[Webmaster] Rocket.Chat, 2 Users, 98 Messages, 1 Files, 1008217 Minutes, in Direct Message Between: sizmailov & Moini

2020-03-02 04-39-16 PST Sergei Izmailov I'm not chrome user either. I picked it as most popular one. There should be no problem to do same for firefox.
Now it's for everything it finds links to. 2020-03-02 02-32-50 PST Sergei Izmailov Sorry for direct messaging. Unfortunately my announce got little/no attention in devel chat. Probably it was not suitable channel.
Here is the idea. The extension finds links to commits and adds direct link to corresponding AppImage artifact (if any). Fairly straightforward, but took me a while to figure out how to deal with it.
I plan to do same for Mac and Windows bundles and finally publish the extension in store. It works now but it is still too raw to advertise to use it in a daily basis.
It would be nice to get some feedback from potential users ahead of time. Can you help with it? 2020-03-02 15-12-27 PST Sergei Izmailov Yeah, there are options here. I'll consult with Martin and Patric when time comes 2019-05-29 13-23-29 PDT Sergei Izmailov Hi, here is email: sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com and username: sizmailov 2019-05-29 13-40-24 PDT Sergei Izmailov The most difficult part in English is *correct* English. 2019-05-29 13-32-38 PDT Sergei Izmailov Ok, great) 2020-03-02 04-39-05 PST Sergei Izmailov AppImage links (https://chat.inkscape.org/file-upload/F3rsGK8BJtAoz5NjY/AppImage%20links) 2019-05-29 13-28-38 PDT Sergei Izmailov Do you know ETA for 1.0 release? 2020-03-02 04-42-49 PST Sergei Izmailov It's matter of few API calls from web page. 2020-03-02 04-44-32 PST Sergei Izmailov I didn't experience 404 error so far. May be due to poor testing.. 2019-05-29 13-38-53 PDT Sergei Izmailov Nowadays all programming and science done in English. Basically we don't have a choice. 2019-05-29 13-34-07 PDT Sergei Izmailov I do 2020-03-02 04-50-08 PST Sergei Izmailov Can we host a page ourself? 2020-03-02 04-40-47 PST Sergei Izmailov The only Gitlab API problem I faced is the requirement for token with ultimate rights to read PUBLIC information. Now I'm using empty gitlab user token to do the trick. 2019-05-29 13-23-59 PDT Sergei Izmailov Ok, thanks! 2019-05-29 13-36-58 PDT Sergei Izmailov I'm native russian, so for me it's not difficult at all) 2020-03-02 04-53-15 PST Sergei Izmailov Ok. It's better to know the problem to solve first :) 2020-03-02 04-42-29 PST Sergei Izmailov If you want to provide links on web page there should be no obstacles either 2020-03-02 04-53-19 PST Sergei Izmailov Thanks for input 2020-03-02 04-48-35 PST Sergei Izmailov WRT missing artifact. Last commit didn't run applimage:linux job 2020-04-26 01-39-26 PDT Sergei Izmailov Thanks for personal invite but I don't feel of myself as a literate person or one who can write motivating letters (I had nasty experience before ;) Nevertheless I partially filled forms, hope it helps 2020-03-02 15-08-29 PST Sergei Izmailov Win & MacOS already serve most recent links, I'll take a look at it and propose a MR for AppImage. Hopefully I'll be able to do it next week 2020-03-02 13-17-21 PST Sergei Izmailov This kind of indirection requires something that can issue several API quires in a row 2020-03-02 13-16-18 PST Sergei Izmailov You are right, `https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape/-/jobs/artifacts/master/download?job=ap... leads to 404
At the same time `https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape/-/jobs/456464633/artifacts/raw/Inkscape... works just fine. I don't know whether it's a gitlab bug or not.
