On Tue, Jun 03, 2014 at 06:31:42PM +0200, Tavmjong Bah wrote:
On Fri, 2014-05-30 at 17:34 -0700, Bryce Harrington wrote:
Hi Tav,
Could you give us a debrief on how the funding went for people's travel? Who did we fund, by how much, and have they received their funds?
I have just submitted the reimbursement requests for everyone.
We funded Martin Owens, Joakim Verona, Krzysztof Kosiński, Cédric Gémy, and myself. Martin, Joakim, and Cédric asked for the full $500 allocated; Krzysztof $471 (his airfare will be covered by LGM). I've asked for the full $1400 allocated for my attendance of both LGM and the SVG WG that followed.
I do have to say that it was a very productive meeting with a total of nine Inkscaper's it attendance.
Great, it's very heartening to see this event turned out to be such a success, and made good use of donations. I hope we can make a tradition out of this!
And also thanks for the trip reports. There were some good action items identified, esp. around building up the community, that sound worth following through on.