On Sat, 12 Mar 2005, PLinnell wrote:
Date: Sat, 12 Mar 2005 23:36:00 +0100 From: PLinnell <mrdocs@...715...> To: scribus@...746... Cc: inkscape-devel@lists.sourceforge.net Subject: [Inkscape-devel] Re: [Scribus] Scribus on VNU.NET
On Thursday 10 March 2005 20:15, Louis Desjardins wrote:
Hi everybody!
The Frenchspeaking readers on this list will appreciate the following link. It brings you to the Dossier published in Feb. 05 in SVM Mac. There are no screenshots. However, there are many links and a Fink how-to.
For those who are not French speakers or have not read the articles, the text version was very in depth group of articles about not just Scribus, but Inkscape and GIMP.
A lot of the 8 page article is not very important, the first few pages are introduction - the usual polemic about how great open source is and how proprietary software should be worried - where and how to get the software etc.
Page 4 is about Scribus Page 6 is about the GNU Image Manipulation Program.
Page 8 is about Inkscape, more specifically Inkscape version 0.39
(Automated translation tools are still awful almost funny but I'm not going to further translate it from Pidgeon to proper English) http://translate.google.com/translate?u=http%3A%2F%2Fsvmmac.vnunet.fr%2Fserv... (the link is to a translated version of the print version of the page, less clutter but some browsers will pop the print dialog on you)
The author seems to have had problems with dialogs obscuring the menus but been pleased at importing SVG from Inkscape into Scribus and generally impressed at how much progress had been made in just one year but still not as good as the proprietary alternatives (but he didnt say them in that order and it seems like a fairly generous review).
Alan Horkan
Inkscape, Draw Freely http://inkscape.org Abiword is Awesome http://www.abisource.com