I'm sorry , we have to change the permissions.
https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bw6vYjcFltUVYW0wXzExRDVQZXM https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bw6vYjcFltUVcmlTTlh1ZmNBNUE

I think I might be able to shed some light, I have encountered a problem with vertical writing recently too - which I had to kind of munge to get around.
When I write any Japanese text which requires a dash (choonpu: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ch%C5%8Donpu) or parentheses, the parentheses or dash do not get rendered vertically (i.e. rotated 90 degrees), they only get placed vertically along with the rest of the text. I am unsure if this is a font issue or something else, but my solution ended up being to put a space in the text, then create a new text object with the characters I wanted, then rotate them 90 degrees. This is not optimal though :P
I've attached an example inkscape svg (with the font used, and the rendered png), which shows the text as it is typed, vs the text as it should be. Hopefully I've made it clear enough :P (OS of svg origin: Linux, Inkscape v. 0.91)
Perhaps the new 'text-orientation' property will solve this. I haven't tried it yet :)
On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 1:32 AM, 服部 頼義 <yori5070@...1147...> wrote:
I'm sorry , we have to change the permissions.
https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bw6vYjcFltUVYW0wXzExRDVQZXM https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bw6vYjcFltUVcmlTTlh1ZmNBNUE
Inkscape-user mailing list Inkscape-user@lists.sourceforge.net https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/inkscape-user

On Thu, 2015-10-22 at 10:23 -0700, Chris Tooley wrote:
I think I might be able to shed some light, I have encountered a problem with vertical writing recently too - which I had to kind of munge to get around.
When I write any Japanese text which requires a dash (choonpu: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ch%C5%8Donpu) or parentheses, the parentheses or dash do not get rendered vertically (i.e. rotated 90 degrees), they only get placed vertically along with the rest of the text. I am unsure if this is a font issue or something else, but my solution ended up being to put a space in the text, then create a new text object with the characters I wanted, then rotate them 90 degrees. This is not optimal though :P
I've attached an example inkscape svg (with the font used, and the rendered png), which shows the text as it is typed, vs the text as it should be. Hopefully I've made it clear enough :P (OS of svg origin: Linux, Inkscape v. 0.91)
Perhaps the new 'text-orientation' property will solve this. I haven't tried it yet :)
My 'text-orientation' code does render the 'choonpu' in the correct directions. I'm not 100% clear on the exact font/shaper interactions for this glyph. The font you attached has a normal 'choonpu' as well as a vertical alternate. Since this is vertical text, the vertical alternate should be selected. The alternate glyph is shown in FontForge in the vertical orientation but then if you select it to edit it, it shows it in a horizontal orientation. Inkscape partially uses Pango for text layout. I've implemented 'text-orientation' using Pango's 'gravity' concept which automatically orientates glyphs according to Unicode tables. I am guessing that Pango should be rotating the 'choonpu' according to the writing mode which it seems that it does.
On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 1:32 AM, 服部 頼義 <yori5070@...1147...> wrote:
I'm sorry , we have to change the permissions.
https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bw6vYjcFltUVYW0wXzExRDVQZXM https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bw6vYjcFltUVcmlTTlh1ZmNBNUE
Inkscape-user mailing list Inkscape-user@lists.sourceforge.net https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/inkscape-us
Inkscape-user mailing list Inkscape-user@lists.sourceforge.net https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/inkscape-user

Thank you very much.
The bottom is the text written by a font for vertical writing. I don't just make a font revolve 90 times. Some fonts are replaced.
A way of a change is defined by a font. It's an example.

Thank you for the example.
I've created a small SVG test file with five different fonts:
A. Source Hans Sans CN B. VL PGothic C. EPSON 太行書体B D. IPAMincho E. A small test font I created.
Punctuation renders correctly in Firefox: A, C, D and E. Inkscape (with my private code) A, D, and E. Chrome: none.
OpenType Lookup Tables: A. Can't tell. Fontforge does not load file correctly. B. Does not have 'vert' table but does have 'rtla' (Right to left Alternatives in CJK) C. Has 'vert' plus a single lookup table named Upper & Lower Case lookup 1. (The vertical alternatives appear in both tables.) D. Has 'vert' and 'ccmp' E. Has 'vert'
In FontForge, C behaves strangely. The vertical alternatives are show in the vertical orientation in the main glyph window but when selected for editing they are shown (sometimes not immediately) in the horizontal orientation. I don't know if this is caused by the second lookup table.
I believe that Pango does the correct vertical glyph substitution but it is still left to the client software to do the glyph rotation which can be done based on the resulting "gravity" lookup from Pango.
The test SVG is attached as is my test font.
Feedback highly desired.
On Fri, 2015-10-23 at 16:39 +0900, 服部 頼義 wrote:
Thank you very much.
The bottom is the text written by a font for vertical writing. I don't just make a font revolve 90 times. Some fonts are replaced.
A way of a change is defined by a font. It's an example.
Inkscape-user mailing list Inkscape-user@lists.sourceforge.net https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/inkscape-user

