that cannot be changed. You are not required to work with them. But it may happen that other people come and improve your translation. This is how development works. It's not released yet, there is no way to rely on strings staying stable until the release.
levent 12:04 AM so, do you want a team?
Moini 12:04 AM Yes. That is what I want, but it might not be what I get. And that's okay. Nobody here has the power to tell anyone else what to do. We can only suggest. But never expect to get what we want.
levent 12:05 AM okay. then delete my translation folder and reput their translation. because i am not available for team work. and i am going to delete my book. see ya.
Moini 12:06 AM Maybe you will want to rethink this, we'll be here if you change your mind. Take good care, and I hope things will turn out well for you. (you will have to make a merge request for the change you want, because I am not an Inkscape developer, just administrator of the website translators) 2019-05-15 14-16-08 PDT Levent how can i do that? 2019-05-15 15-09-48 PDT Levent ok 2019-02-17 11-27-12 PST Levent by the way; the first a thousand lines are done. 2019-05-12 14-39-02 PDT Levent and they didn't translated long English strings. okay, full file on the way 2019-05-12 14-20-28 PDT Levent heheh okay, if i going to make it fork and give message to replace it, 2019-02-17 11-21-13 PST Levent you're welcome! 2019-02-14 11-56-18 PST Levent okay friend, let's talk on there 2019-03-25 04-38-26 PDT Levent here is awesome :) 2019-02-14 11-55-00 PST Levent yay! you're here 2019-05-12 14-03-35 PDT Levent Hello Martin! are you there? 2019-05-12 14-34-19 PDT Levent oh.. is someone worked Turkish translation file? let me look it up 2019-05-15 14-53-08 PDT Levent didn't understand again. Martin, i've never repack any of software in my life. and i don't know how to do. so, it won't work for me 2019-05-15 14-34-05 PDT Levent i really don't know how to do Martin 2019-05-12 14-13-55 PDT Levent i'm fine, thank you Martin, and you? 2019-05-12 14-15-26 PDT Levent now i want to put it there 2019-02-17 11-06-46 PST Levent i think i just done it: https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inbox/issues/138 2019-02-17 10-39-26 PST Levent hey Martin! 2019-05-12 14-20-35 PDT Levent that would work? 2019-03-25 04-35-39 PDT Levent i got a message from natash223 user. she want me send an email to her 2019-05-12 14-19-18 PDT Levent about 15 minutes 2019-05-12 14-33-09 PDT Levent it will be abit fat book heheh 2019-05-12 14-15-17 PDT Levent so, last 100 strings are can't translatable to Turkish language 2019-05-15 14-37-42 PDT Levent how 2019-05-12 14-14-54 PDT Levent yes. i've done 8399 strings of the 8499
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