On Fri 29 Mar 2019 02:11 -0400, Steve Litt wrote:
On Thu, 28 Mar 2019 21:05:48 -0700 Andrew Kurn <kurn@...3346...> wrote:
=========================================================== About 20 posts back, you began this train of thought with the question: "Have you found a way of selecting an object after your script runs?" ===========================================================
Sorry. Didn't mean to sow confusion.
Did you mean?:
None of the above.
I want the power, as the author of the extension/script to choose what gets selected when the script finishes. Martin's suggestion of adding an attribute to those items that I want to select seems to meet with some approval, so I'm happy to go with that, if it works for the programmers. Other ways would also be acceptable.
This entire thread has apparently been built on misunderstandings, so please be sure not to top post,
While we're at it, what does "top post" mean?
answer the preceding questions inline,
succinctly, and unambiguously. Once we're all on the same page the discussion will be much more efficient.
I'm not sure I've met the criterion of succinctness, but I believe my meaning is now unambiguous.
Do you agree, SteveT?