OK, thanks, at least now I have an image in my head of what it does. Now to the hard part; finding out how to say that in spanish.
See you.
2009/2/3 Marcin Floryan <marcin.floryan@...5...>
2009/2/3 Lucas Vieites <lucas@...162...>:
Hi, I'm trying to come up with a good translation to spanish of the
"Envelope deformation" but I can't find any information on why it is
like that. Does it have anything to do with an envelope you use to send a letter
snail mail)? Or maybe it has more to do with the verb "envelope" as in
around" or "surround". Maybe it's someone's name.
No it is not someone's name it has to do with both the things you've mentioned - wrapping around or surrounding - and an envelope to send a letter is about 'wrapping around the letter'. Envelope deformations are about changing the shape of the object by putting it or 'forcing it' inside an envelope.
Hope this helps.
-- Marcin Floryan http://marcin.floryan.pl/
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