Sun, 24 Jun 2007 15:51:33 -0400 MenTaLguY <mental@...3...> kirjoitti:
- Niko's work in r15171 (non-destructive filter update) needs to be re-integrated with the new filter metawidget, which replaces the
old blur slider
Considering, that now it can be handle blend modes as well as blurs, the need for non-destructive updates is smaller. As there is also a more generic UI in development, I don't know if re-integrating would be worth the effort. (well, filter-chemistry.cpp is a bit hairy and filled with unused code, so that might be a good enough reason)
I think we'll need to work out who wants to work on what with the metawidget at this point, depending on what you guys are each most comfortable spending time doing, and on your respective current states of progress.
As the UI is not what I'm supposed to be working on and Nick seems to be advancing on his project, I think I'll get back working on the hidden parts that make the filters tick.
For a short update, what I'm planning to do next: new filter primitives. feCompose, feMerge, feTurbulence and lighting effects are on my list. (not necessarily in that order or all of them)