Sorry I have not been on the forum for a few days, I went to teach classes on how to use inkscape to create cutter files. I actually had one lady just sit and cry, since I had told her that she could convert iris patterns using inkscape to cut on her Craft Robo. She had been trying to use Robomaster software, and it was not possible to do it that way, since she could not remove internal lines that she needed to do. Inkscape did a great job at it.
I have the Robomaster cutter and the dashed lines are fine there, I use the DXF Format for that machine and I set the line to dashed in that program.
My problem comes in the SVG format, it is for use with the Cricut machine, using the Sure Cuts Alot software. which does not have a select by color or dashed line option. And on the drive back yesterday, I realized that I probably did not use the stroke to path, however, as Arron pointed out that would cut a little box, instead of a dash, and that may be a problem, I will try it later this afternoon, as I have jury duty today.
Also, two other problems, One is the toggle from outline mode to normal mode. I was teaching some gals who had Vista operating systems and we installed Inkscape.46 and the toggle (Control + keypad number 5) was not working. I use inksape 46 and XP and it works fine. Can anyone shed some light on why it does not work in Vista?
Next problem, when importing a PDF some seem to have masks, I can seem the images, but cannot get to them to trace them. Is there anyway to "break" apart a masked pdf image?
Thanks in advance Bibi