3 Sep
3 Sep
7:42 a.m.
On 02-09-12 19:53, Jabiertxo Arraiza Cenoz wrote:
Thanks Pieter. a simple cuestion. My goal is a button near spyro button for made the bsplines. Is posibol to made entire proyect in phyton or need to learn C? Sorry burt im a beginer programer.
If you already know python, then I recommend starting in Python. The result might look at little less fancy, but at least you'll be able to flesh out the technical side of things and get something usable quickly.
If you want to integrate it more closely with Inkscape, then C/C++ is required. And in principle this kind of thing should be relatively self-contained, so it might not be the worst place to start, but it will probably take some time. (Hence my suggestion to start with a Python extension.)