On Thu, 18 May 2006, Bryce Harrington wrote:
I believe I am up against poor performance of previous books on Open Source drawing programs (which may account for the fact that there are over 1000 Photoshop books versus about a dozen on Gimp, all but one published four or more years ago.
I dont disagree but Akkana Peck does have a new book due out soon http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1590595874/002-3863558-9364040?v=glance&...
I don't know much about the gimp books, but it does seem like those would be useful data points. It might be worth adding that your work has been heavily reviewed by the community, and already has served as a critically important resource for many users.
Even though inkscape is officially unstable and subject to change the lack of a stable 1.0 does cause difficulty for third parties trying to work with us as in this case. I expect the publishers would be very worried about newer versions of the software making the book less attractive and anything you could do to generalise and future-proof your writings would be wise.