What is the current state of Japanese punctuation in vertical writing in Inkscape / SVG / Pango?
BTW, https://www.w3.org/TR/2009/NOTE-jlreq-20090604/#fig2_7-en may be relevant.
-Arlo James Barnes

just testing to see why (it seems) I can reply to a post but NOT make a new post
On 27 March 2016 at 22:58, Arlo Barnes <arlo.barnes@...155...> wrote:
What is the current state of Japanese punctuation in vertical writing in Inkscape / SVG / Pango?
BTW, https://www.w3.org/TR/2009/NOTE-jlreq-20090604/#fig2_7-en may be relevant.
-Arlo James Barnes
Transform Data into Opportunity. Accelerate data analysis in your applications with Intel Data Analytics Acceleration Library. Click to learn more. http://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/clk?id=278785351&iu=/4140 _______________________________________________ Inkscape-user mailing list Inkscape-user@lists.sourceforge.net https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/inkscape-user

On Sun, 2016-03-27 at 15:58 -0600, Arlo Barnes wrote:
What is the current state of Japanese punctuation in vertical writing in Inkscape / SVG / Pango?
BTW, https://www.w3.org/TR/2009/NOTE-jlreq-20090604/#fig2_7-en may be relevant.
Inkscape trunk should be doing (via Pango) the correct OpenType glyph substitution to support proper Japanese punctuation. Fonts must include the proper OpenType glyphs and tables for this to work.
If something is not working, submit a test SVG using a freely available font.

Sorry to hijack this thread, but *are* there any freely available fonts that match the stroke style of Epson's "EPSON 太行書体"? I am not fluent in Japanese so I cannot find freely available "script" -type fonts very easily - I am also unsure if this font is truly Unicode or not.
You can see what it looks like here: http://www.wazu.jp/gallery/views/View_epgyobld.html
On Mon, Mar 28, 2016 at 12:02 AM, Tavmjong Bah <tavmjong@...206...> wrote:
On Sun, 2016-03-27 at 15:58 -0600, Arlo Barnes wrote:
What is the current state of Japanese punctuation in vertical writing in Inkscape / SVG / Pango?
BTW, https://www.w3.org/TR/2009/NOTE-jlreq-20090604/#fig2_7-en may be relevant.
Inkscape trunk should be doing (via Pango) the correct OpenType glyph substitution to support proper Japanese punctuation. Fonts must include the proper OpenType glyphs and tables for this to work.
If something is not working, submit a test SVG using a freely available font.
Transform Data into Opportunity. Accelerate data analysis in your applications with Intel Data Analytics Acceleration Library. Click to learn more. http://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/clk?id=278785471&iu=/4140 _______________________________________________ Inkscape-user mailing list Inkscape-user@lists.sourceforge.net https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/inkscape-user

On Mon, Mar 28, 2016 at 11:08 AM, Chris Tooley <euxneks@...155...> wrote:
I cannot find freely available "script" -type fonts very easily
The filename for EPSON 太行書体B (as seen in your attachment of the font in this thread last year) is epgyobld.ttf and mirrored in the URL you just linked.
If we break that into parts, we see that it says ep for Epson; gyo, for *gyōsho https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_calligraphy#Techniques* ( semi-cursive https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semi-cursive_script) calligraphy (for just like serif fonts for Roman characters, which are based off nib- or quill-based writing methods plus evolution of style over time, many Japanese fonts are based off several calligraphy styles. Often there will be two variants in a font family, minchō https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ming_(typefaces)#Japan which is also called regular https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_script or kaisho, and gothic, a very sans-serif-looking type style. See http://www.kataaro.com/Images/fonts.gif [thanks to Kataaro http://www.kataaro.com/Departments/Embroidery/Embroidery-Information.aspx embroiderers for that] for comparison); and bld to indicate it is typographically bold (also what the fullwidth B stands for in the name proper; as to the rest, 書体 means 'typeface' and 太行 seems to be the name of the font [not exactly sure what it means, the first kanji is "fat" and the second "bamboo"; if you web search both together you get news and pictures about a Chinese jet engine]).
So you want a bold semi-regular CJK font, under a free software license (I like OFL from SIL). Some web searching will probably get you there, but to start you off, this List of CJK fonts on Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_CJK_fonts is useful and tells you about licensing.
-Arlo James Barnes

On Mon, 28 Mar 2016 10:08:10 -0700 Chris Tooley <euxneks@...155...> wrote:
Sorry to hijack this thread,
Then why did you do it?
Steve Litt March 2016 featured book: Quit Joblessness: Start Your Own Business http://www.troubleshooters.com/startbiz
participants (6)
Arlo Barnes
Chris Tooley
Gary Hawkins
Steve Litt
Tavmjong Bah
服部 頼義