Hello list,
I am using Inkscape Version 0.41 on Suse 9.3 and I would like to expot DXF format which does not work.
What I have done so far:
1. downloaded svg2dxf.zip from http://ucsu.colorado.edu/~squiresm/ 2. unpacked the zip file and copied the files ps2dxf.sh and dxf_output.inx to /opt/gnome/share/inkscape/extensions 3. made the file ps2dxf.sh executeable
4. Then I start Inkscape from a Shell 5. right afte the start, I check the extensions-errors.log which has no messages 6. I place some straight lines and save them as .svg which works 7. I try "save as AUTOCAD (dxf)": Inkscape says "file saved" but 8. I get the following message in the shell:
Extension::Script: Unknown error attempting to open temporary file : invalid or incomplete Multi-Byte- or Wide-Sign
[translation from German: : Ungültiges oder unvollständiges Multi-Byte- oder Wide-Zeichen]
No file has been saved.
Any Idea, what has gone wrong here?
Thanks for help