@Moini, @bryceharrington
I am subscribed since Jan 12th. But … I sent my introduction mail to the wrong address :-( I simply copied the address from the first line … didn’t bother to read the on. Sorry, my mistake.
Welcome to the Inkscape-translator@lists.sourceforge.net mailto:Inkscape-translator@lists.sourceforge.net mailing list!
To post to this list, send your message to:
inkscape-translator@lists.sourceforge.net mailto:inkscape-translator@...307...sts.sourceforge.net
But on the other hand, it is confusing getting greetings from one email address, but having to respond to another ...
Započni proslijeđenu poruku:
Od: MiloType <mail@...422...> Predmet: Introducing myself Datum: 22. veljače 2019. u 03:15:40 CET Za: inkscape-translator-request@lists.sourceforge.net
Hello, my name is Milo Ivir. I’m an enthusiastic user of free software. Instead of donating money, I decided to translate the software I use. I also report bugs and errors. This way, I hope to help improve free software projects (and make the world a better place ;-)). I have already translated GnuCash, Gramps and some other projects at GitHub.
Other than that, I have a master’s degree in printing technologies, and have worked for over ten years at a renown font-software company. I’m also a typographer and designer.
To make Inkscape available for croatian speaking users, I finished the croatian translation for Inkscape, as well as other necessary files. Now I’d like to also translate the website’s contents.
Anything else?
bilungual: croatian, german (native) multilingual: english, serbian (fluent), some other european langauges (basic) multiscriptual: latin, greek, cyrillic (serbian)