I am currently going over some of the dialogs to see if they can be improved and made more consitent with our friends Gimp and Scribus.
I have some small suggestions for the wording in the overwrite dialog: 1. The wording overwrite is not a very nice term, "Replace" much friendlier. 2. The terms Yes and No are not optimal. When I get the question, my brain says "Yes, of course I want to keep the old document". 3. The line between the text and the buttons is noise.
Gimps' overwrite/replace dialog is really nice, and I suggest we copy that right off.
Here are screenshots from the Gimp, Inkscape and Scribus: http://www.inkscape.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?Overwrite_Document
BTW, it would be really nice to have a irc-meeting with some people from Gimp and Scribus to discuss this whole Free Graphics Suite/Team thing soon. - Andreas Nilsson