4 Nov
4 Nov
4:50 a.m.
Is there any remaining work to be done for the filter UI?
Could you outline some steps for testers to follow?
On Sun, Jun 24, 2007 at 03:51:33PM -0400, MenTaLguY wrote:
Things that work:
- blend modes can now easily be selected for objects, just like blur
- background accumulation buffer is enabled as-needed
- the filter UI dialog has very very basic filter editing capabilities
- Niko's work in r15171 (non-destructive filter update) needs to be re-integrated with the new filter metawidget, which replaces the old blur slider
- the blur slider in the filter metawidget needs to be made percentage like the slider it replaced
- add filter metawidget to layers dialog too, for layers
- fix flakiness for "Filter" "blend mode"
- flesh out filters dialog, parameter editing/connections, etc.
I think we'll need to work out who wants to work on what with the metawidget at this point, depending on what you guys are each most comfortable spending time doing, and on your respective current states of progress.