On 3/30/06, bulia byak <buliabyak@...400...> wrote:
Even when using a graphics tablet with pressure sensitivity, the Calligraphy pen's strokes often look too smooth and artificial. To enable a more natural look, the new Tremor parameter is added to the Calligraphy tool in this version. Adjustable in the Controls bar from 0.0 to 1.0, it will affect your strokes producing anything from slight unevenness to wild blotches and splotches. This significantly expands the creative range of the tool.
On 3/30/06, Daniel Díaz <mrchapp@...400...> wrote:
Sounds neat! Do you have a screenshot for that?
We definitely need a good, big, complex, stunning screenshot for the web site demonstrating what can be drawn with Calligraphic, with or without pressure sensitivity and tremor. But I'm not that much of an artist to do it all by myself. Artists needed! :)
If you don't want to do the entire screenshot, but if you have any interesting, neat, or funny drawings or sketches (no matter how small) made with Calligraphic pen, please send me the SVGs. When I have enough good ones, I will assemble/compose them into a screenshot with full credit to the original authors.
Oh, and if you have any SVGs or screenshots of the other recently added stuff, it's welcome too. I hereby open the 0.44 Screenshots Season! :)
-- bulia byak Inkscape. Draw Freely. http://www.inkscape.org