Of course latter is more cumbersome as it requires one to know job id and commit hash (as it's part of downloadable file) 2019-05-29 13-30-49 PDT Sergei Izmailov I see. I'm not really 100% confident in my english skill. May I ask someone to double check my wiki edits? 2020-03-02 04-45-24 PST Sergei Izmailov But the main purpose of browser extension is to help reviewers/testers 2019-05-29 13-35-30 PDT Sergei Izmailov :smiley: 2019-05-29 13-41-47 PDT Sergei Izmailov I don't use VPN at home. Things are not that bad as it could be. 2019-05-29 13-43-46 PDT Sergei Izmailov Have a good day. I enjoyed the conversation. ) 2020-03-02 02-26-41 PST Sergei Izmailov Hi, I'm unfamiliar with reporters workflow, but I think a chrome extension can ease it a bit. https://chat.inkscape.org/channel/team_devel?msg=M7M3ci4dzzyhYn8kP () 2020-03-02 04-48-19 PST Sergei Izmailov It's still 5 clicks instead of 1... 2020-03-02 04-45-50 PST Sergei Izmailov (I think their time is most valuable) 2019-05-29 13-27-53 PDT Sergei Izmailov Done. Many thanks! 2020-03-02 04-46-24 PST Sergei Izmailov Which repo is it? 2020-03-02 04-41-26 PST Moini And they don't understand how that could be an issue... 2020-03-02 04-50-16 PST Moini Another option would be to make a GitLab MR with your suggestion. 2019-05-29 13-42-23 PDT Moini That's good! It's also difficult for us, because of the script/language barrier, to know how things are. 2019-05-29 13-37-46 PDT Moini (I meant the English for you) 2019-05-29 13-29-31 PDT Moini So, nothing concrete. 2020-03-02 04-50-41 PST Moini We already have a server that can run small scripts and provide links. 2019-05-29 13-29-24 PDT Moini (last time Bryce said something about it) 2020-03-02 15-10-50 PST Moini Best ask Martin and Patrick about how to best make it so it can be available on the website. 2019-05-29 13-34-18 PDT Moini Dobroy vecher :) 2019-05-29 13-32-00 PDT Moini It's just important that the info is available, and you as the person who wrote it know best what the change is doing. 2020-03-02 04-53-53 PST Moini Thanks for your dedication, it's good that you're helping us here! 2020-03-02 04-47-02 PST Moini Testers know where to find artifacts, I think. 2020-03-02 04-43-22 PST Moini And if the build failed, to the latest one that succeeded. 2019-05-29 13-35-28 PDT Moini I can still read it, though. Just don't understand what I read :joy: 2019-05-29 13-28-23 PDT Moini Thank *you* for contributing to Inkscape, Sergei! 2020-03-02 15-10-03 PST Moini (sometimes, people need to click through several pages of the jobs page, that's quite a bit time-consuming) 2019-05-29 13-23-51 PDT Moini I'll set up a Wiki account for you... Wait a minute. 2020-03-02 04-32-55 PST Moini Interesting idea - I'm not using Chrome though. If you want to find testers, try the forum or the user mailing list.
Which version do you think is the most important one to test?
If this is mainly for most recent master / most recent 1.0.x, and not for bug triage (I think those people know where they are supposed to find downloadable files, esp. on Linux, and bug fixers will link to the correct packages directly when they ask someone to test their new feature/fix), I know of another place where this would be more important.
