On Mon, Mar 14, 2005 at 09:45:43PM -0800, Bryce Harrington wrote:
I'm actually quite surprised at how positive the review was, given how woefully incomplete our OSX port is, coupled with how flush Mac is with other graphics software. If we're getting halfway decent reviews on OSX already, that's pretty amazing.
Well, the opening paragraph did give a warning about the difficulties of using free software: e.g. requiring terminal windows, launching an X11 session, requiring compilation due to absence of prebuilt binaries in some cases (not sure if true of inkscape itself); one can only launch the apps by using a terminal window or by creating a custom applescript script; different user interface from MacOSX; typically not as helpful as MacOSX apps when something goes wrong; shortcuts can be different between different apps, and certainly different from MacOS apps.
The page on inkscape does say that the list of missing features is long; it specifically mentions 3D, typographical effects, OpenType ligatures, gradient meshes, "elaborate transparence effects such as in Photoshop" (what does this mean?), no palettes in tabs.