Don't forget the wiki page: http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/SVG_WorkingGroup (I made some comments there, and it might be good to update it with some of the comments gotten in this thread.)
Tavmjong Bah wrote:
Thanks for all the replies. We're getting quite a list. Here is the latest version:
- Markers that can inherit parent attributes (e.g. marker fill takes
parent stroke color so arrow heads are same color as path).
New gradients:
A. Conical (special case of mesh?) B. Mesh: (should match PDF types) C. Diffusion curves.
Vector effects (see:
http://dev.w3.org/SVG/modules/vectoreffects/master/SVGVectorEffectsPrimer.ht... )
Multipage SVG's.
Multiline text entry.
Perspective transforms.
Paths constructed of sub-paths with different attributes. Objects
that share paths. (Maybe included as part of vector effects.)
Control over stroke positioning (amount inside/outside path).
Vector fills.
Pattern filter: Variable pattern fills (e.g. size/density of dots as
function of color/alpha).
- Embedded fonts.