Hi Friends, I've come across some wrong behavior that's new to me in version 0.91. I suspect it could be related to whatever is causing the behavior described in this old report of mine, which (I'm happy) is in progress: https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/299362. The reason I think it might be related is because (a) objects are displaced, and (b) it only happens in Layer 1 of my default doc, which uses the landscape orientation. When I make a new layer (which is the trick to avoiding that bug) it doesn't happen. However, there is some new/different unexpected behavior in the new layer. It seems to me like these might be separate problems, but I'll have to leave it to you to decide. I just need to know (1) whether these things need to be reported. And (2) if the first problem is related to the old bug report, should I report this new behavior in a new comment? (It seems like if the bug is causing new behavior in 0.91, assuming it really is related, then it might be a clue to fixing it.) (just my simple sense of logic)
First problem: To reproduce in the attached file: -- Draw a simple path under the bold red line, in Layer 1, with either the Pen/Bezier or Pencil/Freehand tool. -- Click Undo The path moves above the red line. You have to click Undo a 2nd time to actually get rid of the new path.
2nd problem: To reproduce in the attached file: -- Draw a simple path anywhere, in Layer 2, with either the Pen/Bezier or Pencil/Freehand tool. -- Click Undo The path doesn't move. But it also doesn't go away. You have to click Undo a 2nd time, to get rid of it.
I haven't tested every single tool, but so far, it's on the Pen and Pencil tools that show this behavior. I think you might need something else from me....maybe my preferences.xml file??? Or do you need my default doc? Anyway, let me know whatever it is, and I'll send it :-)
Thank you very much, brynn