This is the official download page on the website. We do have direct links to the latest macOS and Windows builds - however, there is a GitLab bug blocking us from being able to provide a reliable link for Linux AppImages. It's probably possible to automate the instructions that we currently have on the website for that case. 2020-03-02 15-12-48 PST Moini Thanks, that would be cool! 2019-05-29 14-09-38 PDT Moini Early september: release ! 2020-03-02 04-47-20 PST Moini Either someone links to it for them, or they already know their way around. 2020-03-02 04-45-46 PST Moini Currently, the link is missing entirely... https://imgur.com/CdU61P0.png 2019-05-29 13-41-02 PDT Moini As long as it's understandable, you don't need to worry about Inkscapers. 2019-05-29 13-37-57 PDT Moini (but I guess you got that) 2019-05-29 13-33-59 PDT Moini You speak Russian? 2019-05-29 13-31-04 PDT Moini Yes, of course. 2020-04-25 14-58-52 PDT Moini Hi Sergei! I think you've contributed quite a lot of smart things to the 1.0 release (at least I rarely understood anything ;-) ). If you're up for it, we are currently doing this contributor interview at https://framaforms.org/inkscape-contributor-interview-1587833730 - I think it would be interesting to hear from you, too! 2020-03-02 04-46-06 PST Moini Oops. 2019-05-29 13-41-25 PDT Moini Except China. 2019-05-29 13-32-15 PDT Moini So, don't worry about that. 2020-03-02 04-48-53 PST Moini It should still be in the 'previous' list... 2019-05-29 13-34-41 PDT Moini (I don't remember much from my Russian course, it's long ago ) 2019-05-29 13-39-40 PDT Moini Probably an additional barrier. 2020-03-02 04-46-36 PST Moini https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape/tree/master/ 2020-03-02 15-11-36 PST Moini I don't know which way to put this online would be preferred. 2020-03-02 04-47-42 PST Moini It's the casual beta testers who cannot find things. 2020-03-02 04-49-34 PST Moini Or at least there should be an easy way to provide it directly from the website, where people come to download things. 2020-03-02 15-09-12 PST Moini It's not urgent, this issue exists for quite some time. But it would really be nice to have a solution for it :D 2019-05-29 14-09-15 PDT Moini Just got to reading my emails. Marc provided an updated roadmap for the release there:
- As soon as possible: 1.0~alpha2 - Between mid-june and end of june (when toolbar and immediately noticeable bugs are fixed): 1.0~beta - End of June: Feature freeze and 1.0 branch - End of July: String freeze - Between mid-june and mid-august: bug hunt! 2019-05-29 13-42-54 PDT Moini Anyway, have a great evening, Sergei! 2019-05-29 14-09-53 PDT Moini (on the developer's mailing list) 2020-03-02 15-03-57 PST Moini The bug report is here: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-foss/issues/45697 (and it was closed by Gitlab) 2019-05-29 13-26-00 PDT Moini Your Wiki password is now ui5ahK0Eih . Please change it as soon as possible! Wiki usernames always start with a capital letter, so use Sizmailov when trying to log in :) 2019-05-29 13-23-41 PDT Moini Thanks! 2020-03-02 04-41-12 PST Moini It often gives a 404 for the latest build artifacts. 2019-05-29 13-29-01 PDT Moini 'Sometime this summer or fall' 2019-05-29 13-39-59 PDT Moini Aside from needing VPN for some things, I guess. 2020-04-26 09-52-45 PDT Moini Yes! Thank you, Sergei! Not everyone needs to create a work of word art. If there are only people who can write great texts, who would do the good and solid programming? 2020-03-02 15-01-20 PST Moini Yes, it basically needs to do the set of instructions here: https://inkscape.org/release/inkscape-master/gnulinux/appimage/dl/ - only automagically. And with a max depth, so it won't take forever ;-) 2019-05-29 13-41-34 PDT Moini And Africa. 2020-03-02 04-51-19 PST Moini Or it could be an official part of the website code, of course. 2019-05-29 13-31-27 PDT Moini (I'll be editing there a lot anyway, and we might get the help of a documentation writer with it, too) 2020-03-02 04-48-11 PST Moini They'd only be confused. 2020-03-02 04-47-53 PST Moini But they don't need all those various commits. 2019-05-29 13-37-22 PDT Moini :) 2020-03-02 04-52-44 PST Moini Need to go now - if you want to go further with this, you can talk with Martin / doctormo about implementation details. 2020-03-02 04-46-03 PST Moini Oh, I guess that was the wrong repo... 2020-03-02 15-11-21 PST Moini js, python, ... fixed link on alpha, or part of inkscape-web etc. 2019-05-29 13-39-21 PDT Moini Yes, that's true. 2020-03-02 04-51-04 PST Moini It's where inkchatbot lives, for example. 2019-05-29 13-41-16 PDT Moini They are used to people coming from everywhere. 2020-03-02 04-42-59 PST Moini It only needs one to latest master AppImage and latest 1.0.x AppImage... 2019-05-29 13-36-03 PDT Moini So I can imagine how difficult it must be. 2020-03-02 04-46-23 PST Moini No, correct...
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